Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 701: Space roam divergence

Daoge has Shen Cong's speechless perception and opinion of his vehicle rescue capsule.

Although it is not a strange thing for a dog to think like this, he still thinks that Dao is really mentally disabled, that is, to appreciate such a principled and persistent dog.

"Dow, let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

"I intend to pay for your rescue capsule. While not hindering the integration of your life, I will try to become the module component of my four-arm King Kong as much as possible. You can rest assured that I do not take advantage of you and I have many talents Ascension methods, particle-level talents can still improve, and I can help you become stronger. "

In the face of a particle-level vehicle, Shen Cong acknowledged his heart.

The nuclear-grade trucks and pyramid chariots, although they are also very good modules, are still inferior to the particle-level four-armed King Kong.

The main thing is that particle-level carrier materials are much more powerful than nuclear-level ones.

If Shen Cong plans to build a fortress, it is estimated that the strength of nuclear-grade materials will not be enough to deal with the situation in space. This is why he did not collect various vehicles as module components although he planned to plan the Battlestar project. At the nuclear level, he was reluctant to see, let alone those low-quality materials such as extreme and super.

Now that there is a good opportunity to get particle-level module components, Shen Cong certainly has to fight for one.

Brother Dao heard the words and said, "Boy, you think my brother is too simple. Although I'm not interested in the rescue capsule, it's my half-life. You want to buy my life!"

"I don't buy your life, I just buy your vehicle use rights."

"Impossible, this heart is dead, Shen Cong! My brother is a space hero, why do n’t you respect me as a human!"

Seeing Daoge's oil and salt invisibility, Shen Cong's eyes flickered and he suddenly said, "Dao, I can see that you are very eager to return to space, aren't you?"

Daoge is a self-proclaimed aerospace hero, boasting of his own aerospace experience, and absolutely refusing to transform the rescue capsule into a combat vehicle. All this is enough to prove that it still has a space affinity.

In this regard, Dao did not deny: "It is the case. As the only surviving astronaut in human beings, I have an inescapable responsibility to explore outer space for human beings. This is my mission entrusted by history. It is the choice of my destiny to my brother! "

He raised his chest and kept talking: "In the future, documentaries documenting human spaceflight will definitely have a lot of shots about my brother ... If possible, I hope to go to the moon base, investigate unknown objects on the moon, and then go Jupiter orbits through the gates of time and space, and understands why David Bob became a child. I want to find Black Rock and understand Black Rock. "

"Are you talking about" 2001: A Space Odyssey "? You should take a look at Clark's original novel." Shen Cong was speechless again. He didn't know how many movies Dao had watched.

However, Shen Cong has watched the movies that Dao said so far. He keeps a lot of movies and will lie down and watch them when he is fine.

Especially nowadays, he can use it with one heart and one heart. He has seen thousands of movies over and over again, and many lines have been memorized.

"You've seen the original novel, come on, talk about, what is Black Rock, why did Harr kill the astronaut, what the last thing Bob became the kid?" Dao Ge asked with interest.

"We're talking about the rescue capsule deal, not a movie."

"Oh, the deal has been rejected by me, and now we start talking about the movie," 2001: A Space Odyssey. "I love this science fiction movie, although I can't understand it."

"Then there is no need to talk."

"Ah, it's embarrassing for you to look like this." My elder brother yelled, it had been aroused curiosity by Shen Cong, and he wanted to know the original story behind the movie.

Shen Cong did not answer in silence.

My brother kept crying, but he couldn't change Shen Cong's indifference.

In the end, after a while, Dao started to compromise: "Well, you win, now you tell me the original story and answer the question for me, then I can think about whether to sell the rescue capsule to you."


In the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey".

Black Stone is the materialization of a natural guiding force of the divine civilization; Halle's killing is because the high-level concealed instructions of the earth conflict with its own instructions that must be honest; David Bob and Black Stone merge into a tool under the Creator's hands, because he misses The earth becomes a child looking at the earth.

"A Space Odyssey" is a classic sci-fi masterpiece by Arthur Clarke, the pinnacle of science fiction in the world, and has a four-part series.

They are "2001: Space Walk", "2010: Space Walk", "2061: Space Walk", and "3001: Space Walk".

Tell a few stories that are related to each other, but they are alone.

The background is that there is a civilization in the universe, born before humans, long before long, and living in another world.

They evolved from the cradle of planets, explored cosmic space, searched for meaning, and finally discovered that the most precious form of life is the mind, so they promoted the development of various life minds.

Blackstone is their tool.

The planet is the experimental field.

Later, this civilization evolved into a higher existence, detached from the flesh, and integrated with the metal and plastic spaceship. Later, it simply evolved into pure energy, transcending the limit of time and space, and becoming the master and creator of the galaxy. Everywhere, they observe the experiments done by their ancestors in the void.

Later, there are a series of stories about space voyages.

In the final "3001: A Space Odyssey", Blackstone feedbacks to the creator the darkest development of the 20th century on the earth. The creator sends back instructions to destroy the earth ... and the way humans save the earth can be found in the Independence Day movie plot.

Speaking of "Independence Day", although it is an original movie, it is based on Clark's early science fiction work "The End of Childhood". In this novel, the god-level civilization represented by Black Stone also appeared as the black hand behind the scenes.


Shen Cong didn't like "2001", which may have something to do with his inability to understand.

When I first watched this movie ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ he hadn't seen the original, but just felt that every detail of the movie was understood, but when combined, he didn't know what the director was talking about.

Therefore, for this kind of unintelligible movie, Shen Cong directly labeled the bad film.

Coupled with his growing up era, special effects have become a must-have for blockbusters, and the special effects represented by "2001" are not seen.

Later, I read the original novel and understood the content of film shooting.

However, he still didn't have much feeling. In his opinion, although the novels and movies of "2001" were written simultaneously, director Kubrick and author Clark were good friends. But it is clear that the movie is Kubrick's idea, and the novel is Clark's idea.

Everyone worshiped the movie, and Shen Cong felt that it was a bad movie!

He prefers novels. The mysterious background conceived by novels often makes Shen Cong think, especially when the new world develops to this day. Sometimes Shen Cong is suddenly frightened-is there a divine civilization behind him, monitoring, disturbing? The development of the earth?