Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 3410: Raving

  Magic Rael, when Locke came into contact with the name again, it was the seventh month after Locke had secretly contacted Carter Gustavo.

  That is another battlefield in the structured star field, a low-level plane full of elite mutant creatures and force army garrison.

The arrival of    Fantasy Demon Rael broke the long-term stalemate between the two sides, and millions of nine civilized legions were affected by it and became nervous.

  When chaotic will becomes dominant and the clarity in the mind of each organism is no longer, it marks that the world has become a complete purgatory on earth.

  And what is even more outstanding about the magical Rael is her influence on high-level creatures. Those millions of low-level creature army are only infected by the unconscious fluctuations of rules around her.

  As a force user of the Kaitra Empire, who was the opponent of the magical Riel at that time, his whereabouts were unknown at the end of the war.

  It is said that he was dragged into a different space by Rael, and there are also rumors that Rael took control of him and was attacked by two other demon kings on the battlefield at that time, and finally fell.

  In short, the advent of the magic demon Riel has caused the nine civilizations to fall since the second sixth-level creature.

  Before this, there was only one level six mech with a civilized architecture that was blown up by the demon kings due to fierce fighting.

  At the level of sixth-level creatures, sometimes even falling is an extremely difficult thing.

   can't beat at least it can run, the mosquito person of Xianyu was not under the siege of many powerful enemies, but was stunned by it.

  Being able to kill opponents at the sixth level, in addition to having an overwhelming power, there is also a number advantage.

  It was also after the death of the sixth-level force user, the fame of Phantom Riel in the structured star field battlefield, and it ushered in its peak. (Longitudinal)

  In the void of Planet Jingchan 4, Locke resolutely appeared outside the star realm, quietly watching the movements of the demon army on the opposite side.

  Up to now, the specific battlefield is no longer confined to the plane.

The stage in the    plane is really too small. At the level of a sixth-level creature like Locke, if they can really let go of their hands and feet to fight, they need to be a medium-sized plane.

   But the entire structure star domain, there is only one medium-sized plane, that is, the structure star.

  Under the fierce resistance of hundreds of millions of architectural mechas of architectural civilization, the Star of Architecture is still one of the few pure land in this star field, and has not been invaded by war.

  In the starry sky, Locke watched the transformation of the demon army on the opposite side, and witnessed a female demon with a coquettish appearance and strange blue-green eyes coming out from the depths of the demon army.

  She is like a plague **** that no one wants to touch. Every step forward, the demons around her will inevitably retreat a few steps to the side and back.

  At the same time, appeared in this starry sky battlefield, as well as the three-headed demon king.

   One is the sixth-level pinnacle demon Garon Sol who was smashed three wings by Kakarot. He is also the younger brother of Phantom Rael.

  The other two sixth-level demon kings are quite unfamiliar, and they don’t seem to have appeared on the battlefield of the structural star field before.

  A haze of red and green light, shining with ominous colors, appeared next to the magical riel, which was a product of the power of rules.

  These red and green hazes are not driven by Phantom Riel, but are formed spontaneously.

  This proves two things in total. One is that the power of Phantom Riel has been so strong that every move can cause the phenomenon of surrounding rules.

  Secondly, the magic demon Rael does not seem to be able to fully control his power.

  The real powerhouse is not like the magical riel. Everywhere he appears, he can attract the attention of others.

   But like Douglas or Southern sage Artes, the aura is restrained. If you don’t deliberately explode the energy level, others will only think that these are two harmless, kind old men.

  Like a ‘Plague Poison’ that no human beings can get close to. When Phantom Riel appeared in the depths of the starry sky battlefield, besides her younger brother who was closer, there was no other demon to follow.

  As the main general of this battlefield, Locke will naturally not be afraid of the opponent because of the opponent's power.

   Locke, who turned on Thor’s armor, flew straight to the depths of the battlefield. Judging from the current strength of Phantom Riel, it seems that only Locke can be an enemy of this starry sky battlefield.

   "The power of destruction, I smelled the seeds of destruction germinating." When Locke approached the magical Riel for a certain distance, the woman with six colorful wings suddenly said.

"you are

Say what? "Rock frowned and asked, he didn't understand what the woman was saying.

  In fact, it's not just that Locke can't understand what she's talking about, **** civilization can understand the whispers of the magical demon Rael, and count them with one slap.

  Fantasy Demon Rael and his younger brother Garon Saul are from the endangered race of psychedelic monsters among **** demons.

  This is a short-lived magical race in the ancient period of **** civilization. Due to the inability to adapt to the **** **** and the naked law of survival of the fittest, the psychedelic monster family was basically extinct 300,000 years ago.

  Galon Thor and Riel Thor are the only pure-blooded members of the psychedelic monster clan.

  Although there are only two of the pure-blooded psychedelic monsters, the bloodline of the hybrid and mixed psychedelic monsters sprawled in a few planes of hell.

  Due to the special power of the psychedelic monster family, these bloodline owners are favored and valued by individual demon kings.

  Of course, for most psychedelic monster bloodlines and owners, **** civilization is still not suitable for their development and reproduction.

  The reason why Carter Gustavo said that the phantom Riel owed him a favor is that he had taken in a close-knit psychedelic monster with a pure blood.

   "The ruined lotus flower is getting more and more brilliant. It is waiting for its new owner. You are also looking for it, aren't you?" A pair of blue-green eyes of Magic Rael looked at Locke.

  Broadcast, I’m using the book-chasing app recently, [Mimi Reading app ] Cache reading, offline reading!

  To tell the truth, the appearance of the magic demon Rael is no worse than that of the goddess of wisdom Athena. She is a female humanoid creature that fully conforms to the aesthetics of the wizarding world.

  But somehow, a big master Locke was stared at by the eyes of the magic demon Rael, and an unnatural and absurd feeling suddenly emerged.

   "What are you talking about?" Locke continued.

  'Destroyed Lotus', when he heard this word, the first thing Locke thought of was the destruction of the black lotus of the fairyland civilization.

  He is indeed trying to find Destroyed Black Lotus, and has already obtained several Destroyed Lotus Seeds.

  But the question is, how did the magic riel know.

   "Hell trembles because of you. It is looking forward to your coming, and is afraid that you will bring harm to it. Are you willing to fall into the abyss forever?" Ignoring Locke's question, Wanderer Riel continued to stare at Locke.