Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 800: Big disassembly

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Alice was arrested by the iron lion attached to the six-arm Tianzun-Grooch vehicle, and was imprisoned in a specially-built prison for the particle-level powerhouse.

Shen Cong stopped paying attention to Alice, who was calling herself a puppet.

He turned his attention to Rocky, and Lyle McKee immediately knelt down again: "Your loyal subordinate Lyle McKee, willing to help."

Lyle McGee is a nuclear mechanic.

In theory, it belongs to one of the top evolutionaries, but Shen Cong has no fear of any damage at the nuclear level at this time. He ordered: "The Appalachian has been destroyed. You immediately send someone to collect the broken vehicle fragments. Fusion together, don't inactivate the rescue vehicle. "

"Chairman Huang, the inactive vehicles belong to the Big Macs, and their super brains are probably rotten, and new super brains are needed for guidance. We have no new super brain supplements for the time being. Are stored in the base being built in Toronto. "

Toronto is the capital of Canada and the main rear base selected by the Scimitar Republic. Alice and the Queen are responsible for the battle all year round, and it is impossible to carry all the supplies with them.

"I have. You collect the shards and I will distribute the super brains."

In addition to hunting the Great Fire Spirit along the way, Shen Cong was collecting the original Tinder and Super Brain. The Skyscraper was not a large warehouse filled with the original Tinder and Super Brain.

Lyle McKee nodded and agreed: "As you wish, Chairman Huang."

Then he took some members of the Rocky to the place where the Appalachian shattered and collected the fragments of the Big Mac. Shen Cong set his sights on the two-sword Coaster. The commander of the coaster had been killed under the sword. He was a nuclear-level mechanic, but died casually.

Sky Eye Radar mastered everything around, Shen Cong summoned Owen in the distance and said, "You lead the surviving members of the Coast, dismantle the Coast, and separate all the Big Macs."

To Samuel in the other direction, "You lead the surviving members of the Appalachian to dismantle the Rockies and also separate the Big Macs."

Lyle McGee, who just left there, heard Shen Cong's arrangement, paused, and returned to normal.

Shen Cong continued to arrange: "Deputy Rocky, you stay and call the Big Macs and workers in Pence Town to dismantle the Queen."

In an instant, the four aggressive combos were originally aggressive, and under the random arrangement of Shen Cong, the sparks burst and they were dismantled.

The town of Pence has ushered in the busiest and busiest scene since its completion.

The setting sun is shining and the industrial beauty is full.

The Six-arm Tianzun-Sweeping Sky Station is at the center of the construction site, and it is like a sculpture. The sky-eye radar radiates the entire scene and monitors every evolutionist, especially the group that just surrendered. And inside the six-arm Tianzun-Grisen Skycar, Shen Cong passed through the cabin passage to the prison where Alice was held.

In prison, Alice was **** all over.

She can't break the steel cable, because this is the material of the Skyscraper, although the strength is not as good as the super eight deposit, but it is not a regular particle-level mechanic.

"When are you going to detain me?" Alice had calmed down, and when she saw Shen Cong's arrival, her eyes brightened and her voice was full of temptation.

Shen Cong, in black leather, was nearly two and a half meters tall, and Alice needed to look up to look up into his eyes.

It was a pair of bright, indifferent eyes full of vitality, but full of vitality. The faint silver-white metallic luster skin, coupled with the pretty features, makes Shen Cong also have a charming charm for women. Not to mention, this is the strongest creature known to the earth.

"Offending me, you are beyond redemption, but I will still give you a chance to repent."

"I did not offend you. I am the queen of the Great Lakes region. You are the president of China. You have invaded my territory. I just defend myself!"

"There is no need to argue these things." Shen Cong raised his hand and motioned the other party to stop talking. He didn't like to argue with others, but the truth is that others should not try to interfere with him. , I can let you live as a Big Mac. "

Shen Cong has been sentenced to death for Alice, who is about to kill herself.

But since Emperor Luo Shouhai can forgive, Alice can also forgive him. The price was to deprive her of her mechanic status and become a giant. Then the super brain or the original tinder is confined to the Skyscraper and controlled. Depending on the circumstances, after the detention for a certain number of years, the other party is freed.

After all, a living giant can better embody the beauty of the vehicle. If it is replaced by another super brain after killing, there is always inconsistency.

Particle-level vehicles are the top module components of King Kong Bastion.

After listening, Alice screamed, "What, you are going to turn me into a Big Mac, like copper scrap and rotten iron?"


"You're crazy." Alice felt that Shen Cong was joking. "Listen, Chinese, dear Huang Xiaoming, I'm Mimi Alice. The entire Machete Republic, including the East Coast team, is the most important thing for all men What you want. Don't you think about my body? "

As she said, Alice stuck out her tongue and licked her lips with temptation.

Shen Cong stood in front of her, unmoved, and stared at Alice's lips.

When Alice saw something, she suddenly stirred up her active wave, shattered the windbreaker made by Mao Jin, and exposed her white skin. White flowers on the chest, black pressure under the crotch, exquisite curves, convex and concave.

Except for a few tattoos, everything is perfect.

She was right, with her physical capital, it was indeed the top item in the minds of men.

Faced with such a body, Shen Cong will certainly get angry.

Feeling hot all over.

Staring at Alice's body for a while, a few minutes passed, Shen Cong's eyes closed and then opened, and she suddenly said: "If you don't like to wear clothes, just stay like this, I'll ask later Your question, I hope you cooperate honestly. If you do not want to cooperate, you can only be obliterated. "

After that, turn around and walk away.

Alice, who was stunned, looked down at her plump, incredible: "Don't you want to do it with me?"

"Are you a robot!"

"You get me back, Fack, you are incompetent!"

"Chinese guy! Yellow-skinned monkey! I won't succumb to you ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Your threat can't scare me, I know what you want to ask, wind shield and storm sword rain, and the secret of my life transformation But I won't say! "

"You can kill me. Never want my secret!"



Back to the bedroom.

Turn on the TV screen and play a high-definition disc. Shen Cong took out a highly simulated physical doll from the cabinet. This was a doll he made in time.

When he is idle and bored, he will make some handmade art and cultivate his sentiments.

Relax your tight nerves.

"Alice's body curve is really hot, but I don't like tattoos. Besides, it's not only dirty, but also threatening." Shen Cong looked at the doll and watched the movie with emotion.

Time is running out.

It's already night.