Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 1607: Help the weak

Today, in the temporary stronghold southeast of the Bolt plane, Locke's expression is a bit strange.

Because in front of him, a middle-aged man about 1.8 meters tall, with the Holy Light floating in his hand, rescued a weak Bolt carrying a mining bamboo basket.

This Bolt lives at the lowest level of this low-level world, and even if it does not have a level of life, its left arm produces an outward bend of about 120°.

This is a fracture caused by an accident in the mine and the collapse of the rock during the mining process.

Unsurprisingly, in the Bolt plane, who is forty per capita, this poor guy is probably not more than twenty-five years old.

Physical injury is only one factor. The biggest factor is that this guy has lost the ability to feed himself.

The Bolt Plane has been devastated by decades of war, and food crises have broken out in various regions.

Although the hard-working and extremely tenacious Bolts did not end in this war, the lack of food has caused at least 30% of the Bolts to die from famine.

This is also the reason for the unrelated Santa and Mamma United Alliance. When discussing the conditions with the Bolt King, the remuneration paid to each other is not the energy spar, but also the cheaper food.

Perhaps in most planes, the value of energy spar is far more than the grain of the fruit belly.

But in the Bolt plane, food is what the Bolts need most.

In this southeastern temporary fortress, there are about 30,000 Bolts excavating barite for the phaseless Santa. This is a very common magic material. The reason why the phaseless Santa will open a temporary place here Fortress, what is important is the rich reserves of barite here. Vertical and horizontal

The value is not enough, the quantity comes together.

If the barite under this temporary base can be fully mined out, it will inevitably bring considerable profits to the phaseless Santa.

In return, the phaseless Santa will give the 30,000 poor Bolts a daily meal.

In the case of the famine everywhere in the Bolt plane, the action of the phaseless Santa really provides a way of life for these Bolts.

Locke was supposed to visit his young daughter Lisa today at the Zerg base to urge her disciple Memila to practice.

But at first glance received a report from his entourage knight Eddie Buck, so the demigod-level knight of the phaseless holy tower could only hurried to the theater to check the situation.

When he noticed that Miller and apprentices appeared around the mining area of ​​this temporary base, Locke's state of mind was conceivable.

He also went to the plane with Master Saraf and met with the Aybarut Empire Steel Casting Regiment. It is natural to know the identity and strength of the two in front.

Although they are not local powerhouses in the wizarding world, they seem to have helped the wizarding world not long ago.

And from the strong biological waves circulated by these two, Locke also knows that the two strong men in front of him, one is level 5, and the other is level 4.

The two top strongmen came to the Bolt plane, which should have been personally received by Master Sarafa, the leader of the Mamaite Alliance.

However, after the fifth-level light magician's meeting with the steel-cast general Crow Knight, he returned to the space fortress with Lilith and devoted himself to intense experimental research.

So taking care of the work of these two top strongmen can only be handed over to Locke at this time and place.

The soft light of the Holy Light gradually dissipated, and the Bolt's severely broken arm's eyes revealed a look of surprise.

"Okay, next." Miller said lightly after bailing out the Bolts.

"!" Quirky slang mixed with rapid tone came from the Bolt population in front of Miller.

From far away, Locke can feel the meaning of thank you from the fluctuation of the Bolt's mental strength.

Shaking hands, Miller said "Next."

The Bolt, whose arm was completely restored, left Miller in surprise, and behind him, there was a long dragon lined with at least two hundred people.

These Bolts are waiting for Miller's rescue.

With a temporary base of 30,000 Bolt miners, it is naturally impossible for only 200 Bolts to wait for rescue.

The reason why the other injured Bolts did not appear is due to the heavy pressure of life.

If you don’t hand over enough barite ore to the Phaseless Tower, the Phaseless Tower will not provide them with food.

This is based on the terms of the magical contract signed between the phaseless Santa and the Bolt King. When you put in labor, you will get food in return.

The phaseless holy tower is not a great man, and Locke does not want to lose the benefits of the phaseless holy tower he represents for these unrelated Bolts.

The appearance of Miller and apprentices has actually seriously affected the normal operation of this temporary base.

Because the cooperation between the phaseless Santa and the Bolts has been going on for a long time, with the tenacious vitality of the Bolts, they can’t starve to death if they don’t eat one day.

Heal your body at the expense of being hungry all day. These simple Bolts with a touch of shrewd nature naturally understand the pros and cons. Computer side::/

If it weren’t for Miller Master and Apprentice, they were still unfamiliar, and worried that they would lose this precious rice bowl from the Phaseless Sanctuary. All the injured Bolts in this temporary base had already acted.

For this situation, Locke considered again and again, and finally decided to let it go.

It is worth knowing that there is a fifth-level strongman and a fourth-level strongman on the opposite side, even if they give up all the interests of this temporary base, and exchange these two strongmen's favor.

That being said, how could Locke completely ignore it. He had to stay here all the time, in case these two mighty summons might be called.

"Master, why don't you use the divine light directly? You don't need your shot, just my ability, you can quickly use the Holy Light to heal all the injured individuals here." Behind Miller, his apprentice Michelle asked puzzledly .

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