Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 831: Alien life

The sea of ​​tranquility is not far away.

At this time is the day on the front of the moon, which will continue for eleven days. The moon is always facing the earth. The revolution period around the earth is about 27 days. At the same time, its rotation period is also about 27 days. That is, it is about 27 days and nights.

Day is less than 14 days.

The daytime temperature on the moon can reach a high temperature of 127 degrees Celsius, and the temperature has now reached 87 degrees Celsius. Of course, at this point, Shen Cong can handle it, even if it is a thousand degrees high. But by the night of the moon, the temperature is likely to drop to minus 183 degrees Celsius.

Such a low temperature, even if it is a Skyscraper, will cause the joints to wear due to the low temperature. Although it is not impossible to move, it will at least affect the action.

Hurry up.

Finally came to the destination of the tranquil sea-0 degrees 40 minutes 26.69 seconds north latitude, 23 degrees 28 minutes 22.69 seconds east longitude, this place is also called Jinghai base.

This is the place where Apollo's first manned landing was planned, that is, here, Armstrong took the first step on the moon, saying the classic saying: "This is a small step for me, but it is a human step. A big step. "

"Where is the American flag?"

Arriving at the destination, the Tianyan radar was released, and Shen Cong searched the entire ground with a gloomy look.

He did not search for the plastic flag of the United States on the moon, but this was not enough to prove that the moon landing was false, because at this place, he saw the trail left by the sign-in car, and there were still some footprints. This has proved that the Apollo moon landing plan is real.

And Armstrong did land on the moon for the first time.

Seeing such a fact, Shen Cong was very upset. He denied that the landing of the moon in the United States originally originated from contempt for the old United States. However, before landing on the moon, I had a small fantasy in my heart that the United States had not landed on the moon, so I was the first Earth person to land on the moon.

Even if the goal of life is to be a predator, there are still some other pursuits.

He hopes to leave some memorable moments to mark that he has lived and lived in this world. Just as he came to the moon, there is another purpose, to write a line on the moon-Shen Cong has come here. In this way, after a long time, as long as someone looks at the moon, he can see his traces.

This is not pursuing the pursuit of the world, it is just to commemorate the life that you are constantly chasing.

If life has eternity, he will follow the trajectory of evolution and chase.

If there is no eternity, the chase will be eternal for him.

"Apollo's moon landing plan is real, silent ..." Shen Cong's active waves kept sweeping this moon landing place, and soon, new discoveries were made. It was buried under the shallow soil layer, and one of them fell down. Sign.

pick it up.

Shen Cong saw the above written in English: "The first human landing on the moon, July 1969. We came for the sake of peace for all mankind."

It should be a fake banner made by Yankees.

"Huh?" The focus of Shen Cong was not this brand, but this brand, why was it buried in shallow soil.

As we all know, the moon's surface has nothing but rocky dust. It won't wind or rain, so it can last a long time even with a few ruts. Therefore, Shen Cong became suspicious. Since even Armstrong's footprints existed, why was the flag missing and the sign buried in the ground.

"If it is a natural force, the footprints should not exist clearly. Since the footprints clearly exist, it proves that no natural behavior has occurred here, and conditions such as solar wind, meteorites, earthquakes can be ruled out." Shen Cong frowned. 'Is there anyone on the moon?'

This person is not a single person, but all living things are applicable.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

Shen Cong thought: "The super-eight gold deposits and comet tinders fell to the earth, and the spirit of the tinder blooms everywhere. This is alien life ... If the moon really has super seven gold deposits, there will be no extraterrestrial life ... Sure enough, I will not let me for a moment Only then did you leave Diaomin, and the aliens came to trouble again! "

Be alert in your heart.

Shen Cong tossed the brand aside, then returned to the Skyscraper, drove the Skyscraper to change out the Kirin arm large shovel, and began to shovel the soil layer by layer on the ground surface to study whether there are traces of life activity under the surface.

There were only footprints and ruts on the ground, no other traces.

If extraterrestrial life does exist and the national flag and signage are moved, it must be acting from the ground.


I have to say that Shen Cong is sometimes really genius and keen.

After the Kirin arm shovel continued to shovel for a period of time, finally, the active wave sensed a trace of abnormal movement from the underground not far away.

"There is a situation!"

Shen Cong's eyes brightened, and the King Kong-Grancher quickly transformed into a six-arm Tianzun-Grancher, rushing towards the birthplace of movement and quiet, and the metal palms began to scrabble madly.

Not much shaving.


In the planed pit, a small black bug jumped out of the soft soil and quickly fled away. This is a small insect with a mechanical shape throughout the body. It has no wings, but the soles of its six feet are like air cushions. They step on the soil on the ground without leaving any traces.

"Want to escape?" The six-armed Tianzun-Qiatian rider gently waved his palms, and the blurry super-eight gold deposits suddenly burst into darkness, covering the mechanical bug in a blink of an eye.

The worm cannot struggle in the dark.

The mouthpiece made a sharp cry ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ very harsh. Shen Cong controlled the virtualized super-eight deposits a little, so he restrained his mouthpieces and could no longer make a cry.

Take it back, use the virtualized eight-gold deposit as isolation, and take the mechanical bug to the laboratory.

"The Super Seven deposit has not been found. It is interesting to find the alien life first." Shen Cong himself put on a new upgraded version of **** planting to ensure that the defense was in place, so he entered the laboratory. "A mechanical-style bug Is it the natural evolution of Super Seven Gold Deposits, or are gadgets made by aliens? "

Six-arm Tianzun-Skytrap provides comprehensive warning of external conditions.

Shen Cong quickly began the experiment. First, he observed: "If the length of one meter is six, this mechanical bug is a bit like a combination of a scorpion and a mantis. The body structure is a very strange style, like ... woven from metal. "

The weaving style is not the true mechanical style represented by bearings, levers, and screws, but there are indeed applications of the principle of levers and bearings in many fine structures.

"Blackhead, come here and show you a companion." Shen Cong shouted Blackhead over.

"Oath to defend your home!" Blackheads ran over, tentacles swaying, loyal, "Blackheads, strong, Duke Yellowstone, hard-working, great!"

"Don't shout slogans blindly, go to the test bed and lie down."

The blackheads lie down, collect pheromones constantly, and apparently found a mechanical bug bound by Super Eight Gold.

Shen Cong called it over for comparison.

Blackheads are also all-metal structures, but they have the appearance peculiar to the natural growth of life on earth. Mechanical bugs are all-metal structures, which are very different from blackheads. However, after negating the mechanical style, Shen Cong became more and more aware that this was also a natural growth appearance.

"Natural growth? Alien life? Looks like an anatomy."