Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 2230: Asian

There was some emotion in his expression, and Ashaer obviously wanted to go with Locke.

But looking back at one of his ongoing experiments and the upcoming experimental difficulties, Ashaer finally shook his head with regret, saying, "My negative ion evolution experiment is currently in a critical period, and I cannot leave the wizard for at least thirty years. world."

Locke looked at Master Jos again.

I saw that Master Jos also shook his head and said, "I also have several experiments in a critical period. I can only say that the invitation of Benjamin, the master of Chiyan Santa Claus, was not the right time."

Both Master Jos and Ashaer cannot go with Locke, which is a pity for Locke.

However, Locke does not need to be frustrated because of the relationship between the slave creatures such as Shurachang and Snow Rabbit Demon King Xiaoxue. Locke can pass spatial coordinates to Jos, Ashaer and others at any time.

For Jos and others who have mastered a certain degree of the magical magic of the space system, with the coordinates of the plane, they can exert their magic power and quickly reach the star field where Locke is located.

Although not all from the wizarding world, but after their magic experiment is completed, there is still a great possibility to travel in the alien universe.

While gaining truth in the laboratory while enhancing strength, only the magicians of the wizarding world can enjoy this way to upgrade their life level.

And occupations like knights are not suitable for staying behind closed doors and making cars.

Either actively launch alien plane wars, or travel to the endless astral world, the growth of the knights is always accompanied by time and time fighting and collision.

Probably because there is a space channel that can be contacted at any time, when Locke went to the Aybarut Empire to find Benjamin, he did not even carry the strongest power of the Dark Dragon King.

This tour is not only to broaden one's horizons, but also to sharpen one's own strength in order to advance to level five as early as possible.

Since Master Jos and others were unable to walk with themselves for a short period of time, Locke simply didn't even carry the King of Tyrannosaurus.

In the Shura field of Noda University, there are a group of elite slave creatures including only Kakarot, and a secondary worm mother from the Zerg.

Preparation has been

It lasted for half a year, and half a year later, Locke was invited to the Aybarut empire by invitation of Benjamin, the host of Chiyan Santa.

"Master, this is a new generation of Thor armor. Because of the limited materials and technology, the selection and manufacturing process of this Thor armor is more inclined to the alchemy system of the wizarding world. The function is also very similar to the previous generation Thor armor. It's different." When leaving, the source of fire was hundreds of years later, and finally delivered to Rocco a set of Thor armor again.

Rock's last Thor armor was destroyed during the Chaos Starfish War.

Later, until the end of the war, it could not be repaired or rebuilt.

It is only now that Fire Seeds has delivered a new generation of Thor Armor to Locke. On the one hand, it proves that the production of Thor Armor is difficult, on the other hand, it also shows the thoughts of the fire source in order to make this Thor Armor.

Thor's armor defense function, as early as during the Chaos Starfish War, Locke had a deep experience.

It is also because of Thor's armor as protection, Locke was able to escape many times during the Chaos Starfish War.

Now that Thor's armor has finally emerged in the design and development of fire seed sources, Locke naturally has to cherish and use it.

With this top armor as protection, Locke can also have certain safety guarantees while traveling through the astral world.

The center of the new generation of Thor's armor is also equipped with an energy control center, which will go to the fire source outside the domain with Locke, and will be inhabited by then.

If Locke remembers correctly, the planet civilizations that have not yet been involved in the wizarding world deeper in the Saiyan universe seem to be a world of technology.

Bringing the fire seeds together can also collect intelligence and make a more accurate judgment on the strength of those planetary civilizations.

In the same state as the previous Thor armor, when not excited, Thor armor appears on Locke's left arm in the form of a bracelet.

In the process of flying to the Abarut Empire, Locke's mount is also his only soul slave-the zombie tyrannosaurus.

The huge bone wings cover the sky, but fortunately, the height of Locke’s flight has exceeded the limit of the field of vision of most low-level creatures, otherwise such a terrible behemoth appeared in the wizarding world.

In view, it will inevitably cause corresponding panic.

In the protection policy of the local humans and low-level creatures of the wizarding world, the wizarding alliance, the holy tower, and the knight palace have spared no effort in these years.

Chiyan Shengta, the host of the fourth-level magician Benjamin, has already set up a feast to enter the arrival of Locke.

After all, it was a traditional nobleman from the Abarut Empire. The size of the banquet set by Benjamin exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

Nearly 500 beautiful Asians walked through the banquet, holding flowers in their hands, or holding exquisite food. Today, they only serve Benjamin as the host and Locke as the guest.

Locke always thought that he would enjoy it very much, but at this time he still felt short compared to Benjamin's living environment and luxurious atmosphere.

"I always think that Asians are just the first-class characters of gray dwarves and cavemen. I didn't expect the wizarding world to have such human-like Asians." At the banquet, enjoying the respectful service from the surrounding Asians, Rock couldn't help but sigh.

"The Aybarut Empire occupies the richest area of ​​the main continent of the wizarding world, and it was also the birthplace of many sub-nationalities in the wizarding world. Although most sub-nationals are currently driven into the ground, there are still Many Asians are attached to the Abarut Empire to obtain the right to survival." Benjamin talked eloquently.

In the history of the development of the wizarding world, humans originally belonged to the Asian people.

Because of the outstanding reproduction ability and the appearance of the profession of the wizard, it stood out from many sub-ethnic races, and finally defeated all sub-ethnic races to become the ruler of the wizarding world.

Before the rise of the human wizard, during the historical period that had been forgotten, the Asian people also created extremely brilliant and brilliant civilization achievements.

For example, the world-class secret ‘Absolute Barrier’ was created during that period and was made by the most powerful Asian empire at that time.

However, with the passage of time, the Asian People's Empire no longer exists.

The sub-people who withdrew from the stage of history like Haizu and Warcraft can only become an accessory of the human in the wizarding world, depending on the major holy towers and knight palaces to survive.
