Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 154: The kingdom of all cities

Outside the majestic and majestic city gate, before the convoy of convoys approached, a whole team of cavalry walked out of the city gate to welcome.

A tall knight in black armor and a black horse walked in front of the cavalry.

"Is it Princess Angelina of the Kingdom of Forstan?" the Black Armor Knight asked, and far away from the Black Armor Knight, Locke felt a surging power, just like substance.

This is not like the strength that a knight servant can show.

"I am!" Angelina's sweet voice came from the carriage, and then Angelina wearing the silver mage robe appeared.

The Black Knight kept the team in place and approached the envoy alone, not caring about the heavily armed Forstan soldiers around.

"I was ordered by Lord Garcia to receive Princess Angelina here and go to Princeton, the capital." The Black Knight said meticulously.

"Powerful knight, what is your name?" Angelina asked with a smile.

"You can call me the Galleon Knight." The Black Knight replied.

"Then please Trojan Knight," Angelina said.

Many people noticed a detail, that is, the knight named Gallon, who called Princess Angelina'you', if the knight does not have a high title to be comparable to Princess Angelina, then Only because his strength is enough to break away from the **** of secular kingship.

The team was led by the Gallon Cavaliers, and the team closely followed. Angelina sat back in her carriage.

Following the Viscount Cage, Locke and others walked in front of the envoy, very close to the Gallon Knight.

There was no chaos and no talk. This envoy from Forstein was very calm and decent. Everyone was meticulous from top to bottom, and the secretly observed Gallon Knight nodded.

Compared to other national diplomatic missions he had received, these Forstin people gave him a very good impression.

Walking into the tall and majestic city gate, Rock was fortunate to see the customs and customs of the Omor Empire.

The knight named Gallon rarely spoke, and a knight next to him like him was more talkative, introducing the various situations in the city to the envoys.

This city, located on the southeastern border of the Omor Empire and the Principality of Lyon, is called Barbados.

Although the entourage repeatedly explained that Barbados was only the most barren city in the Omor Empire, Locke didn't believe it at all.

From the majesty of the walls and the prosperity of the city, Locke has only seen the capital of Flor, the capital of Forstan, and the city of Otis in Charlotte.

This is at least a big city with a residence of 200,000 people. Although he only traveled less than a third of the city in Labrador, Locke already estimated it.

In Forstan, in addition to Peters City and Flor City can accommodate more than 200,000 resident population, Locke really has not heard of other cities.

Ignoring the follower who opened the river at that letter, Locke observed the surrounding scenes.

The place where they rested is Labrador’s post, located in the southwest corner of the city.

The post is actually a large hotel. It covers an area of ​​fifty miles. The post is divided into three layers of upper, middle and lower buildings. It makes the embassy feel that the palace is larger than the post.

The accompanying Omer empire staff seemed accustomed to the surprise of the people who had just arrived in their country, and after arranging the room and board for the people in the convoy, they no longer ignored them.

After taking the crowd to the place, the Galleon knight did not know when to leave.

"Find your room, take a day off, and continue to set off tomorrow!" Viscount Cage's voice heard.

The servants live in a quadruple room, the ordinary soldiers live in a triple room, and the captains are in a double room. Only the noble children and the captains of Locke are assigned single rooms.

Relying on rights, Locke arranged for Grace and her sister Leah to be single rooms.

"Is it going so fast?" Locke asked when he approached Viscount Cage.

He thought that the team would be trimmed in Barbados for a few days before starting.

"The princess's college is about to start classes, plus the entry into the palace book and other matters, we need to arrive in Princeton a month in advance." Viscount Cage said helplessly.

"Isn't it more than two months?" It is only the end of December, and there is still a short time before the princess starts school in February.

"I doubt if I can reach Princeton in a month." Viscount Cage dropped the sentence and walked away, leaving only Locke to stay in place.

At supper, I talked to Bend, the adjutant, and Locke knew why Viscount Cage would say that he could not go to Princeton, the capital of the Omor Empire for a month.

The Omor empire is too big. How big is it? According to Bender, from the map, the area of ​​the Omor empire is one hundred times that of Fostein.

Quickly, it takes ten days to traverse the Kingdom of Folstein, and it takes three years or more to cross the entire territory of the Omor Empire.

The total number of people in Forstan is about two million, and the total number of people in the Omor Empire, according to official statistics, is about 700 million.

This is the first time Locke has heard that after 10 million, there will be "100 million" as the unit.

With a total population of 700 million, Locke could not imagine how big and vast the Omor Empire was. Throughout his life, Locke felt that he would not correctly understand what a huge number 700 million is.

No wonder that the accompanying knight of the Omor empire would say that Barbados is the poorest city in the Omor empire, with only 200,000 people living there, which is indeed insignificant compared to the 700 million.

After a night of trimming, Locke hadn't realized the surprise that the city of Barbados brought him, and the team set off again.

This time, in addition to the accompanying Folstein soldiers, there was an additional **** team from the Omor Empire, led by the Gallon Knight himself.

The duty of this **** force is more surveillance than protection.

The Folstein envoys, which had doubled in size, did not slow down because of the bloated size. On the contrary, with the **** of the Gallon Knights, the speed of the convoy increased by several grades, unimpeded all the way.

"Kalon Knight should be the deputy lord of Barbados." In the carriage, Angelina chewed some unknown fruit that she had just purchased through the city.

"Vice-City Lord?" Locke wondered. It had been half a month since he left Barbrador. There were more than twenty cities they had traversed along the way.

Locke's shock from the beginning has become numb.

No wonder Barbados is the most barren city in the Omor empire. Later, these cities along the way, in terms of scale, one is bigger than the other.

As for the city named Gea, which they left this morning, there are almost three Flors. It is said that its resident population is 800,000.

800,000, hehe, this city of Reya has already refreshed Locke’s cognitive limit, and the process of refreshing will not stop for the time being, because their destination, Princeton has not arrived.

Locke was very curious about how spectacular the Omor empire with 700 million people and his capital would be.

As for why the Gallon knight was the deputy lord of Barbrador, according to Angelina explained that in the Omor empire, every strong man who reached the official knight, the Emperor Omor would give the position of a city lord.

In Forstein, a strong official knight is enough for the king to seal the title of marquis, while in Omor, he can only be a city owner.

However, having a city with at least two or three hundred thousand people is not much worse than the marquis of the small kingdom. In addition to the city itself, the villages and towns around the city are all under the jurisdiction of the city owner.

"This Gallon knight should have been offended before being assigned to that city as a deputy lord." Angelina laughed. Her carriage was sound-insulated very well, no need to worry about people outside.

Another intrigue between nobles, Locke sounded lacking interest every time.

"How much is the Omor Empire, the official knight level?" Locke asked what he was most concerned about. He wanted to know how strong the strength and heritage of this hundreds of empire that dominated the mainland.

"The Omor Empire is also known as the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Cities." Angelina glanced at Locke and said slowly.

"The Kingdom of Ten Thousand City." Locke murmured, a city has more than one formal knight, then Ten Thousand City

Locke found that the veil of the world seemed to have just opened a horn to him, and turned out to be a frog at the bottom of the well--

Thanks to the readers of “Baikai Shuikaikai” for their 500-square-corner coin support and a monthly ticket, and to the readers of “Great Western Guinea” for their 100-square-corner coin support!