Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 2199: Report (add more)

A huge transplanetary space teleportation array appeared in front of Locke. This giant transplanetary space teleportation array was set up on Wanshou Mountain, the site of Qingyang Realm.

Considering that Qingyang monks had already launched and planned several sneak attack and harassment activities before this.

So here in Wanshou Mountain, in addition to the salamander demons and the King of the Tyrannosaurus Rex guarding at all times, Lilith's summoned undead lord also settled here.

A hundred miles away is a land of death.

This is the environmental impact effect brought by the undead lord. Most of this guy is now sleeping in a certain area deep underground. This is the consistent style of undead creatures.

The fifth-level creature is really very different from the fourth-level creature. The influence of the undead king alone is not comparable to the king of the tyrannosaurus and the newt.

Flying over Longevity Hill, Locke's mount zombie tyrannosaurus lowered his head to the King of Tyrannosaurus tyrants stationed here.

Although the zombie tyrannosaurus also exists as a king, but now the king of the tyrannosaurus family is the king of the dragon, the zombie tyrannosaurus must pay respect to it.

And in these years, the zombie tyrannosaurus beast lived in the tyrannosaurus family, and the King of the Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus also took care of it a lot.

For the zombie tyrannosaurus, the king of the ethnic group, the dragon of the dragon, is the second only to Locke's need for its respect and service.

Nodded to the King of Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus and Salamander who was stationed here, Locke flew straight into the trans-plane transmission channel.


Wizarding World, Western Islands.

In Locke’s subjective consciousness, he went to Qingyang World to fight for only half a year, but the actual time has passed for almost two years.

This extra time is all spent in the process of walking through the space channel. (Longitudinal launch)

The law of space-time relativity traverses the astral realm, which is also the most basic law existing in the astral realm.

After returning to the Western Archipelago, Locke did not stop on the mainland of Saint-Loan, but flew directly to the sky city in the central inland of the wizarding world.

The headquarters of the Witcher League is set up there. There will be new changes in the battle situation of Qingyang World at any time. He must act faster.

Master Jos suggested that Locke come back to convey the message, because he is the fastest among several people.

Four strong.

The city of the majestic sky, every time Locke came to this floating city, his heart was always inevitably shocked.

And compared to the past, since the Wizarding World was promoted to a large plane civilization, and the Wizarding League came into being, the City of Sky has also ushered in several waves of expansion over the years.

The magic library and various alchemy factories lined up explain the two responsibilities of Sky City.

First, it is a holy place that gathers most of the wisdom and intellectual wealth of the wizarding world.

Second, it is the two largest alchemy industrial bases in the wizarding world alongside the commercial alliance of Capecchi.

So far, only the city of the sky and the business alliance Capecchi exist for the production plants of the first generation space fortress and the second generation space fortress.

And the third-generation space fortress under development is currently being debugged and modified in the city of sky.

With the gradual prosperity of the Wizarding Alliance in recent years, more and more large and medium-sized forces have chosen to establish offices in the Sky City.

Especially after the Second Wizarding Union Conference, the number of medium-sized forces in the wizarding world has suddenly increased. Although no new large forces have yet appeared, it is foreseeable that this day will not be too far away.

It is forbidden to fly inside the city of sky, which is not only a respect for Douglas, the seventh-level powerhouse of the wizarding world, but also a respect for the wizarding union.

After entering the city of the sky, Locke went straight to the headquarters of the Wizard Alliance.

During the time when the Wizards’ Union Conference was not held, the Wizards’ Union also had the right to intervene in the development of the entire world and major trends.

Because Locke and other Western archipelago strongmen had already filed with the Wizarding Alliance in advance when they started to fight against Qingyang.

Therefore, when Locke returned to ask for help, the Wizarding Union also paid great attention to the upper boundary of Qingyang.

In the conference room, Locke met with the Siberian Knight of the Elysian Knights Union, the Celestial General of the Aybarut Empire, Cecilia, and the fifth-level black dragon warlock Hognier of the West Coast Dragon Warlock family.

These three are also the representatives selected by the Wizards Union to negotiate with Locke.

Locke must explain to all three of them the intelligence collected by the Western Islands in the Qingyang Realm. Only with the trust and approval of the three will the Wizards Union formally provide assistance to the Western Islands.

Although it seems a lot more cumbersome, it is actually a proof of the continuous development and transformation of the wizarding union.

Scientific, efficient, and accurate, this is the guideline of the Wizarding League today.

"I know that the war direction of your western islands in the Qingyang world will change at any time, so this time you report the Rock Knights as concisely as possible. Our wizarding union will also make targeted decisions at the fastest speed. "In the conference room, Cecilia, the demon general of the Abarut Empire, said.

Cecilia the Devil General, one of the three generals of the Abarut Empire.

After the end of the Chaos Star Wars, the generals of Demon and the Generals of Steel Casting in the Aybarut Empire were promoted to level five successively, which also caused a concussion in the wizarding world.

And after being promoted to level 5, the strength bonus of this magic general is also huge.

This is the same as Lilith, the Dark Summoner of the Mammad Alliance.

The deep background, powerful magic guide, amazing qualifications, combined with his status as the three generals of the empire, make the magic general Cecilia's limelight seem to overshadow the flame queen Carrie who has advanced to the fifth level.

Locke had no objections to General Cecilia's words.

Under the gaze of the three fifth-level strongmen, Locke clarified the intelligence collected by their western islands in the Qingyang world with concise and unconditional language.

In particular, after the Tianmen School surrendered, all information about the upper realm provided by the top Xiu Xianmen School in Qingyang Realm was packaged by Locke and provided to the Wizard Alliance.

After a while, the meeting room fell silent.

The three level five strong men seem to be digesting the information provided by Locke.

If the information is conclusive, then the upper boundary of the Qingyang Realm is also the world named'Antarctic Longevity Realm', and the lowest is also a medium-sized world civilization.

It is a pity that the Tianmen faction did not participate in the follow-up meetings held by various denominations in the Qingyang world. From the current intelligence information, the wizarding world cannot yet accurately determine what level of civilization is in the Antarctic eternal life.

In the meeting room, Locke was sitting on the edge.

He believes that he has great confidence in receiving assistance from the Wizarding League, not to mention others. Among the three five-level strongmen in front of him, only two of them have a good personal relationship with him.