Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 2034: encourage

The arrival of several fifth-level powerhouses in the wizarding world undoubtedly stole the thunder of two three-level creatures in the Zerg base duel.

No matter it is a strong fourth-level wizard in the wizarding world, or a member of the envoy of the Rose Dynasty civilization, after seeing Master Sarafa and others, they greeted enthusiastically and respectfully.

Also a fifth-level pinnacle creature, Master Sarafa who arrived here brought the feeling of the fourth-level strongman of the Rose Dynasty Civilization Envoy to far more than the king of lies and the bitter queen Andalel who were in contact with the dark star field. Deep.

"Hello, respected strongman! We are the messengers from the large world Rose Dynasty civilization." Anderson, the fourth-level mech operator, walked in front of Master Sarafa and others and said with one hand bowed respectfully.

Although the tone and movement are very respectful, Anderson undoubtedly emphasized the words "large world" when introducing himself.

For the general medium-sized world, the large-scale world is definitely a behemoth that they cannot imagine.

And the more powerful the medium-sized world, the more they can understand the difficulty of their promotion to the larger world.

As strong as the dark world, the sixth-level peak creature fear devil Diablo, although he is also a world-class treasure ‘The Book of Darkness’, he has little assurance that he can lead his world to a large world civilization.

In particular, after experiencing the invasion of the Light Protoss Angel Legion, the civilization of the Dark World is in a state of collapse.

I am afraid that in the next 10,000 years, even if the civilization of the dark world gets rid of the shadow of war, the rest of the time will restore the wounds of war as much as possible, and it is difficult to go further. (Longitudinal launch)

It is the powerful strength of his own civilization that makes Anderson's fourth-level mecha control division also honorable.

While introducing himself, Anderson has been observing the expressions of the fifth-level strongmen in the wizarding world.

If you say that before introducing yourself to the fourth-level strongmen of the Witcher World Expeditionary Forces such as Locke, when they heard that they and others came from a large world civilization, they would also appear a little amazed.

However, the top five wizarding world powers are indifferent to Anderson's self-introduction.

Especially the most obscure and deep master of the game, Master Saraf, who saw her face without color, said with a smile, "Welcome the messenger of the Rose Dynasty civilization to the control of our wizarding world."

The peaceful atmosphere of Master Sarafa allows many people who come in contact with them to feel the feeling of spring breeze.

This fifth-level pinnacle powerhouse is also the most unassuming and gentlest attitude that Anderson and others have encountered.

When Master Saraf and others entered the Zerg base, they did not rush to deal with the messengers of the Rose Dynasty civilization, but under the guidance and introduction of Locke, they were very interested in observing the battle on the battlefield.

As mentioned earlier, laymen watch lively, laymen watch the doorway.

When the vast majority of lower-level creatures are fascinated by the strange fighting style and fierce battle process of the two third-level creatures on the duel field, Master Saraf and others are like Locke and they mainly look at the implications behind this duel The advantages and disadvantages of two completely different energy systems.

Since the Rose Dynasty civilization claims to be a large-scale world civilization, it must excel.

This is also the first time that the wizarding world has approached a large world civilization with human envoys. A more complete understanding of each other makes it easier for them to integrate into the circle of the larger world.

The battle between third-level creatures is much longer and more intense than the battle between first- and second-level creatures.

In addition, the two sides of the battle are not willing to easily lose, this battle is even more splendid.

Because Sky Knight Klopp practiced the dark nature of fighting, the sea knight of the Ely Cavaliers League, Sakko, could not help but glance at him a few more times.

They also have a top strong player who cultivates the dark attribute of arrogance-the fifth-level dark knight Abba.

Since they are also the three giants of the Erie Cavaliers Alliance, the Straits Knight Sakko is naturally a good friend with the Dark Knight Aiba. As a fifth-level strongman, he is also very clear about the difficulty of the dark attribute grudge.

It is not easy for this knight from the remote western archipelago to reach this stage today.

Master Saraf and Wenger, the earth dragon warlock on the west coast, mainly focused on Inomar driving the exclusive mech ‘Ming King’.

Mech, this metal creation originated from the civilization of the Rose dynasty, really there are some ways.

With the wisdom possessed by Master Saraf and Master Wenger, when they first came into contact with the mecha, they could only see through the basic mechanical principles contained in the surface of this mecha.

As for the deeper internal structure, it is not their expertise.

Perhaps this mech was handed over to the city of the sky, or the alchemists of the Capgeci Alchemy Manufacturing Plant of the Business Alliance, who were able to analyze these alien civilization products more quickly and deeply.

According to the temperament of the wizards of the wizarding world, when they encounter new things they are unfamiliar with and are interested in, they will definitely be interested in doing some research.

The most direct way of research is unraveling and dismantling.

But what appears here is after all the envoy of the alien civilization, and it is a large and powerful world civilization.

The magicians are called lunatics by the indigenous creatures in the surrounding star fields, but they are not really lunatics.

Even in fact, the magician can be called the most sensible and alert existence.

The "crazy" they showed in the experiment was just a fanatical pursuit of the truth.

The reason why it is called the "madman" is that those foolish exotic native magicians who don't understand the wizarding world, and the negative effects caused by the rumors.

The battle between Sky Knight Klopp and the third-level mech controller Inomar finally lasted a total of half a day.

Under the impact of Klopp's "Dark Battle Wave", the exclusive mech "Ming King", whose energy was almost exhausted, was finally engulfed by the dark energy frenzy.

After the battle, the rusty ‘Ming King’ saw only one step away from scrapping.

But Inomar's mental capacity is much stronger than Anderson's apprentice. There was no self-explosive play after losing.

However, from his downcast appearance, this competition also hit him not badly.

"You have worked very hard. In the "Honor" level controllers I contacted, you are strong enough to rank in the top ten." After the battle, the fourth-level mech controller Anderson patted Inomar's shoulder, Encourage this younger generation who has potential and good heart.