Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 2153: Fusion

It can be said that Locke was able to recover his consciousness after absorbing the blood of the annihilated earth dragon, thanks to a fifth-level peak light magician Sarah.

If it weren’t for Saraf’s soft magic of light properties, with the effect of purifying and relieving the negative state, I’m afraid Locke had already become a lunatic who only knew about killing.

This is also the reason why Locke has never shown his "Destroyer" shape transformation since World War I.

Even blackening and second blackening, Locke has rarely used it since.

Until the problem is completely resolved, Locke will no longer use the power of the annihilated earth dragon blood tears left in the body.

Regarding Locke's inquiry, Ashaer nodded recklessly.

Regarding the research on the bloodline of zombie tyrannosaurus, Ashaer is the caster with the deepest research progress.

As early as Locke and she were in the second-level realm, Ashaer began to study in this regard, the purpose is to solve the problem of Locke's black transformation.

Now more than a thousand years have passed, Ashaer has helped Locke solve the shortcomings of blackening and second blackening.

As for whether Locke can safely use the “Destroyer” transformation in the future, it also depends largely on the research progress of Ashaer.

Frowning deeper and deeper, Ashar nodded, making Locke feel a bad feeling.

In terms of blood concentration, Zombie Tyrannosaurus is much more pure than Locke.

Locke not only has the blood of the zombie tyrannosaurus, but also the blood of the fighting tyrannosaurus, angel beast and human.

If the zombie tyrannosaurus really broke before the semi-god realm, its own body could not bear the pressure and collapsed first, which is a huge loss for Locke and the digital tyrannosaurus.

"Is there any solution?" Locke looked at Ashaer for help.

If there is a person in the Western Archipelago who might solve the troubles encountered by the zombie tyrannosaurus at this time, then this person is none other than Ashaer.

As for the power of this chaotic, tyrannical and crazy negative emotions, I am afraid that only Ashaer has the ability to suppress it. (Longitudinal launch)

"I haven't thought of it for the time being, but I need you to help me get this big guy to the laboratory first." Ashaer said.

A glance at the Nymph Tyrannosaurus Rex, these two Level 4 living creatures, flew straight to the forest below.

Due to the current 100-meter figure of the zombie tyrannosaurus, as well as the chaos and tyranny it is in, only Locke and the Tyrannosaurus Rex can cure it.

Send the other third-level tyrannosaurus down, I am afraid that they have not subdued the zombie tyrannosaurus, but these tyrannosaurus were knocked down first.

Half a day later, Ashaer was set up in a private laboratory on the outer island of the mainland of Saint-Loan. A 100-meter-sized zombie tyrannosaurus was tied to a silver wide test bed.

The person who tied it was naturally Locke and the King of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

In the face of absolute power suppression, no matter how crazy the zombie tyrannosaurus beast can only let Rock and the tyrannosaurus king be at the mercy of it.

Ashaer's research on the zombie tyrannosaurus lasted a week.

A week later, Ashaer found Locke in private.

"Is your skull dragon mount still there?" Ashaer asked first, jumping thinking.

Although a little curious about why Ashaer asked about this, Locke answered honestly, "Yes, it is now absorbing the air of death on the skeletal bone plane."

Since during the Chaos Starfish Territory War, Locke actively released the slave contract of the Scorpion Dragon, Hellfire Giant, and King of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Locke's decent soul slave has only left the bone dragon.

The fighting power of this skull dragon is inadequate, more than that.

It has a semi-god level of strength, and more often it only acts as a mount.

And because the spiritual wisdom contained in it is not high, this guy has basically cut off the possibility of promotion to the fourth level.

"Now there is a way to solve the problem of the zombie tyrannosaurus, and it can even take it even further. Not only will the zombie tyrannosaurus be able to break through to the demigod realm, there may be an opportunity to touch higher-level forces in the future." Ashaer said so.

The demigod-level zombie tyrannosaurus is a unique existence in the history of the digital tyrannosaurus family.

And what Ashaer said in his speech is ‘higher level power’, that’s probably the fourth level.

Is it possible that the zombie tyrannosaurus will become the second head of the digital tyrannosaurus to be promoted to the fourth level after the King of Tyrannosaurus?

There is stunned and happy.

But after being happy, thinking of the inexplicable question that Ashaer had asked before, Locke calmed down and said, "What are you going to do?"

"It's not how I plan to do it, but it's up to you to be reluctant." Ashaer said indifferently.

"I have a way to fuse your bone dragon mount and zombie tyrannosaurus to solve the problem of self-destruction currently encountered by zombie tyrannosaurus. But there is a drawback to this, that is, after the fusion, its There will be two souls in the body."

"In order to avoid conflict between the two souls, we must manually destroy one." Ashar looked at Locke and said.

The meaning in her words is obvious, that is, only two souls can survive.

See if Locke wants the soul of a zombie tyrannosaurus beast, or the soul of a bone dragon.

Ashaer's answer really made Rock difficult.

On emotion, Locke certainly has more bone dragons as his slave creatures.

Fortunately, it has been around for more than a thousand years. Bone Dragon followed Locke as early as during the Titan Star Wars, with no credit or hard work.

But in terms of actual interests and values, it is obviously more reasonable to retain the souls of zombie tyrannosaurus.

Because the bone dragon's soul is a bit muddled, and its wisdom is not very high.

After all, it is the undead species that became after the death of the dragon. Bone dragon can be promoted to the demigod state, which is already a component of luck and talent.

Even after the fusion with the zombie tyrannosaurus, it may be difficult to advance to the fourth level with its soul level.

And Ashaer did not say a word, that is, after the zombie tyrannosaurus beast and the bone dragon merged, its limit is not only level 4.

Simply on the physical potential, the experimental data shows that the zombies of the tyrannosaurus after fusion even exceed the king of the tyrannosaurus.

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