Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 2025: Establish diplomatic relations (below)

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"If your civilization is still curious about the war situation of the Prisoners' Star Territories, I can also recommend one to you." The King of Lies smiled.

"Who?" Anderson asked.

"The vicious queen Andalil, she has just returned from the Star Wars of the Prisoners."

"But this demon king is now training in the dark world of our mother plane, if you are interested in Anderson, you can move with us to the dark world." The King of Lies invited.

Through the contact of these days, the king of lies, Pillie, naturally sees that among the members of the envoy of the civil dynasty of the Rose Dynasty, although the most noble person seems to be the fourth-level thinker Mishra.

But from the beginning to the end, the mind is calm and has always made up his mind, but it is the fourth-level mech control division Anderson.

As long as Anderson is settled, it will naturally be possible to achieve the perfect establishment of diplomatic relations between the Rose Dynasty civilization and the Dark Star Zone.

And inviting Anderson and others to the dark world, in fact, is also the king of lies, and hopes to reach specific cooperation rules with the Rose Dynasty Civilization Mission and sign the corresponding rules and contracts.

And it is difficult for a fifth-level devil to represent the overall will of the dark star field.

But don’t forget, there is still a sixth-level demon **** Barr sitting in the dark world to recover his injuries.

Represented by the destructive **** Barr, it is enough to show the sincerity of the dark star field.

The invitation of the king of lies, in fact, also represents the sixth-level demon Barr, officially invited the envoy of the Rose Dynasty civilization to the dark world.

By then, the exchanges and communications between the two sides will definitely not be limited to the appearance of these intelligence calls.

If the Rose Dynasty civilization really intends to pull the dark star field, it will eventually have real supplies and other assistance. (Vertical and horizontal)

It is impossible to send troops directly, not to mention the remote distance between the Dark Star Zone and the Nianren Star Zone. Even if it is a powerful Rose Dynasty civilization, I am afraid that it is not willing to provoke the glorious Lord of the Bright Protoss.

Just a shining lord is enough to make them scorched. If you add the shining lord with comprehensive strength second only to the shining lord, then they may not have many good days to live in their rose dynasty civilization.

Before leaving from the holy city of Parkinton, Mishra and Anderson, as the leaders, got the attitude of the Rose Dynasty civilization and the bottom line that could be achieved from Queen Mary II.

Of course, even assistance at other levels is not free.

Perhaps it is an energy spar, or it may be a cherished mineral. If you want to get the assistance of the Rose Dynasty civilization, the Dark Star Zone has to pay the corresponding price.

It is precisely the cooperation that needs to involve too many aspects, and the two sides will also be accompanied by negotiations between you and me, so the invitation of the King of Lies determines the next journey of the Rose Dynasty Civilization Mission.

"I heard that there are several medium-sized world civilizations besides your Dark Star Zone and the Prisoner Star Zone?" Anderson asked coldly during the exchange.

This piece of information was not provided by the dark creatures, but the information sent by the secret corps of secret troops sent by the secret corps of the rose dynasty to the dark star field.

Because the content of the information is too small, and there are a few of them that make Anderson seriously doubt the authenticity of the information obtained by the hidden troops, he asked here, hoping to get what he wants from the king of lies. s answer.

"There are indeed a few, but our Dark Star Zone has little contact with them."

"Let's go to the dark world as soon as possible and destroy Lord Lord Barr, who is already waiting for us in the demon temple of the dark world." The King of Lies flashed his words and urged him.

"Alright." Andreson looked at Belief, the king of lies, and Anderson nodded.

Cloth prisoner star field, skeleton clock tower plane.

A year and a half later, the Wizarding World Expeditionary Force has already collected more than ten low-level, miniature planes that originally belonged to the cloth prisoners.

During this period, although there were several major conflicts with the Bright Protoss, each conflict was confined to the melee between the fourth-level strongmen, and did not involve the fifth-level strongmen in the battle.

As for the sixth-grade strong dragon mother and the southern sage Artes, who arrived at the front of the cloth prisoner's star field, they did not show up in this year and a half.

Locke might not have known the reason for this before, but as Locke moved up to the fourth level for longer and more times as a high-level participant in the internal meetings of the Wizarding World Expeditionary Force, he also saw some clues.

The arrival of two Sixth-level wizards of the Wizarding World in the Prisoner's Star Realm did not really mean to fight the Bright Protoss.

If you want to fight, as early as in the chaotic sea star field, the wizarding world will launch all its power to the light **** clan.

In addition to ensuring the tangible benefits of the Wizarding World Expeditionary Force in the Chaotic Sea Star Zone, the sitting of the two Wizard World Sixth-Class Powerhouses is more like burying two nails in the Prisoner Star Zone.

These two nails are both a nail for observation and a nail for warning.

At the same time that it occurred in the protracted war of the prisoner world, it also vaguely served as a top fighting force to deter the Bright Protoss.

Always remind the Light Gods that their wizarding world is not a weak clan of prisoners,

Skeleton Clock Tower World is the nearest low-level plane to the Prisoner's World. Outside the Skeletal Clock Tower plane, you can even see the hordes of bright Protoss Angels in the distant starry sky constantly converging and launching a spectacular scene of charge to the Prisoner World.

Three months ago, Locke was rotated here to lead the army on duty.

Due to the special geographical location of the Skeletal Clock Tower World, this place has also become the target of the staring of the Bright Protoss.

In the two and a half planes closer to the world of the Skeletal Clock Tower, there are two powerful angel regiments stationed respectively, and the leaders are all five-level six-winged angels.

Although the smell of gunpowder was strong on both sides, at least three months before Locke was stationed on the skeletal clock tower, no head-on conflict had erupted.

"I heard that the Chaos Starfish field has hit the Void Flame Crystal World last month?" In the plane of the skeletal clock tower, the fourth-level black magician Kleiniya asked Borlock boredly.

Compared to the dull wars of the Prisoner Star Zone recently, the war of the Wizarding World in the Chaos Star Zone is more intense. And sang along the way, crossing the family plane of the clan to the void to kill.

Add Gagen to the leader of'Misia Klopp'~

The rule of adding and changing: two guarantees every day, 50 sheets plus one more, and every order is set to add one more every ten.

Current month number: 637 sheets, 12 chapters need to be added, 10 chapters have been added, and 2 chapters are still missing.

Currently 313 is booked, and one more chapter is needed