Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 1528: Withdrawal

1528 retreat

On the strength of the world-class secret treasure in both hands, the **** scepter of the **** Uranos is superior to the dragon mother's blood melting furnace in terms of combat power blessing, and lower than May's eternal staff.

Therefore, this battle is extremely difficult for the **** king Uranos.

Fortunately, in addition to Golden Apple's immediate recovery of injuries, there are a sufficient number of Titan gods around Uranos responsible for containment, otherwise his battle will be more difficult.

But this situation will not last long.

Vivian, a sixth-level strongman in another wizarding world, has already begun to cast spells.

Large-scale cross-plane space channels have to be formed.

When the warrior world of knights and magicians began to appear outside the Azu sulfur plane, it also heralded the defeat of the Titans in this plane war.

Because of the abilities that the Titans now show, it is impossible to withstand the attacks of the four sixth-level strongmen and the large number of wizarding world legions.

Don't look at the corner of the Belem Empire theater, Titan Protoss has a greater advantage.

If you raise your horizons and look at the entire battlefield of the Wizarding World and the Titan Protoss, you will find that in the two major war zones of the Northland Witch and the West Coast Warlock, the Wizarding World has begun to sing forward and go deeper into the Titan Starfield.

The rich world of Titan Protoss will pay for the huge cost of this plane war in the Wizarding World.

In front of the endless sea of ​​slave creatures, the pressure of knights and magicians, as strong as the Titan Protoss, it finally showed its own gap with the other party.

"What to do with the wizarding world, do you need to retreat temporarily." While casting a spellcast, Southern Sage Artes asked Mei holding the eternal staff.

The main commander of this raid is Mei, so her decision can also represent the positions of several other sixth-level wizards in the world.

"No, with the background of the wizarding world, even if the **** king comes in person, he has the ability to fight back. Not to mention the old thing besides the two guardians," Mei shook his head.

The "old thing" in her mouth naturally refers to Douglas, who is known as the first person in the wizarding world.

For May, Douglas and Robb

Of course, they have heard about Artes, the southern sage who was the strong man of the same era.

With a wry smile, Artus continued to rejuvenate and cast a magical cage, trapping the **** King Uranos.

After all, it is old. Although Artis is expensive as a sixth-level strongman, it is much weaker than the "young men" such as Dragon Mother and Vivienne in combat effectiveness.

What he possesses is proud wisdom and learning, not combat ability.

However, it is also because of his outstanding magical elements that he can use his own power to trap the **** Uranos and provide Mei and the dragon mother Daenerys with space and opportunity to shoot.

The scorching bloodline furnace is thrown from the dragon's claws, and its goal is the **** Douglas in the magical cage.

With the Divine King Scepter body, the Dragon Mother naturally understands the actual combat capabilities of Uranos. Daenerys, who has already suffered a loss under her hands, will naturally not personally take risks and fight with the Divine King up close.

Although in melee, the dragon mother with the transformation ability of the dragon is enough to be called the top character of the sixth-level creature.

On the other side, Mei, holding the eternal staff, after collecting the water element of the Azu sulfur plane to a certain extent, also began a large-scale ban on the world's Titan protoss.

While fighting against Ulanos, the Titan God, he also attacked the rest of the Titan Gods and the Giant Corps. May's outstanding performance in this battle is precisely due to the eternal staff given by Douglas.

This world-class treasure is also enough to be called the top-level increase treasure in the wizarding world.

The surprise attack of the sixth-level strongman of the wizarding world hit the **** king Ulanos by surprise.

What he didn't expect was that when he heard that his mother's plane was being attacked, these sixth-level strongmen of the wizarding world did not yield or panic.

Is it true that the opponent's true strength is a bit stronger than he inferred?

It was also at this moment that the **** king Uranos, known as the tyrant, made his first decision to start a war with the wizarding world for him, and he became skeptical.

It is not a disaster for the Titans to fight against the wizarding world for the death of his son Kris.

Another drop of blood

Splashing, with one enemy and three for the **** King Ulanos, is still not enough after all.

Especially when there are two world-class secrets in the opponent's hands.

A golden apple swallowed again, and felt that the large cross-plane space channel of the wizard world sixth-level magician in the distance was about to form, and the **** king knew that Azu sulfur plane could not hold it.

The loss of Aqiu's plane will also usher in the collapse of the front line of the Titan Protoss on the front line battlefield.

Although the Titan Protoss will not be in a desperate situation ever since, the ensuing war decline will also greatly reduce the Titan Protoss's power.

I am afraid that by then, they will lose not only those precious slavery planes, but also the blood of countless Titan giants and the lives of gods above level four.

"Prepare to retreat!" With a sigh that was unwilling, the **** King Uranos commanded the many Titan gods of the Azuthian plane through the scepters of the gods.

The large cross-plane space teleportation of the Wizarding World is about to form. He is unwilling to have too much blood from the Titan Protoss, and he will die on the Azu sulfur plane.

"We haven't lost yet" The gloomy eyes looked at Mei, Artes, Dragon Mother and others in the wizarding world, and the **** King Ulanos secretly thought-

I'm so tired recently. I start to code at 8 o'clock every day. Sometimes I have to write until 12 o'clock in the evening. In addition to eating and sleeping, there is no other rest time.

Because there are too many, the update speed will inevitably drop, I hope you can understand.

There are 600 monthly tickets this month, and two changes every day next month. (Please note that this month!)

The number of monthly tickets is up to 1,000, and three changes every day next month.

The number of monthly tickets reaches 1500, and four changes every day next month.

The number of monthly tickets reaches 2,000, and every day next month will be changed five times.

The number of monthly tickets reached 2,500, and six changes every day next month.

The current monthly number of tickets is (1080), which is close to 1500.

I hope everyone can support it. If there are 2,500 monthly tickets per month, Xiaodou will be a full-time writer while writing this book.

(End of this chapter)