Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 1727: Borrow money to make money

After receiving the red demon armor delivered by Benjamin, Locke asked, "Why do you find me? You can find the strongmen of level 4 and above in the Abarut Empire."

"Because both of us are new to the wizarding world. Cooperating with you can guarantee my vested interests in this low-level plane, and will not be divided too much by those old seniors. And, I am very optimistic about you." Benjamin He explained to Locke with a smile.

Although Benjamin's explanation was straightforward, Locke's heart was still warm.

Immediately, the Red Demon Armor merged with his body. While feeling the power of this armor that could be called the "artifact" of the Wizarding World, Locke asked again, "How do you know that after I was promoted to level 4, the blood law power was integrated into the bloodline. ".

(Artifacts, that is, equipment made by creatures above 4th level, have the understanding and understanding of the laws by creatures above 4th level. They are different from world-class treasures, which represent the pinnacle of a race and civilization.)

"My aunt told me, she also told me about your brilliant performance at the Wizarding Union Conference." Benjamin shrugged and said with a smile.

Benjamin’s aunt, Garry, a fifth-level fire elementalist, is known as the Queen of Fire.

She is also the first time that the Abarut Empire has broken through the shackles since the end of the Titanic Star Wars and has been promoted to the fifth rank.

In the same way, the tyrannical strength shown by the pair of aunts and nephews of Jiali and Benjamin also allowed the family behind them to stay in the Abarut Empire for a time. (Longitudinal launch)

When he came, he was empty-handed, but when he returned, he carried a precious demonized armor and Benjamin's invitation to start a plane war.

Locke did not go to the distant Abarut Empire in vain.

"That Benjamin magician and the flame queen behind him, Gary, you can have more contact in the future." When returning, Jos said to Locke.

He did not expect Locke to be very familiar with the new fourth-level magician of the Aybarut Empire.

The Aybarut Empire is located in the hinterland of the wizarding continent. The northeastern direction is the commercial alliance of Capecchi, the east is close to the city of the sky, and the south is bordered by the Ely Knight Alliance. Among all the large forces of the wizarding world, it is also called a deep foundation. Veteran power.

Not to mention that there is also a sixth-level strongman of the wizarding world, May Veris, sitting in the magic empire.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making friends with such a powerful rookie.

Because at this time Benjamin's early construction of Chiyan Holy Tower may not be well-known, but in the future, with his personal abilities and family relationships, he will inevitably rise to the top of the magic empire.

No matter which world it is, the future belongs to the era of young people.

Among the sixth-level strongmen in the wizarding world, except Douglas was promoted to the seventh level, he reached a new level of life.

May Verizon at the top of the rhythm and Artes the Southern Sage are both old.

The dragon mother Daenerys and the Northland witch leader Vivian are the successors to guide them in the future to guide the world trend of the wizard.

Under the dragon mother Daenerys and the Northland witch leader Vivian, there are also the silver dragon general of the Aybarut Empire, Nelson, the Belem emperor Saifir, and the Mamaite League leader Sarah Alpha. People have the potential to impact six levels.

Their potential seeds for promotion to the sixth level will be the wave of the next era of the wizarding world.

This is what a powerful world with vigorous vitality and development potential should show.

The top presence and the elite never break.

It is the constant flow of outstanding knights and magicians who have vigorously emerged in the wizarding world, which has witnessed the situation of this world from weak to strong, from prosperity to more prosperous.


Soon after returning to the Western Archipelago, Locke once again devoted himself to the development of the mainland of Saint-Loan.

But before waiting for Locke to figure it out, when he left the activities of Xia Qian and others, Bili told Locke an ‘unfortunate’ news.

"You guys have borrowed from the business alliance Capecchi again?!" Locke was almost shocked when he heard Billy's words.

The debt of nine million magic coins has caused Locke to have a headache.

If we add pounds on this basis, Locke may not have to spend a few days in debt repayment in the next few hundred years.

"Not yet, but my suggestion is that you can continue to borrow 3 to 5 million magic coins from the business alliance Capecchi." Bi Li said.

Locke's original intention to push Morgan Chaebol to Master Demean of the Business Alliance was to offset a loan owed to Capecchi by taking out part of his family.

The 7 million low-interest Knight's Palace Foundation loan is just enough, and the remaining 2 million is used to build the loan sharks of the Saint-Loan mainland, but it is the gap that Locke needs to resolve as soon as possible.

Otherwise, under the circumstance, Locke will one day be dragged down by these arrears.

It is important to know that the magic contracts signed between Locke and the Business Alliance are legally effective and subject to the supervision and arbitration of the Wizarding Alliance.

The wizards of the wizarding world are the group of people who are most particular about the spirit of contract.

If he shows any dishonest behavior on this loan contract, I am afraid that the future of the Wizarding Union will be nowhere for Locke’s tolerance.

Locke achieved the fourth level, all along the way is a cautious character.

Just owing nine million dollars in loans made Rock uncomfortable.

If you continue to follow Bi Li's words, you will be in debt in the future. I am afraid Locke is staying with his wives at night, it is difficult to sleep well.

Perhaps the rhetoric is too exaggerated, but the meaning to be expressed is very simple, that is, according to his honest character, Locke cannot accept this madness decision.

Before waiting for Locke to express his tough attitude, Bi Li went on to say, "This is borrowing money to make money and shortening your future accumulation period as much as possible."

"I told Angelina and Xia Xi about this matter, and they both support it after hearing it." Bi Li said to the shocked Locke.

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