Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 3091: Tides and ocean currents

A good father will never let his children be in an environment of over-doting and absolute safety.

Odin is no longer young, and his demi-god strength is enough to deal with most of the dangers in ordinary warfare.

Moreover, this world is not so safe. If it is just a vague escape, maybe he can get a moment of peace now, but what should he do when danger comes in the future.

Locke didn't mind protecting his son for the rest of his life. After all, it was only natural for Lao Tzu to protect his son.

But as a father, Locke didn't want his son to be just a second generation ancestor who could eat and drink.

Both daughters have grown up, and each has a strength of level 4 or higher.

If the eldest daughter Bev is not surprised, Master Sarafa will be trained as the successor of the Mamete Union in the future.

The second daughter, Lisa, has established the destiny of the future successor to the Queen of Blades and the power of the Zerg from the day of her birth.

Where is the youngest son Odin?

If he wants to become the King of Titans in the future, or if he has other higher pursuits and goals, it will definitely not work to stay in the greenhouse of Titan World.

Among the group of people under Locke, only Athena, the goddess of wisdom, knows Odin's real life experience, so sending her back to the Titan World to take Odin over is the most suitable candidate.

Of course, after Odin arrives, a series of chain reactions will definitely happen.

At least about Odin being his own son, Locke can no longer hide from Angelina and other women.

Faced with Locke's request, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, naturally nodded and agreed, but she also asked her only worry, "What if she doesn't want Odin to come over if Hera?"

Unlike every father who wants his son to grow into talent, most mothers are more inclined to let their children spend their lives peacefully.

This is the biggest difference between male creatures and female creatures.

Hera's doting on Odin is obvious to all in the world of Titans.

Perhaps to make up for the lack of parental love in this child's childhood, Hera put a lot of care and love on Odin. (Longitudinal)

In other cases, it’s okay, but if it’s dangerously dangerous Sea King Realm, Hera still

Really does not necessarily agree to Odin coming over.

There are as many as nine native sixth-level creatures in this world, and more than two hundred fourth-level creatures such as Shanghai Kings and marine intelligent creatures!

In such a dangerous and abnormal world, it is no wonder that Hera will worry about the safety of her son who has only demigod strength.

"She will agree and tell her that I will guarantee the safety of our children!" When Locke said this, an indescribable domineering and self-confidence burst out.

At least Athena, the goddess of wisdom, looked at the beauty again and again.

It was also with Locke’s words that made Athena confident to take Odin from Hera.

Asking Athena, the goddess of wisdom, to return to the Titan world to pick up her son Odin is just a small episode before the war begins.

Two months later, with the army of Zekerley and Klopp, two arrows in different directions were inserted into the ancient sea country, and the official offensive frenzy of the western archipelago army finally started.

Among the two offensive routes, the pioneer army led by Zekley took the flanking route, and the main army led by Klopp was the top priority of the western archipelago army.

Considering that the raymen of Gusdu Sea Country are extremely good at sneak attacks, the rear of the pioneer army led by Zekley, in addition to Panama, Gaia, and the mercenary **** Alfred Ashes, the three five-level powerhouses, Locke Kakarot and Vegeta are also hidden in it.

According to the strength demonstrated in previous battles, the life level of the ray eels of Gusdu Sea Nation will not exceed the early stage of the sixth level.

So even if the sixth-level raymen attacked this flanking legion, the Western Isles Legion had enough countermeasures.

Even Locke believes that in the case of a head-on fight, the sixth-level rayman may not be the opponent of Kakarot and Vegeta after they merged.

As for the fit earrings, there is a time limit.

This is also harmless.

Not to mention that Locke can rush to support in time with Thor's armor.

Including the six-level rayman's own fighting style that is good at sneak attacks, protracted combat is definitely not the opponent's strong point.

It is precisely because of such considerations and arrangements that the western archipelago army can go straight to the ancient kingdom of Gusdu to kill.

Three months later, over the ruins of a deep-sea city.

These aboriginal sea tribes of the Sea King Realm have also developed their own quite brilliant civilizations in the tens or millions of years living on the seabed.

Although there is a big gap between the craftsmanship and the terrestrial creatures of other plane civilizations.

But through housing, language, culture and energy use methods, etc., they all show no weaker than other medium-sized world civilizations.

"This is the place where Seti fell. I remember there is still a huge crater there. I didn't expect it to be filled in just a few years." The fourth-level knight Klopp introduced to Locke beside him.

The direction he was pointing was to a seemingly ordinary seabed outside this deep-sea city.

The biggest difference between the Battlefield of Sea King World and other wizarding world battlefields is the unique deep-sea environment here.

Under the influence of ocean currents and constant tides, the conditions of the seabed can be described as changing rapidly.

It is worth mentioning that there is also a sun in the Neptune Realm, which is a fire demiplane not far from the Neptune Realm. Because of the low mass of the plane itself, many places in the Neptune Realm cannot get enough sunlight. .

As for the moon, there are as many as seventeen in the Sea King Realm!

This is also the reason why the tidal power of this world is so amazing!

According to rumors, the abilities of the overlord sea king-like tidal news dominator Beckham and the eye of the tide magic Kla, their abilities are closely related to the power of the sea king world's tides and ocean currents.

When Klopp briefly introduced to Locke about the battle that took place here, several huge shadows floated over the two of them.

Don't make a fuss, this is no stranger to the sea king.

It was caused by the playfulness of Domination, Negative and Chiki.

Since the time and space gate connecting the wizarding world and the sea king world has been completely stabilized, Ba Xia and Negian have also been relieved of the errand of suppression.

This time Locke returned to the wizarding world and personally led the war against the Neptune Realm. These few star beasts that were closely related to him naturally participated in it for the first time.

The tyrannical dragon, the size that is no less than the sea king, and the absolute strength.

When facing the sea creatures above level 4 and other sea kings in the ancient Sidu sea country, Locke does not even need to take action in person, and the underlord star beasts and other Western archipelago powerhouses can easily handle them.