Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 2560: Griffin's request

On the beautiful golden beach, Locke and his family lay down in a row, enjoying the splendid and warm sunbathing.

It is hard to imagine that the west coast and the north are so close, but the climate on both sides is very different.

The dragon girl Andel wore a small skirt and happily ran and played on the beach.

On the West Coast, she can display her dragon horns and dragon scales at will, and will not be treated with strange eyes.

Because on this beach alone, the bloodline warlock who looks stranger than the dragon girl Andel is unknown.

In terms of personal aesthetics, blood warlocks are the most striking exotic flowers in the wizarding world. This has been demonstrated by Locke as early as the earth knight.

Locke will pass here, will the Griffin Werewolf Warlock family as the master of the golden coastline ignore it?

Griffin, a fifth-level werewolf warlock, appeared here personally, and he was also a fifth-level breakthrough after the end of the Chaos Star Wars. What's more gratifying is that in addition to him, the Griffin family has two other descendants who have broken through to the fourth level.

This is also the main reason why the Griffin Werewolf Warlock family can firmly occupy the golden coastline as more and more powerful and powerful forces emerge in the wizarding world.

"Lock Knight, welcome to the Golden Shoreline as a guest!" Griffin, a fifth-level werewolf warlock, appeared in front of Lock in human form.

Grizzly long hair in gold and silver, rough appearance, bare chest hair, Griffin was lying directly on the bamboo chair beside Locke.

The bamboo chair originally belonged to Locke's daughter Lisa. At this time, Lisa, Bev, Memela and Andel were playing in the sea.

Griffin's unconventional style makes Locke's mouth grin.

However, he didn't care about Griffin's trivial task of staining his daughter's bamboo chair, he just replied in a formal way, "Griffin Warlock, hello."

After all, Locke fell silent.

There is really nothing to chat with such a rough guy like Griffin. If it was a few months ago, maybe Locke would still chat with each other with a familiar attitude and set a few cooperations in laughter.

Just like before Locke, the way to call the holy tower in the United Kingdom of Jecorro was the same as when the wind listener group passed by Kazbek City.

But now, Locke has not much interest.

A few short conversations with Angelina not long ago cast a shadow on Locke's heart.

He doesn’t want to talk too much about ‘official business’ right now. He just wants to enjoy the warm time with his family for a limited time.

Griffin is not clear about Locke’s mind at this time. His age is much older than Locke, enough to be called the old guy of the same period as Silent Santa Panama.

Today, the descendants of Griffin are unknown, and because warlocks and knights pay close attention to the inheritance of blood, Griffin's wife has changed hundreds of years in the past few years.

The first few dozen wives, Griffin is naturally engaged in true feelings, after all, he is a living person besides a blood warlock.

However, with the passage of thousands of thousands of years, the beautiful ladies died and turned into pink skulls. Griffin's mentality has gradually completed the transformation from "man" to "god".

Creatures above level 4 are called ‘Gods’, not just low-level creatures’ ignorance of higher-level creatures. At least from now on, it makes some sense.

Locke doesn't want to speak, it doesn't mean that Griffin has nothing to say.

In fact, Griffin is seeking Locke.

Although the Blood Warlock belongs to the same line of spellcasters, Griffin does not have the language skills that the same level of casters should have. I saw him from the door and said, "Lock Knight, I would like to ask you to do me a favor!"

Looking away from Lisa, Andel, and others who were playing on the beach, Locke looked at Griffin, a fifth-level werewolf warlock with a striking scar on his face, and waited for his following.

"I heard that Locke Knight had a good relationship with Master Trapadoni, the Dragon Lich. I would like to ask Locke Knight to be an intermediary to help me get out of Master Trapadoni. I have something important to do with Trapped. Master Doni negotiated," Griffin said.

The relationship between Locke and Trapadoni is not a secret on the West Coast.

As the most powerful free agent on the West Coast, Trapadoni, although living alone in the depths of the bone tower in the northern region, still has many people paying attention to his every move.

Moreover, the title of Trapadoni "Dancer of Accented Note" is not in vain. He could resist the sixth-level strong Zeratul in the chaotic sea star domain with the fifth-level body thousands of years ago. No one knows where he is today, thousands of years later.

In addition, it is said that after the end of the Second Wizarding League Conference, the Black Dragon Warlock family, a branch of the Dragon Vein Warlock family, began to repeatedly contact the Dragon Lich Trapadoni, seemingly trying to bring him back to his own family.

So even though Trapadoni has lived on the West Coast for years, he is still a figure.

Locke didn't know what Griffin was looking for Trapadoni, but looking at this guy's expression, he also knew that he was going to talk to Trapadoni not to be known to outsiders. And this ‘outsider’ refers to Locke.

I remembered that he hadn't contacted Trapadoni for more than a thousand years. When I contacted Trapadoni last time or started an invasion war against Qingyang, he invited Trapadoni as a helper.

After a little thought, Locke agreed to Griffin's request.

Anyway, he just passed on his behalf. As for Trapadoni's willingness to come and talk with Griffin, it was Trapadoni's own business, and Locke would not intervene.

"Thank you Rock Knight!" Griffin rejoiced and gave Rock a fist-sized oval space gem as a gift.

Such a large piece of space gemstone can also be regarded as a treasure, which is more than enough as Locke’s ‘intermediary fee’.

It is exactly Rock that intends to establish a space channel connecting the Western Islands and the city of the sky. This space gem can be used as one of the main materials for constructing the portal.

A week later, Locke’s family was still sightseeing on the West Coast, and Locke himself came to the bone tower among the mountains on the North Coast of the West Coast under the urging of Griffin.

Different from the spring-like environment of the golden coastline in four seasons, Trapadoni is surrounded by snow-capped mountains around the bone tower.

The bitter cold wind screamed past, and Locke even found the ice dragon warlocks who turned back to the ancestor to transform into the deep clouds.

A huge skeleton bone tower appeared in front of Locke. To be precise, this was Locke's third visit to the bone tower of the Dragon Lich Trapadoni.

It seemed that Locke had arrived. He had just landed in front of the bone tower, and the huge door opened immediately.


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