Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4021: Backhand

After passing through the 13th floor of Hell, as the iconic blood beam of the current Hell civilization, it appeared in front of Locke.

The faint spatial attributes in the beam of light and the absurd power of the familiar world of despair make it easy for people to guess where the blood-colored beam of light is connected.

What makes Locke a little surprised is that not only the seventh layer of **** is the space-time outlet of the blood-colored light beam, but also the eighth, ninth, and tenth layers of the blood-colored light beam, all of which have weak space-time power. , Can be connected to the world of despair.

It's just that these powers of time and space are much weaker than the seventh layer of hell, and only a few desperate world survivors can get out of it. The vast majority of survivors and desperate people still appear in the seventh layer of hell.

The Bright Protoss fighting in each **** space has already used rigorous and nearly perfect legion combat capabilities to clean out the small number of survivors and despairs that appeared in the space above the seventh floor of the hell.

Except that the blood-colored light beam is extremely eye-catching, it is difficult to see the figures of survivors from the desperate world in other layers of **** space.

This also complied with that sentence, even if the survivors of the desperate world were able to rush out of the angel army blockade of the seventh layer of hell, there would be a larger and larger angel army waiting for them outside.

It is too trivial to confront an entire civilization with individual strength.

In order to destroy the **** this time, the Guangming Protoss suppressed more than 70% of its civilization strength.

After passing through the planes where the Light Protoss occupies a great advantage, Locke came to the junction area between the eighth and ninth levels of hell.

The wave of destruction of the medium-sized plane was enough to discourage most seven-level masters, with the exception of Locke.

Born in destruction, merged with destruction.

The riot factors on the eighth and ninth levels of **** can hurt the victim, but they cannot hurt Locke, who has the core of destruction.

A black barrier formed by the power of destruction appeared in front of Locke, which not only helped Locke block the power of the riot elements that surged in front of him, but also kept the men around Locke from being affected by the wave of world destruction.

"I need to stay here, otherwise it may not be convenient to get out later." Locke said.

A vortex factor condensed by the power of destruction appeared in front of Locke.

In a world that is already in the process of destruction, burying a vortex of destruction again is tantamount to burying a bomb in the fire.

It is true that Locke came to **** civilization this time with bad intentions. After all, with the wizarding world of knights dominating like him, it is difficult for him to have too much affection for the chaotic and evil **** demons.

If you push it smoothly and push the devil and **** will down the abyss, and he and others will withdraw from the danger, Locke doesn't mind being this bad guy.

Moreover, Locke also had a faint impulse in his heart, he really wanted to see what the end of the Destruction of Infernal Hell.

And what position will he reach in this frenzy of destruction?

He is already the seventh-level pinnacle dominator, and above it is a field that the wizard civilization has never explored.

Douglas and Lilith can use themselves or Locke as an experimental subject for research, but they can't use other eighth-level creatures in the astral world for research.

The relationship between the wizarding world and the fairyland civilization was so good before, and Locke did not rashly request the saint Laozi to cooperate in completing some experiments.

Although the acquisition of part of the corpse of the ancient crocodile king of Piacenza at the eighth level, the wizarding civilization has unlocked some of the mysteries of the eighth level creatures.

But that is not enough!

If the wizarding civilization is to really dominate the Gallente Federation, and even attract top civilizations such as the Light Protoss to be treated with caution, at least it must have its own level 8 creatures.

Because the eighth-level creatures are the ninth-level creatures that do not exist behind the astral realms, and represent the existence of the peak of the astral power.

Hell civilization is able to withstand the attack of the Guangming Protoss for such a long time, in fact, a large part of the factors are also supported by the old foundations accumulated when the king of **** was alive.

If it is an ordinary large-scale world civilization, how can there be so many medium-sized and above plane spaces in hell, and the number of high-level demon kings enough to face the light protoss head-on.

It may be that a destructive vortex is unsafe. After a moment of indulgence, Locke placed a total of seven destructive vortices on the plane nodes of the eighth and ninth layers of hell.

Because it is the relationship of the power of destruction, if there is no detonation by Locke himself, relying only on the surging of the elements of the two layers of **** space will not make these destruction vortices work.

And even though Locke wants to see what the **** is full of destruction

, But with his current strength, even if all those destruction vortexes were detonated, the result would be nothing more than pulling several layers of **** space near the seventh and eighth layers of **** into the water.

If you want the entire **** civilization to fall into an eternal catastrophe, unless Locke leaves a sufficient number of vortexes of destruction in each layer of **** space.

But obviously, this is impossible.

Therefore, what it does is more to keep a back hand.

After setting up everything in this chaotic and violent world, Locke and others, who were in the black destruction barrier, descended to the seventh layer of hell.

In the sight of the angels and demons on the seventh floor of hell, what they saw was a huge black ball descending from the dark red sky.

The black barrier dissipated. Dominant-level creatures are uniquely powerful, venting in all directions.

At this time, the Lord stopped his attack on the deadborn Fehmdun, and couldn't help looking at Locke.

And the deadborn Fehmdun also took advantage of the time when the Eternal Lord stopped, squeezing all of his body from the world of despair.

An extremely large floating figure appeared in the sky on the seventh layer of hell, and nearly one-third of the entire sky was covered by the body of the dead Femton.

This is Fehmudun's complete body form, and countless tentacles are constantly sticking out of Fehmudun's body, enough to show that this ambiguous eighth-level creature who only knows about eating and sleeping, is in a state of rage and seriousness at this time.

The situation on the seventh floor of **** is very delicate at this time.

If Locke, Kakarot and others who have just arrived here are regarded as a force, the survivors in the desperate world of the dead Fehmdun and its surroundings are regarded as a force, and the Light Protoss is regarded as a force.

Then there are three forces in the seventh layer of **** at this time.

And the three forces are not the final manifestation of the chaotic pattern of the seventh layer of hell.

With a dazzling purple light and a dazzling red light appearing in the abyss sea area on the seventh layer of hell, the seventh-level **** prince killed the real demon Manhan and the lord of the sickle Biers, like two meteors, one after another. Appears above the sea of ​​abyss.

An extremely eye-catching and huge circular channel appeared behind these two demon princes, and in the faintly visible circular channel, you can see the shadow of the Lord of Glory and the Lord of Yonghui who are chasing after them. .