Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 3002: Victory or defeat

"Master Nigel." After the battle, Locke took the initiative to fly in front of Nigel and presented a silver apple.

With the power of the silver apple, although it will not immediately recover all of Nigel's injuries, it is also a signal of reconciliation sent by Locke to Nigel.

"Haha, it's really terrifying to the next generation. Your strength is beyond my expectation." Nigel was not at all arrogant and tyrannical at this time, just like an ordinary old man, smiled and took it from Locke. Silver apple.

Nigel himself had eaten golden apples, so he naturally saw the details of the silver apple in front of him at a glance.

Due to the blockade and squeeze of the Black Territory Continent by the Wizarding Alliance, there are very few ways to obtain resource wealth.

Including level 6 spellcasters like Nigel, there are few top restorative treasures comparable to the Silver Apple.

Thanks to the war in the wild world, the black magicians of the Western Islands have greatly expanded their waists.

Otherwise, a group of ‘extremely poor’ evildoers, with their eyes closed, would know what damage they would cause to the Western Islands.

Before and after the battle between Locke and Nigel, for half a year, because it was only a discussion, neither side played any heavy hands.

Nigel was defeated very simply, which meant that the ultimate ownership of the Black Territory Continent would change hands to Locke.

Of course, Locke is not an insatiable person. What he took away was only the black land continent and the surrounding islands. As for more small and medium-sized islands and slang islands, they still belonged to the black mage's territory.

Since the western archipelago claims to be an "archipelago", it shows that the number of islands here is beyond imagination.

The number of small and medium islands can be counted, but the more subtle Li islands are countless.

And because it belongs to the place where the black magicians and black knights are exiled, the rules of the Wizarding Alliance and the Guardian rules are suppressed to the lowest.

As long as those high-level black magicians are courageous, they can directly use the method of reclaiming land to expand the number of small islands and below. (Longitudinal)

Of course, this method is limited to the use of black magicians and black knights.

Locke, as the master of the Hall of Knights in the Western Islands,

He is also one of the number six knights in the wizarding world. Even if he wants to expand the land area of ​​the Western Islands, he has to report to the Guardians and the Wizarding Alliance.

Otherwise, rushing to reclaim the sea and build land may affect the turbulence of the plane nodes and the power of rules in the western archipelago.

When the outcome of Locke and Nigel was divided, the expressions of the powerful in the wizarding world as onlookers were also different.

Daenerys, the dragon mother, has a clear look as expected, Master Sarafa is delighted, and the black magicians represented by Scarlett and Farien are incredulous and An expression not willing to accept the result.

Scarlett is okay. She herself doesn’t know much about the level six powers possessed by Nigel and Locke. She only thinks that Locke does have the strength over Nigel, and this level six knight is world-class. The secret treasure Thor's Spear also left a deep impression on Scarlett, who was only a four-level caster.

But Farien, as Nigel's only personal disciple, found a clue.

Because he has followed and served Nigel since he was a child, Farien has a particularly clear understanding of the strength of his mentor.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Farien felt that his mentor was not doing his best.

Not to mention the ‘Dead Plague Magic’ as Nigel’s assassin, it was not used in previous battles, and even the curse witchcraft that Nigel specializes in was hardly used.

From beginning to end, Nigel only used the dark elements and the emotional power of despair to confront Locke, which made Farien a little puzzled.

Of course, incomprehensible, Farien would not ask anything rashly at this moment.

The reason why the instructor does this, naturally has his reason.

As an apprentice, Farien only needs to do his best to support his mentor.

The only thing that makes Farien feel pity is the fourth-level black magician Scarlett beside him.

Unlike Kleiniya's charming temperament, the fourth-level female black mage Scarlett is completely strong and vicious.

Just after Yizhe, even though Scarlett was able to rush out of the chaotic Black Territory Continent, she was able to rise to the fourth level. But it does not mean that she can disobey a sixth-level knight.

In order to calm the anger of the Rock Knights, Farien believes that the Black Region will not be stingy to hand over this

A four-level female black magician.

The unity between the black magicians in the black domain is limited to the small circle at the top.

Scarlett’s promotion to Level 4 was too short, and he had not established friendly relations with Baldi, Rodman and others.

In addition, this woman was able to grow up, she had stepped on the corpses of countless black magicians of the same level, and her popularity was not very good.

Except for another newly promoted fourth-level black mage, Karl, who had a bit of a peek at him, everyone else was not interested in attracting evil to the sixth-level knight Locke because of this woman.

Scarlett also seemed to think about her next situation. In addition to being unwilling to accept the fact that Nigel was defeated, this woman was also caught in worries and hesitation about the future fate.

Locke didn't know that at this time, a fourth-level female black magician was emotionally in a state of suffering because of her victory.

He was not so careful, and a mere four-level black magician confronted him. After half a year, Locke had long forgotten.

And compared to a small fourth-level female black magician, Locke at this time is more concerned about the star beasts that are not far from the demiplane where they are located, and are fighting in a water attribute demiplane. Javier and the sixth-level dragon knight Volta.

Unlike Locke and Nigel, who are "click to end", Jairan and Volta are the real gunners.

Nuo Da's water attribute demiplane also tends to be destroyed in the battle between these two sixth-level creatures.

However, even the destruction of the world did not stop the fighting between the two.

After finishing the battle, Locke flew with Master Sharapa and the others to outside the water demiplane where Jairus and Volta fought.

The fourth-level star beast Chi Kiss got out of nowhere and plunged directly into Locke's arms.

Locke didn't care about the small gestures of Chiki that turned into a human form, and his attention was completely attracted by the battle in the water attribute demiplane.

"It's fierce!" Locke couldn't help sighing as he looked at the two sides fighting in the lower half plane.

Dragon Mother and others naturally also saw the scene in the plane below.

Indeed, compared to the battle between Locke and Nigel, the battle between these two sixth-level creatures can be called a real fight.