Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 874: Arousing Dominant Fear

Heavy truck chariot evokes the fear of **** in the last days 874, chapter 874-567 Chinese "how many years?"

"For fifty-eight years."

"Yeah, after fifty-eight years, the patron saint of humanity has not appeared in the official propaganda for a long time. I thought I was about to forget it, and only occasionally told stories to my little grandson, and I will mention it a little bit. . But now, everything is happening. "

"No one can really forget him, even if the official consciously downplays his propaganda, but he is the one who truly created a new world, we all know."

"I remember when the Yaguang spacecraft was offline, I also talked to him overnight. Black leather clothes, brown sunglasses, two long knives hanging from the waist, more than three or four meters tall, imposing manners. But talk and manners It ’s like a scientist. When he traveled the universe, he thought he would never hear from him again. I did n’t expect this time ... ”

Talking is an old man.

Half-memory, half-wary.

"Lao Zhao, I really envy you. I have dealt with him many times. I was just an ordinary researcher in the laboratory. I have seen his back several times."

"Oh, Shen Cong was different from ordinary people and lived alone. In fact, he is not difficult to contact, except for being a bit colder, he rarely gets angry without a shelf, or, in fact, he doesn't care about the outside world, and is relatively lonely. Identity, say no, don't. "

"If it wasn't for such a person, I'm afraid I wouldn't risk traveling the universe by myself. I didn't expect that he really found a living planet. It seems that this time there is no need to study Mars, so hurry to study this spirit ball. Information is the top priority. "

"Mars is still going. If the earth civilization wants to catch up with Shen Cong and move to the universe, we must first thoroughly study the solar system. Otherwise, we haven't figured out our own homes ourselves, how can we deal with aliens in the future ... … A dead alien can change the earth, we are still weak! "

Zhao Lao shook his head and left his hands behind the conference room.

Just now, the management personnel of Wanghao communicated with the Beijing base here and transferred the received information to the ground. I don't know how the earth shocked, but in his own heart he set off an unrest.

Ship's side.

Countless stars hung in the dark sky.

Zhao Lao looked at these stars, and on weekdays he always guessed which star would give birth to life and where did the violent starbreaker who changed the earth come from.

Now, he is not thinking about the future, he is not thinking about the universe.

He was caught in memories, about sixty-three years ago, not long after the start of the new world. He Zhao Kan lost everything from a professor at Hefei University, Huo Ran, and his family and friends, after struggling violently, he stepped out of the shadows and set up a scientific research institute under the leadership of the provincial military region.

Try to figure out why the end of the world came.

But the institutes are all ordinary people. They can't study anything at all. They can only do some simple naming. Until one day, he heard that a strong man came from the camp and was able to kill the violent Great Ape King alone. Then he visited the institute.

To this day, Zhao Kan still remembers that the first sentence that Shen Cong told him was, "I have low education and only have a junior high school diploma."

However, that day's talk made Zhao Kan not feel that the other party's culture was low. On the contrary, the other party was an evolutionary person, knew the activity and had the scientific research spirit, which inspired him a lot.

That is, from that day, Zhao Kan became familiar with Shen Cong.

Although there were no friends, Shen Cong returned to the camp each time, whether it was Xinhefei or Jianhu County, and later Xinyi City, then Beijing City. He will always talk to him about new developments in scientific research, exchange ideas, or cooperate with some research work.

In the eyes of many senior personnel, Shen Cong is an unreliable and elusive weird.

In Zhao Kan's eyes, Shen Cong is a pure person.

Later, Shen Cong became stronger and stronger, beyond his imagination. The earth was the strongest, enough to cover the sky with one hand. But when Cong Shen was unified, when his personal power and fame would reach the peak, he resolutely left. Just like when he left the new Hefei.

Go so decisive.

"In sixty-three years, there are also fifty-eight years. I don't know how Shen Cong is doing now. Is it possible to break through the restrictions of the star-grade universe tinder and enter a higher level ... Unfortunately, although I was recommended to enter five The list of ten people, but after so many years of cultivation, they have not yet successfully entered the star rating. "

There was no loss in Zhao Kan's eyes, but there was some interest in Xiao Suo.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the law enforcement sequence in my life. I'm 100 years old this year, and I'm about to reach the end of my life. In these years, there have been a number of evolutionaries, aging and dying. Even metals can't guarantee that we will live forever .But my grandchildren are all born, and they are considered successors. "

Zhao Kan's family in the old world is dead. In the new world, he has remarried his wife and had children, and has a son and a daughter. As the government solves the problem of childbearing, the children also form a family and give birth to the next generation.

The entire earth has entered a new ecological cycle under the forced interference and evolution of the government.

The law enforcer was a list of 50 people in that year, and became a star-like universe tinder with a thousand-year life span; ordinary people and ordinary evolutionary beasts are only comet stars, and still follow the rapid reproduction method of birth, illness, and death.

"The only pity is that I can't talk to you anymore, listen to the stories you encountered when you searched in the universe, and listen to the magnificent picture of life on the alien planet."


What a pity!



Beijing city, a beautiful capital of steel, the buildings of science and technology are connected together, and various flying tools fish run through the shuttle. This city alone has a population of 4 million, which is one-tenth of humanity on the planet.

This steel capital has witnessed the rapid development of the earth from one civilization to another.

Capitals of iron and steel like this are all distributed in the former China, and surround Beijing City. There are thirty-six in total, each of which is an oasis or fire continent, naturally generated or artificially manufactured.

Among these 36 cities, metal civilization is highly developed.

There are huge humans, normal humans, mechanically shaped transformers, all kinds of strange metal giants ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ and free walking trees.

Everything, with a metallic luster.

Outside these 36 cities, the snow on the earth is melting. After decades of changes in the earth, especially the fire seeds and grain resources have been collected in 36 cities, the outside world has begun to gradually recover its vitality. Re-exposed to the surface of the sun, organic life should have disappeared.

However, with the development of the gene reduction technology in the community, the plants were replanted, and bacteria and prokaryotes were gradually introduced.

At present, the ecology is slowly recovering. In a few decades, the earth may return to its original trajectory, and the disappearing animals will be cultivated by the community.

Moreover, some evolutionaries have already begun to submit proposals to the Earth Community, restore some of their offspring, be separated from metal civilization, return to organic life, and live in nature again.

Still others are trying to study the mixed form of metal life and organic life.

However, most human beings and animals and plants that have evolved wisdom have set their sights on the distance, and the starry sky above them has seen the vastness of life, and who is willing to return to the bottom of the well. The power of metal life allows wisdom to breed ambitions, and they look forward to the same as Shen Cong.

One day into the sea of ​​stars.

At this time, located in the most central location of Beijing City, a towering mansion, the Community Law Enforcer Sequence Headquarters, forty-seven star-rated universe tinders, all gathered together, even if they did not come, opened a video.

Hu Huachun, general secretary of the Community, was expressionless.

It didn't seem to be touched by the news of Shen Cong, but he knew that when he got the news, he didn't know how to do it.

that moment.

He remembered the fear of being dominated by someone some 58 years ago, before the Earth Community had been established. rw