Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 1232: Fall

Among the Titan Protoss, the status of Tier 1 and Tier 1 giants is very low.

Wisdom is sluggish, only knows brute force, and is irritable and violent.

Coupled with the strong fertility of the Titans, a large number of first-class Titan giants even assumed the role of slave creatures controlled by knights and magicians.

In short, for the Titan Protoss, the first-level Titan is the cannon fodder that can be discarded at will.

Many proud bronze titans and silver titans did not even regard these low-wisdom giants as their own kind.

The rule of survival of the fittest occurs in every race, only to escape from ignorance and be promoted from an ordinary giant to a second-level bronze Titan. These giants can be truly called Titan Protoss.

Therefore, at this moment of crisis, the Golden Titan as the commander can leave all the first-level Titans behind the palace without hesitation.

The first-class giants on the ground faced a large number of slave creatures. Not only did they not be half cowardly, but under the command of the Bronze Titan and the Silver Titan, they fearlessly launched a charge against the army of slave creatures.

The first round of magical element frenzy in the sky has been formed, and the catharsis target of magical element power is the Titan Legion in the desert below.

Killing and death will be staged in this desert

After nearly two hours of scuffles, a total of more than 300 giant bodies lay in the hot yellow sand.

As a corresponding consumption, the slave creatures led by Locke and others also had nearly two thousand deaths and injuries. More than ten magicians were killed by the energy attacks of the Bronze Titan and the Silver Titan in the melee.

Without sufficient Cavaliers as a guarantee, the defensive line that only relies on slave creatures is still too simple.

Especially in large-scale dogfights, after the magic shields are broken, the magicians do not have the strong coping ability and resistance to attack like the knights.

Jos always wanted to apply to the Belem Empire for a knightly corps. However, Belen's own four-level strongmen think that the strength of the hand is not enough, and there will be extra knightly corps to supplement Jos.

That is to say, the old friend Runo, with his own privileges in the military department, tried to add some slave creatures to Locke before he entered the maze world.

After the scuffle, Locke looked at the huge head with three bone spurs in his left arm regretfully.

There are two pets in the infant period who are assisting, and he is just killing a silver Titan.

The other bronze and silver Titans fled early with the Golden Titan.

Although the head-on confrontation is not the opponent of the Black Shadao, but the Golden Titan wants to escape. If there is no other demigod-level strongman on the side, the Black Shadao can only witness the cunning opponent escape.

In the troops led by Locke, only a dozen magicians have been lost, and the Knight of Belém Dragon is much worse.

This should be a complete dragon knight squadron. The squadron leader died in battle. More than one-third of the nearly 100 dragon knights directly fell together with the dragon partners, and another third suffered injuries to varying degrees. After the battle, they still retain There are less than 30 people with basic combat capabilities.

The number of dragon knights in Belem has not been large. In addition to the relatively harsh process of selecting the corresponding knight, the cultivation of dragons is also a very cumbersome and costly process.

Each dragon knight is a valuable asset of the Belem Empire. I don’t know whether the dragon knight squadron in front belongs to the dragon cavalry under the general of the long stone general Glenn, or the evil dragon under the general of the long moon general Volta. Legion.

Dark Tower Fortress, a group of Locke who successfully rescued a dragon knight squadron from the Titan Giant, was welcomed and grateful by the Knights and Magicians of the Nebelem Empire in Dark Tower Fortress.

As the team leader, Locke and Ashaer were fortunate enough to be personally received by Master Andrew, the fourth-level magician.

Inside the towering magic tower, Master Andrew, in a blue magic robe, turned out to be a kind-hearted old man.

Ricket was on his waist, his gray beard was about to connect to the ground, and he was holding a brown magic wand.

If it weren't for the huge dark magic element that the master was surging, Locke would think it was an ordinary human old man who was about to die.

"Eddie is still dead. I remember when he was seconded from the Royal Capital Cullen, his seventh child had just been born, and he seemed to be a girl." Master Andrew's mood was a little low at this time.

In the middle of him and Locke, there was a lying body, which was the three-level dragon knight of the falling Belem Empire.

It is itself a three-level, and more crotch dragon companion, Belen three-level dragon knight theoretically has a longer and shorter capital than demigod-level creatures.

But the theory is only a theory after all, and the golden Titan, which has the energy of dark attributes, is not waiting. The death of this dragon knight squadron leader is only one of the countless soldiers who have died in the Belem Empire in these years.

The corrosive wounds on the chest cavity were exceptionally eye-catching, enough to see how painful this third-level strongman had experienced when he died.

In a touch of sadness, Master Andrew took away the body of the Dragon Knight Squadron Leader. He lived too long, and he has no idea how many lives have been born and died, so he is also very open to this kind of thing.

"Boy, I have an impression on you." Master Andrew said to Locke after sorting out his emotions.

It can be remembered by a strange fourth-level magician that Locke should be honored, but he was curious when he had contacted Master Andrew.

"You came to the Dark Tower a few decades ago and had contact with my apprentice Runo. I remember that the dark battle tyrannosaurus also stayed in my Dark Tower for a while. "Master Andrew said.

"Master Luno is your apprentice?!" Rock said in surprise.

After blowing his white beard, Master Andrew nodded his head.

In the following time, Master Andrew did not have much communication with Locke, but focused on Ashar next to Locke.

Ashaer's achievements in magic are unparalleled. The master Andre had the idea of ​​accepting Ashaer as a disciple, but unfortunately this idea was not completed in the end.

Although he did not include Ashaer under the door, as a predecessor of the elementalist profession, Master Andrew was still happy to take care of this extremely promising little guy.

"Because of the death of the Eddie Knight and the damage of the Dragon Knight Squadron, during this time, the early warning and defense work of the Dark Santa Fortress will need to be handed over to the Rock Knight. You will be responsible for some of the elements." When casting the related skills, Master Andrew did not forget to ask Locke.