Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 625: Super Brain Research Project

"What the hell, will I faint when you see me ... this group of idiots!" Shen Cong sat in the King Kong fortress, and the sky-eye radar covered the audience. Naturally, someone suddenly rushed over and then suddenly fainted. fall down.

This inexplicable behavior.

In the past, Shen Cong would still think that these people are thinking about what insidious ways to murder themselves, but now he has ignored these weak people's tricks, it is just some tricks of ugly people.

However, Shen Cong just flashed this slight contempt thought, and then he woke himself up and began to seriously investigate the other party.

His strength is strong, but caution cannot be lost.

"It turned out to be a new evolver who had just injected water-covered medicament. Four teeth have begun to mutate into gold nuclei, and the talent is about 1h." Shen Cong's particle-level active wave can already detect each other's talents from a distance, but not enough Accurate, can not be accurate to three decimal places.

"His activity has just started to condense in the body, and it is very unstable. It may be because I just released a bit of coercion and disturbed his activity, resulting in a coma."

Although I understood it, it was my own reason that caused the other party to faint.

But Shen Cong has no apology. On the one hand, he is very indifferent to the outside world. On the other hand, he is already a predator mentality. He has no intention of bullying the weak, but he has no idea of ​​converging to protect the weak.

So I figured out a general outline of Wei Yaojun's coma, and Shen Cong stopped paying attention and turned to the person in charge outside: "Go to Academician Tao Zhongyang and let him come over."

Tao Zhongyang came quickly, he was meeting over the government building.

He came with him, as well as two members of the interim government. Regarding the presence of such powerful forces as Shen Cong, the interim government that understands the strength of the other party has not dare to neglect.

Moreover, Shen Cong is about to become the honorary president of the new government, and the reception level must be high-end.

Shen Cong was impatient with this. He persuaded past members of the Standing Committee and said directly to Tao Zhongyang, "I intend to let you study super brains. You can now choose a group of researchers to follow. Two hours should be enough to move the equipment. Two hours I'll set off later. You better hurry up. "

Tao Zhongyang said: "Boss Huang, can't you study at the Academy of Sciences? The research facilities at the Academy of Sciences are relatively complete ..."

Shen Cong replied, "No."

As for the reason, he didn't want to say.

After two hours.

Tao Taoyang brought about twenty researchers, moved a lot of research equipment, and boarded Shen Cong ’s King Kong fortress. The chariot only opened on the first floor, which was the original ant hole, now the modification workshop. In order to make the space more spacious, Shen Cong also deliberately extended the rear of the car.

As long as Shen Cong thought, the Vajra Fortress could expand even more.

Especially after he entered the particle level, he did not expand the chariot, but just thickened the car body structure, making the total amount of steel changed to match the iron core talent.

The chariot is too big and meaningless. After all, technology can't keep up, no matter how big it is.

Everyone got in the car and sat down.

These people are already evolutionaries. In fact, after the successful development of the water-repellent medicament, many researchers in the Academy of Sciences have been injected directly in-house. It is an established idea to make the Academy of Sciences an evolutionary. Of course, there is also the opinion of Shen Cong. On more than one occasion, Shen Cong asked the scientist to give an injection.

King Kong Fortress is heading towards the position of the new Tinder Spirit. Shen Cong does not need to drive himself, but stays in the second-floor compartment to study the super brain with the researchers.

除了 "In addition to wanting you to study the super brain, I also have an idea to fuse the super brain to form a more powerful super brain." Shen Cong told Tao Zhongyang.

Tao Zhongyang groaned, "The super brain is too valuable. My idea is to first explore it for a period of time, measure all aspects of the super brain, and after researching it, perform the fusion experiment you said."

Shen Cong frowned: "It's too slow to work step by step.

"Super brains are too expensive, in case fusion fails ..."

"Super brains are everywhere, you experiment intuitively, I will provide the materials, enough, don't be afraid of damage." Shen Cong said calmly, in the eyes of others, the Tinder Spirit, which is almost indestructible, is the material for him That's it.

What Tao Zhongyang originally wanted to say.

But think about it, who is the other person, human being is the strongest, land is the strongest, beyond the existence of nuclear level. The Tinder Spirit and Super Brain, which are rare to them, are not much different from an ordinary evolutionary beast in the eyes of the other party.

好 "Well, as long as the super brain supply can keep up with consumption, I have no opinion."

安排 "As soon as possible, I can only give you two superbrain studies at the moment, but it doesn't matter. I'm going to Zhangjiakou now. There is a Tinder Spirit there. I'll get it."

"Zhangjiakou is a place of evil power, is it okay to go like this?"

"What is the problem?"

也是 "Also, the strength of Boss Huang ... I have another suggestion."

"Please speak."

"There are several people in Xie Gong who are researchers at the former Academy of Sciences. One of them is a researcher named Li Siran who specializes in the brain. He has deep knowledge in this area. If possible, boss Huang may wish to use Li Siran and several other researchers. It ’s a pity to pull them back and let them continue their evil path. "

"This Li Siran is amazing?"

"Yes, at the time when I was researching under him, every time I discussed his ideas, it was quite imaginative and very instructive. And the creation of the vitality wave method has half of his credit. Unfortunately, Shi Jingang was brainwashed too deeply and followed him wholeheartedly He went to practice evil. "

"If possible, I will pull him over." Shen Cong thought a little, then agreed, the most important thing among human beings is the scientific researcher.

On the next trip ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Scientists begin to explore the super brain.

These two super brains, one is the super brain of the Tinder Spirit in the Langfang-Tongzhou crack, which was originally used by the iron lion, and now it is picked by Shen Cong; the other is the one that was just hunted in Bazhou The Super Brain of Tinder Spirit.

Shen Cong let the earliest super brain continue to act as the processor of the Vajra Fortress, driving autonomously, and driving towards the Zhangjiakou area occupied by Vajrayogini's Buddha.

He himself got into the second-floor carriage, and he began to study the "allomorphic body" of the fire spirit medium-the radiation eye.

"The radiation eye's ability to amplify signals is very clever. My particle-level active wave can definitely be more powerful if it is matched with the radiation eye's amplification ability."

聪 Immediately, Shen Cong prepared to install the two radiating eyes to the King Kong fortress, and then slowly explored the experiment, eventually reaching a level where it could be used.

"With the radiation eye, let alone say that the sky eye radar can at least double the distance. By then the King Kong fortress will be a super radar directly!"

The sky-eye radar is currently one kilometer color vision; two kilometers clear vision; four kilometers blurred vision.

Once doubled, the clear horizon reaches four kilometers, which is a circular range with a radius of four kilometers. Suspicious situations can also be detected in advance in a circular range of eight kilometers in diameter.

Absolutely greatly improves survivability.

Shen Cong likes this kind of sight where the conspiracy has nowhere to hide. (To be continued.)