Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 669: Serve people with virtue

"Similar to the four, what method do you use to compress the tinder fragments into fluid?" Shen Cong asked the most crucial step.

I have to say that the four different opportunities are enviable.

At the beginning of the Doom, it was more powerful than other animal and plant mutations, and then found the Tinder fragments, then hunted down the Tinder Spirits, and finally researched the supercritical state of the Tinder fragments. Absorb the energy of the Tinder fragments, enter the particle level in one fell swoop, and be equal to the strongest Shen Cong among humans.

Compared to the four different opportunities, Shen Cong's particle-level road can be described as difficult.

Starting from Wuhu Wuwu all the way to Xinhefei, he was besieged by angry sparrows and detonated Liu Zheng's fire truck. He discovered that iron cores could be combined and devoured for the first time to enhance his talent.

After a week or two, a meteorite fragment was excavated from the small oasis of yellow chestnut tree, and it was irradiated to improve its talent again.

In Xuzhou, the foggy city, he hunted and killed the black iron giant bear, researched his stuffy head, exploded several times, researched the method of strengthening the flag, and improved his talent for the third time.

Then, near Mount Tai, hunt the spirits of the tinder with Huang Daxian and other giants, and finally obtained a large number of fire spirits, and improved the talent for the fourth time.

Finally, I went to Baoding City, using the vitality fluctuation method exchanged with the Chinese rescue team, and rushed to the particle level in one fell swoop.

Each promotion of talent is the result of his continuous efforts to pursue, venture to walk the world, exchange, search, research, and countless efforts to get the current situation.

The ignorant four are different, but they are also so shocked that they have evolved to the particle level.

Primitive beasts that are about to become one of the eight major races.

How prosperous the road is.

Four, unlike huge eyes, flickered with an inexplicable taste: "Human, you are strong, this method will make you stronger, but I can't tell you."


"Because I can't trust you yet."

Shen Cong raised an eyebrow: "How can you trust me?"

"I don't know." Si looks like a drag.

"You can feel the change in my mood. I'm not malicious."

"You humans are good at camouflage."

"As the most powerful evolutionary of mankind, my principle of being a human being is worthy of your belief."

"I can't." Sixiang said, shrinking Nuoda's body back into the lake, only showing a pair of eyes and two horns outside.

There are some positions where oil and salt do not enter.

Shen Cong still kept the greatest vigilance, standing on top of the unicorn arm, looking down at the four in the lake. He adheres to the principle and believes in fair trade. Although the other party is only an evolutionary beast, he has obtained higher wisdom and will soon become a primitive beast.

However, the powerful method of talent evolution is the information that Shen Cong has to obtain anyway.

He can do whatever he can for this.

No one can hold back the desire to become stronger.

"Also at the particle level, it follows the path of giganticization. I follow the path of active waves. Although I can barely defeat it with the help of active light waves, it is difficult to kill it. Maybe I can use its ethnic groups to threaten It, but then it will definitely hate me and plot me. "

Fourth, unlike when taking a bath, Shen Cong pondered silently.

"This is the last resort. Now I will communicate for a while. At the same time, I will closely watch the government's research on tinder fragments and prevent them from gaining access to them. They secretly accumulate strength and harm me. Once the research results, I must be the first People using results! "

From the bottom of his heart, Shen Cong does not trust the new government.

No one in this world can be trusted.

Originally, he only used the energy in the tinder fragments as energy development and did not mind sharing with the new government, but now the tinder fragments can improve talents, which is worth worrying about.

Since it has been shared.

Shen Cong will not retract the research project.

If the new government can study the supercritical tinder fragments, it is their ability. As long as Shen Cong is the first one to use the results to make his strength even better, everything is easy to say.

If strength can be kept a generation gap, Shen Cong can occupy the predator status without fear of challenge.

However, if others also enter the particle level, and he is equal to him, Shen Cong will not be able to balance his mentality and will feel tremendous pressure. He does not like this pressure.

In an instant.

Countless thoughts flashed.

Shen Cong said coldly: "Four different, I can protect your ethnic group from being harmed. I can shelter your ethnic group and obtain a good habitat. As a transaction, you must tell me the method you master and understand. Do you understand? ? "

The four did not spit out many blisters.

Emotions erupted: "I left you to fight with Luo Shouhai. You have promised me that I will protect my people, human beings. You need to talk about credit."

These four are not quite tangled.

Not easy to flicker.

Shen Cong replied: "I will naturally keep its promises and protect your people, but you should know that this world is full of threats. You have hunted more than one Tinder Spirit. In the vast land, there will never be only one These Tinder Spirits. Tinder Spirits live by preying on our creatures, and they evolve very fast. "

The mention of the Tinder Spirit made the four look a little unconscious.

Shen Cong continued: "You don't want to leave your habitat and ethnic group, your evolution will continue to lag behind, eventually being overtaken by the Tinder Spirit, and then reduced to food. And I will continue to advance, evolve more powerful, hunt Tinder Spirit, to protect your safety, you need to help me. "

Fourth, unlike the emotional instability, Shen Cong seemed to evoke thoughts.

When Shen Cong saw this, he added a fire: "And don't you want to be stronger? Help me, I can guarantee that, in turn, will help you evolve and make you stronger!"


The lake was bubbling violently.

There was a bang, and it wasn't like getting up from the lake again, slowly walking towards the shore, shaking my body, and drying the water: "You say ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ How can I believe you? I don't know your name!"

"My name is Huang Xiaoming."

Si looks like Shen Cong with big eyes: "You didn't tell the truth."

Shen Cong was a little surprised. The perception of the four dislikes was really sharp, or as an animal, it was very sensitive to goodwill and malice.

However, Shen Cong has already practiced the level of telling lies.

Moreover, this is not all false: "I am indeed Huang Xiaoming. This is my identity. The honorary president of the new government is equivalent to your status in your ethnic group. The new government is ready to accept Luo Shouhai's forces. A united force, sheltering your ethnic group is no problem. "

"Do you still have many identities?"

"I still have an identity called Shen Cong. This is my original name. You remember it, but don't tell it. Few people know my real name, including you, two in total."

Four is not at a loss: "Why use two names?"

"The name is just a code name. For strangers, there is no need to tell them my real name. Your strength is strong enough, I can see it, so you have the right to know my name."

Four seem to think for a moment, and then exchanged: "Do you really deserve my trust?"

"Do we need to deceive each other with such great strength? If I really want to do it, I can seriously hurt you, call on more humans to hunt you, and then force you to surrender the method at that time. But I did not do it because you Higher wisdom has evolved. You and I are the higher life of the earth. The spirit of Tinder comes from outside the sky. It is the threat. "

Roughly used to it.

Shen Cong hasn't convinced people with morals for a long time, the level of persuasion is not high, but the meaning is still clear, and the advantages and disadvantages have been presented.

Therefore, Si is not like nodding slowly after thinking for a long time: "I tell you"

[Remember the website of the Chinese website]