Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 3402: eleven years

This is the third battlefield on the plane where Locke and his army have supported the battle in half a year.

With the strength of the warfare of the Watersource III planet, it is natural that there is no need for a Level 6 existence like Locke to take action in person, and the commander responsible for this war is the Queen of Blade Kerrigan and other Level 4 and Level 5 creatures under Locke.

Because of the arrival of Locke and others, Planet Water Source III burst out with the last fierce resistance.

This makes the **** demons who are the invaders quite a headache.

When the leading five-level demon lord was finally driven back to **** by the queen of blades Kerrigan and the **** Elune, the demon lord ushered in the anger of the skull-crushing king Hagen, the owner of the 87th floor of Infinite Hell.

Hagen is not a demon king who is kind to others. He finally decided to leave an arm and a wing of the fifth-level demon lord as a warning.

Before that, Hagen had treated the other two fifth-level subordinates the same way.

"Who is it? It made me suffer such a huge loss!" Hagen's roar resounded through the 87th floor of Hell.

Soon, various materials about Locke and his army gathered in front of Hagen through multiple channels.


Demon King Hagen has been Locke's main target in the past six months.

Thanks to the secret information sent by Carter Gustavo, Locke can easily know the next move of certain demon legions and the weak points of the opponent's combat power.

The results of several wars proved that Lockar's huge employment expenses worth 500 million magic coins were worthwhile.

However, although Locke has turned the tide on the local battlefield, it is difficult to change the current situation of the overall development of the structural star field war.

After the precise calculation of the fire source, these nine civilizations participating in the war in the structured star field can support at most another two hundred years.

On the one hand, the war potential of the nine civilizations is limited, and they are gradually consumed by the **** demons.

On the other hand, more and more **** demons have joined the war and aggression against the nine civilizations. (First issue in vertical and horizontal)

Locke is not interested in the survival of the nine civilizations, he only cares about what he can gain in the end.

Eleven years later.

Unknowingly, Locke has been in the architecture star field for eleven years.

Eleven years of employment life has made Locke familiar with the vast majority of senior officials of the nine civilizations, and it has also given Locke a deeper understanding of these civilizations.

According to Locke’s understanding, among the nine civilizations that are suitable for drawing into the Wizarding Alliance, the only civilizations that are suitable for incorporation into the Wizarding Alliance are the variant civilization, the Kolina crab civilization, and the giant tooth civilization.

Other civilizations are either geographically poor, or they have a certain resistance to the Wizarding Alliance, or they are not worthy of the Wizarding World’s efforts.

In the same eleven years, there have been more than 30 wars involving Locke’s legions.

The architectural star field is not a large star field, the number of planes with complete rules here is only about one hundred.

More than 90% of the planets on the plane have had wars, and the entire structure star field has become a war quagmire.

Frequent wars also made Locke's army undergo a temper and transformation.

The most significant is the Zerg Legion, which consumes and reproduces at the same time. Under the evolutionary mechanism of the survival of the fittest, the quality of the Zerg Legion under Locke has ushered in a transformation.

On this day, Locke, who had just finished a commanding battle, returned to the space fortress with his front foot, and received a message from the wizarding world on his back foot.

The news came from Sarafa.

"I have exported all of the slave creature army that you sent back to the wizarding world to Xianyu. The cultivator monk who is in charge of the Xianyu's contact is very satisfied with this batch of slave creature army." Sharafa said.

The group of slave creatures that Locke sent back was naturally the product of a deal with the demons.

In view of Locke's friendly relationship with mocking wind and the secret contact with the demon king Carter Gustavo, the slave creature army that Locke finally obtained was the relatively high-quality batch.

As for the inferior slave army, it was sold to Krypton civilization by the mocking wind.

Compared with the combat power generally possessed by the monks of the fairyland, the group of slave creatures that Locke sent over is definitely not enough.

But in large-scale plane wars, what Xianyu civilization lacks is not reliable combat power, but cannon fodder that can stand up to death.

Just as he was dozing off, he sent a pillow, Locke’s move made him more popular in the fairyland.

"The war on the Xianyu side has already begun?" Locke asked.

Since he has been dedicated to commanding operations in the structured star field for more than ten years, Locke didn't know much about the fairyland civilization, so he asked.

"Yes, Xianyu officially declared war on the blue boxing martial arts civilization a year ago."

"From the intelligence results we have collected, it is the fairyland civilization that has a great advantage." Sarafa nodded and replied.

For this answer, Locke was not surprised.

He had personally felt the strength of the fairyland civilization.

Locke would be surprised if he was defeated in the war against the blue fist martial arts civilization.

"The rest period of our wizarding world is not short. Now that the various star regions and civilizations are reborn, do you have any plans for Sky City?" Locke asked. (First issue in vertical and horizontal)

"At the edge of our wizarding world that controls the star field, another medium-sized star field was discovered, but the specific strength of the other party has not been investigated."

"Compared with the traditional invasion and conquest, the result of the discussion in the Sky City Conference is to try to draw it into the Wizarding Alliance by way of wooing to avoid the spread of war." Sharapa said.

Thousands of years of recuperation have made the younger generation of powerful men in the wizarding world think that it is time to start the war again and expand the territory of the wizarding world.

However, the older generation of powerhouses in the wizarding world represented by Mei and Luo Bo, the masters of Water Rhythm, thought that the war would start again now.

The older generation of strong men in the wizarding world has a more stable and conservative concept.

Thousands of years of recuperation is enough? Far from enough!

Because of the increasing frequency of warfare and civilizational invasion in the past ten thousand years, in the ideas of these older generation of wizarding world powerhouses, the wizarding world will at least dormant and develop for tens of thousands of years before considering further expansion.

This gap between thinking and concepts has also led to two voices gradually appearing at the Sky City Conference.

However, in general, the younger generation of strong voices in the wizarding world represented by Locke and others are louder.

Because now is the world of young people after all, the era of the older generation of strong men in the wizarding world has passed.

Fortunately, the discovered medium-sized world civilization is willing to join the Wizarding Alliance, if not...maybe it will be the arrival of the Wizarding World Army waiting for them.