Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 692: Black stones

Yue Yang is a famous cultural city. Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower" Shen Cong studied when he was studying. He first worried about the world and then he enjoyed it afterwards.

It is surrounded by Dongting Lake and borders the Yangtze River.

The location is very good.

At this time, Yue Yang did not turn into water, as in Wuhan, and the river was still flowing here. There are not too many tall trees, only a few sporadic trees dotted the endless grassland.

"Strange grass, the leaves have become metal, and the wind can't move. It looks like aloe, but if you carefully identify it, it is probably a variant of an orchid."

The leaves of the aloe are thick and thick, but the grass on the grassland is long leaves, and the original orchid shape can be seen faintly.

The entire Yueyang city is basically occupied by this orchid variant.

Piece by piece.

Talents range from 0.5H to 1.5H. In some places, orchid variants can reach three or four meters in height, and in some places only one or two meters.

Occasionally evolutionary beasts roam the orchid bush.

After seeing the four-armed King Kong, the timid one ran away, and the daring one stared. The four-armed King Kong crushed the past, and Tianyan Radar scanned the surrounding area for more than ten kilometers to find the footprint of possible human survivors, while also feeling the activity distribution of the surrounding area.

"The active concentration here is good, it is much higher than that of the barren zone, probably the rich zone. I came from the north, the north is the barren zone, and here is the rich zone, then the oasis should be further south. Changsha is south City, is there an oasis in Changsha? "


The four-armed King Kong accelerated and headed south.

After crossing Yueyang County and entering Xiangyin County, the activity concentration improved, and Shen Cong could basically conclude that the Changsha area is an oasis, and it is a large oasis.

In addition, Shen Cong found traces of human activities in Xiangyin County.


At the water's edge is a simple ferry made of wood and copper. You can see that this pier is not used to cross the river, but to hunt fish in the water.

"Seeing the traces, it's still very fresh. There should be humans hunting here for a while."

Find traces and continue searching.

Driven by the Tianyan radar, he continued to explore to the south. It didn't take long for Shen Cong to enter the place where Changsha was located. In the Wangcheng district under his jurisdiction, he saw the human beings moving.

There is a chic tank, similar to a mine truck.

In the bucket of the mining truck, there was a pile of black stones dug from the ground, and human survivors rummaged in the surrounding ground for such black stones.

"Three evolvers, five ordinary people, the talent of the evolvers is not bad, about 1.5H, after all, is a goldman. There is also an evolver in the mining truck, an iron man, with a talent of about 2.6H."

Observing for a moment with a sky-eye radar in the distance, the mine truck was soon filled with a cart of black stones, then turned around and drove away in the direction of Changsha city.

Shen Cong then drove the four-armed King Kong to the place where human survivors excavated the ore.

Get out of the car, find a black stone, and observe.


Shen Cong was slightly surprised.

Because he perceives a slight fluctuation of activity from this black stone: "This black stone is still active? Is it something like a natural vehicle? No ... it's strange, these activities seem to be Absorbed by black stones. "

Through perception, Shen Cong can feel that the black stone has a very weak state of extraction to the free activity in the air.

This is a spontaneous draw.

"It can absorb the activity, but the stone is dead. It has no 'live' nature at all." Shen Cong thought, and began to try to absorb the activity.

It's very easy.

Activity is like water in a bottle, drink whenever you want.

"What about injection?"

Shen Cong started a new attempt. He injected the activity in his body into the black stone. Sure enough, it can be injected into it, but the speed is not very fast, mainly because a large amount of activity escapes during the injection process. Only a relatively low speed can be maintained to ensure that the activity is absorbed by the black stones.

Constantly injected.

Ten minutes later, the blackness of the black stone became deeper and darker, and it became shiny. At this time, it was full of activity.

After a few calculations, Shen Cong came to a conclusion: "The amount of black stones stored is roughly equivalent to ten seconds of my sword of locust and mushroom."

The locust plus mushroom sword eats a large amount of activity, and the activity consumed in ten seconds is more than the total inventory activity in the body of an extreme iron man.

Waving it up.

Sometimes Shen Cong also felt that it was too much for him to use the locust plus mushroom sword for a long time.

Fortunately, there have been no battles that took more than ten minutes to resolve.

But have to guard, in case you will encounter it later.

"Black stones can store the activity ..." His eyes flickered, and Shen Cong thought of a possibility, "If a large amount of activity is stored in the black stones, can it be quickly absorbed at any time? No, my absorption rate does not depend on the outside world. How active is my speed of drawing. "

Absorption cannot be resolved, but it does not mean that it cannot be used.

"If the locust plus mushroom sword can directly absorb the activity in the black stone? Does it mean that as long as a sufficient number of black stones are stored and filled with activity, the use of the locust plus mushroom sword can be prolonged. time?"

Ten minutes is already a good man.

But it took more than ten minutes to be a real man.

Shen Cong certainly wants to be a real man, hoping that the Locust and Mushroom Sword can stay on standby for a long time.

Converging his mind, Shen Cong began to study the material of black stones carefully. He can roughly perceive it through active waves. This is a peculiar metal ore, not pure metal, and there seems to be traces of fire seeds in it.

Rock, alloy, fire seeds.

Three materials are mixed together to form a special material.

"The survivors here are mining black stones, indicating that they have discovered the secrets of the black stones, maybe they have already developed and know how to use the black stones ... I will first investigate the situation of human survivors here, Plan again. "

The four-armed King Kong started, and Shen Cong began to explore this brand-new oasis in secret.

After investigation.

The central location of the oasis should be the location of the town of Qiaoma in the south of Changsha City ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ encompassing the entire Changsha City and half of Zhuzhou City. Human survivors, with a population of about 200,000 people, mainly live in the location of Muyun Town next to Vault Horse Town. There are many evolutionary beasts living with humans.

In the vaulting horse town in the center of the oasis, there is a powerful evolutionary beast that protects the entire settlement.

Shen Cong has not yet started communicating with the humans here, but he heard a group of conversations and mentioned that the evolutionary beast is a dog called Daoge.

"My Dao lost a lot this month. He has owed 30,000 square meters of Blackstone and lost all his offerings."

"With Dao's gambling skills, betting with us humans is one million square meters of black stone, which is not enough for it to lose. I think it will soon sell its fat meat and pay it off, hehe, this Dog meat hotpot has been eaten in the month. "


"Brother? Dog?"

Shen Cong felt that the name seemed to be heard before, and I couldn't remember where I heard it.