Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 3408: Steal the teacher

"Hmm...ah? I think Senator Mo Liwen is right!" Locke replied.

He actually didn't even know what Mr Mok Li-man had proposed, but vaguely remembered that the other party seemed to be talking about the issue of the defense front.

"Well, Jingchan 4 planet and 2 bioenergy planet, let the Rock Knight and your legion take charge of guarding them. Can you?" Mo Liwen continued.

"Of course you can. It's just that the supplies to guard those two planes, and the cost of the loss of my army in the melee that ended before..." Locke changed his sitting position, keeping his eyes on the person. Mo Liwen's face said.

When dealing with Locke, the sixth-level peak powerhouse, Senator Mo Liwen was not as aggressive as when dealing with General Muffat.

In the final analysis, Locke did not do anything to harm the interests of structural civilization, and during the wars of more than ten years before, Locke also had a lot of contact with this Senator Mo Liwen. For example, this was the case of the original Giga Star War. A congressman led an army of mechas to support.

During the more than ten years of working with Locke for more than ten years, Senator Mo Li-man, including the top and bottom of the structure civilization, was very satisfied with Locke. The only thing that made them slightly uncomfortable was that the Locke knight from the wizarding world seemed to be too greedy. some.

His unprofitable character, which means that every time he builds civilization, he has to obtain some benefits from the structure civilization in various ways.

If it were a normal interstellar mercenary, Senator Mok Li-man and the structure civilization would have kicked each other away.

But Locke and the others not only couldn't kick, but they had to calm down carefully.

Because Locke's strength is there, and the brilliant record of more than ten years, it also marks that Locke and his army are indeed worth the price! (First issue in vertical and horizontal)

"As long as it is Rock Knight's request, our architecture civilization will meet as much as possible." At the meeting, Senator Mo Liwen finally bit the bullet and said.

And when the female congresswoman responded to Locke, she was careful.

She only said that the structural civilization would meet Locke's requirements as much as possible, but did not mention other civilizations.

You must know that the hiring of Locke and his army is not a private matter of structuring a family of civilizations, but a matter that requires bleeding for the entire nine civilizations.

The Honourable Mok Lai-man can only represent herself, not others. This also means that she kicked the ball to someone else.

Locke didn't care about these small nines and nines in the conference room, and the deeper undercurrents.

To put it simply, he came to build the Star Territory this time, first to sharpen himself, and second to make a fortune.

If the resources are not in the account, Locke will not make a move.

Although before that, he had earned a total of hundreds of millions of magic coins from nine civilizations.

After going through this high-level summit in a state of distraction and watching the show, Locke returned to the attached iron armored satellite of Planet Fire 0.

Here, his only remaining space fortress is working hard to repair.

It is the more than 200 wizards who are in charge of repairing the Star Territory with Locke this time. These wizards were originally the operators and operators of the two space fortresses, but now they are guest repairers.

This proves one thing, a magician who can only drive a space fortress, not a competent magician, you have to be able to practice.

Fortunately, these more than 200 magicians are all elites from the Western Islands. A broken and tattered space fortress was gradually restored to its original appearance in their hands.

During the repair process, these skilled spellcasters even dismantled another space fortress that had been scrapped more thoroughly.

Relying on the parts removed from another space fortress, this patched space fortress does not differ much in performance from before.

A mecha with a height ranging from 5 to 30 meters, travels around the Locke Space Fortress.

These architectural mechas are all industrial-model mechas sent by the senior leaders of the architectural civilization to assist in the maintenance. It seems that the action of the architectural civilization is a good intention, but you have to ignore the architectural civilization scientists hidden in the industrial-model mecha in advance.

It is said to assist in maintenance, but in fact it is to steal the teacher.

Just like when Locke went to the Gallente Federation, he would let the fire source record and steal some of the high-precision technology of the Gallente Federation as much as possible, so the architecture civilization also took a fancy to the magical alchemy technology of the wizarding world.

As the fourth-generation space fortress is the pinnacle of contemporary alchemy in the wizarding world, it is naturally impossible for Locke to let these creatures that structure civilization succeed.

These mechas of varying heights have so far only been able to carry out some simple material handling tasks in distant places.

As for things that are a little bit more core, they don't even touch them.

Locke doesn't believe that the architecture civilization can have something as magical as the fire source, and even if the architecture civilization wants to steal the teacher, the magic alchemy system and the architecture mecha system are two completely different research branches.

Those industrial mechas like to lay hands beside them, so let them be busy.

It's all like this, if the other party can learn anything by stealing the teacher, Locke will also recognize it.

Of course, before this, Ashar and Lilith both said that by stealing the teacher in this way and giving them another two hundred years, perhaps they can barely figure out the technology involved in the field of outer armor in the fourth-generation space fortress in the wizarding world.

As for the more core content, you can't understand it by watching it from the side.

And for two hundred years... Locke is not sure whether the architecture civilization can last so long under the attack of the **** army.

Inside the space fortress.

Locke quickly saw Ashar who was instructing the magicians to carry out maintenance work.

At this time, Ashar's breath was a bit vain, which originated from the war that just ended not long ago.

Even Locke suffered a lot of injuries, not to mention Ashar.

But apart from Ashar, Kakarot and Lilith were the ones who were more seriously injured.

Kakarot, who had just been promoted to the sixth level, was still struggling to face a sixth-level peak demon king alone.

Moreover, the opponent's unique psychedelic laws also restrained passive evolutionary powerhouses like Kakarot.

Kakarot's path is about breaking through all laws with strength.

If a creature of his level played with him some psychedelic laws, Kakarot would inevitably be beaten into a pig.

But if it is stronger than Kakarot and surpasses him by more than one in terms of realm, then Kakarot will be like hitting cotton with all his strength.

Fortunately, Kakarot was strong enough. Although he suffered heavy losses in that battle, his opponent, the demon king who mastered the laws of psychedelic, was not well.

That demon king needed dozens or hundreds of attacks to severely damage Kakarot, and Kakarot wounded his opponent with only one blow.

There is such a result, and a large part of the reason is that the demon king who masters the psychedelic law has poor defense and vitality.