Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 668: Supercritical

Thanks for the reward of Hei Shimeng's dream!


Si is not like standing in the lake, with huge horns on his head. This pair of horns was originally a gold nucleus, but with the advent of the Lv3-combustion era, the gold nucleus degenerates and the aura is ignited.

Many human evolutionists also began to return to their original form after the Lv3-burning era.

Habit is a terrible change.

Originally, many gold people complained about their golden nuclei, they were too prominent, like beasts, especially female evolvers, and they complained about their golden nuclei; now many evolutionists, their golden nuclei have degraded and restored their original state. Not very willing.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the change in aesthetics that many people have become so big.

It doesn't matter what it looks like, what matters is its strength.

The earth has changed.

The new world is forming a new world outlook, values ​​and outlook on life.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Si is not like expressing his own emotions. It is not the spirit of Tinder. It does not have the ability of bionic deformation. It has different vocal cord structures and cannot learn human languages.

Although its IQ is no longer lost to humans.

Shen Cong stood on the top of Kirin's arm, and his body was ready to conflict with the four at any time, and said, "Information exchange, tell your story."

"what story?"

"How did you evolve from an ordinary elk to what it is now, particle-like, intelligent four."

Fourth, unlike a glance in his eyes: "The past was vague and I can't remember it."

"Then how did you become powerful? You can't always be so powerful. The particle level is not easy to enter. I am also the particle level. I understand the difficulty of entering the particle level."

"I don't know. I remember the green grass and the lake. People often come to me. I remember the falling meteorites. I fled in panic with my ethnic group. I remember the tunnel was dark. The wind was whistling outside. For a while, eating meat, eating meat can make me stronger and my body bigger. "

Fourth, unlike Shen Cong's guidance, he fell into memories.

After the end, it mutated.

Become the largest elk.

At that time, the memories were horrible. Anyway, it was full of various killings and crises. The only thing that was not lost was the maintenance of ethnic groups, the life of the elk group, and cooperative hunting.

"One day, a feeling attracted me. I left the ethnic group and walked along the feeling. That feeling was underground. I started to dig hard until I dug out a black carrying head. I ate it. Feeling The body changes every day, and it understands more and more. "

Shen Cong nodded: "You may be eating Tinder fragments, that is, a meteorite falling from the sky, a piece of fragmentation."

"Yes, Luo Shouhai said to me the same way." Si nodded in response, "I returned to the ethnic group, and my ethnic group became stronger with me, but they were still weak. Later, I was attracted by a feeling. I thought it would make I'm stronger, and I'm chasing after the community. "

Si doesn't like to walk along with the ethnic group until they find the Tinder Spirit.

It was a new kind of tinder spirit that climbed up from the river water and had a strong fighting force, killing several elks. Fourth, unlike feeling the anger, fighting the Tinder Spirit, and several other powerful evolutionary beasts fighting the Tinder Spirit together, they finally killed the Tinder Spirit.

Fourth, unlike relying on its slightly strong strength, it grabbed a lot of high-quality fire spirit media, and also swallowed the super brain.

Then fell into a lethargy.

When he woke up, he felt that he really became stronger.

"At that time, I could already think about many problems very clearly. Although still weaker than me now, I was the strongest among animals." Sixiang recalled.

Shen Cong guessed that the four at that time were different, and it was estimated that it entered the nuclear level: "So how did you get into the current particle level? In other words, how did you become stronger?"

"The Tinder Fragment has not been digested in my body, and I can see it." Four is not like learning to use radiation waves to look inside, which is the basic level of particle-level skills. "I started to hate it, thinking I want to get it out, but it is already with my body. "

Shen Cong also speculated that at this time, the Tinder Fragment may have become a treasure of four dislikes, that is, stones.

Four is not like to continue to recall: "If I ca n’t get it out, I want to crush it. I have been thinking about it all day. Slowly, I found that I can make it soft and then turn it into a pool of liquid. These liquids I It can be digested. When I digest it completely, I will be in the current state. "

Hearing four is not like finishing.

Shen Cong frowned and raised, changing back and forth several times.

More than once in his mind he said, "Turning the Tinder Fragments into Liquid ~ lightnovelpub.net ~" This and the "state of fire cloud" that he obtained from the evolution information of the White Dragon King seem to have the same purpose.

The state of fire cloud is a cloud-like state generated by the tinder fragments in water at 150 degrees, which is also a fluid.

Four, unlike using their own methods, also turned the tinder fragments into fluids.

Shen Cong also verified before that the tinder fragments in the fluid state can successfully release huge energy.

"That is to say, the development of tinder fragments is actually making it a fluid. The scientific team of the new government is currently exploring the state of fire cloud. There was also an experimental report yesterday, including an experiment called 'supercritical fluid extraction' Program."

Supercritical fluid extraction is the most advanced physical extraction technology in the world.

At a certain temperature and pressure, the substance will not become a liquid or a gas. Once it exceeds this point, it will be transformed immediately. This is the critical point. The supercritical fluid is beyond the critical point, but still maintains the original liquid or gas state, but the properties have changed.

For example, when water is heated, it becomes water vapor, but the water vapor is compressed to make it the same density as water.

This is supercritical water.

At this time, there is no difference between gaseous water and liquid water, and it becomes a more exotic liquid. Supercritical water has two remarkable characteristics-strong reactivity and fusion energy.

"Does it mean that the Tinder fragments also have a supercritical state? Under the supercritical state, the Tinder fragments have infinite possibilities, and the Tinder energy can be truly developed?"

It is indeed possible.

The new government has noticed this, and it's not like it's using it to get to the particle level.

Stabilize your mood.

Shen Cong felt a golden avenue, revealing the true face of Lushan.

[Remember the website of the Chinese website]