Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4063: Master-servant contract

"No, no, you can't do this, but they are your daughter!"

"Do you have the heart to hand your own daughter into the hands of her enemies?" Montana stepped forward and hugged Locke's arm, and used the two soft **** on her chest to rub Locke continuously.

To be honest, it was the first time that Locke, the seventh-level lord who was so shameless, had seen him, and based on Montana's subtle expressions and her movements, everything seemed so real and reasonable.

"I'm not your father." Locke frowned.

"No, you are!" Montana stubbornly said.

"Do you know why I have the title of'Daughter of Destruction'? Because I am the daughter of Destruction." Montana clasped Locke's arm tightly.

With the power of emotion to endorse, Locke can easily figure out how true and false Montana's words are.

If Montana continues to act, I'm afraid Locke has no time to continue playing with her.

But when Locke felt a bit of true feelings in it, Locke's heart of compassion rose again.

It seems that Locke's attitude has been transformed, and Montana's act of acting like a baby to Locke is more obvious.

While shaking Locke's arm, Montana said, "Your daughter is so miserable, can you still bear the heart to reduce the strength of the destruction shield?"

What Montana was referring to was the destruction shield that Locke had previously supported her.

After Montana's next introduction, Locke learned that she does have a certain affinity and influence on the power of destruction, but the extent she can do is far from comparable to Locke.

At most just because of the bloodline, Montana can reach the level of semi-destructive immunity.

Although the threat posed by the destruction tides to Montana is not as great as the elemental impact, after a long time, Montana still can't bear it in an extremely weak state.

Therefore, she needs to be sheltered by Locke.

While increasing the strength of Montana's Destructive Power Shield by several levels, Locke asked casually, "Just because of the Destructive Power, you regard me as a father. If there are other people in this world who master the origin of destruction. What about master-class creatures?"

"Perhaps there are other master-level creatures that master the origin of destruction, but you are the only one who can be recognized by the Spear of Destruction, so you are my father." Montana solemnly said.

Talk about it

, The woman shook Locke's arm like a coquetry and said, "Don't you want to recognize me as a goddaughter?"

Well, Montana's rhetoric does have a bit of truth, but Locke can also guess that the woman who sold herself so ignorant of dignity was mostly to survive.

Locke is not interested in accepting a goddaughter in the current crisis-ridden world, but he is definitely interested in taking the opportunity to accept a master thug.

A law contract with a strong dominance atmosphere appeared in front of Locke and Montana. Locke was not interested in playing too much father and daughter drama with Montana, so he simply gave Montana the most direct one.

This is a contract with extremely strict rules. The content of the contract is that Locke saves Montana, but as a price, Montana needs to serve Locke for a million years.

And this kind of effectiveness is not an employment-style effectiveness, but a bottom-line hard work. In other words, this is Montana's deed.

An extremely strict condition of selling a contract appeared in front of him, and Montana, who had a strong smile in the last second, was stunned in the next second.

Locke did not give this ‘cheap daughter’ any preferential treatment. The strictness of this rule contract was even more exaggerated than Thea, the **** of light, and Elune, the **** of elves, who signed a master-servant contract with Locke.

And in order to avoid the little tricks Montana, the Eye of the Blood Curse, knowing that the other party has a certain influence and affinity for the power of destruction, Locke specially created this rule contract based on the origin of the wind.

Facing a regular contract that was enough to make herself a slave for the rest of her life, Montana's body began to tremble.

Opposite Montana, Locke waited blankly for the woman to make the final decision.

He didn’t worry that the other party would go back. With Locke’s current quasi-eighth biological level condensed rule contract, unless Locke took the initiative to cancel this contract, she would only rely on Montana’s own strength. She wanted to unilaterally erase this rule contract. The soul of dominance required to spend is enough to call it a massive amount.

If it were in the past, in the face of the fragrance of freedom, Montana might still grit her teeth and spend this soul of dominance.

But now, with Montana's current state, she could never come up with the soul of the master who lifted her shackles.

And Montana seems to have no other acquaintance with the master who can help her out. Even **** has been destroyed.

Tana pays the bill.

So as I said before, this is a deed, a deed that Montana can hardly get rid of by virtue of her own strength.

Locke thought that Montana would think about it for a long time. After all, as a high-level seven-level master all year round, becoming a slave to others is not an easy process to adapt.

But unexpectedly, the speed with which Montana signed the contract and the degree of decisiveness far exceeded Locke's imagination.

When the power of dominance and rules that belonged to Montana appeared in this contract, the seventh-level hellgirl demon approached directly without grace, and most of her body was hung on Locke.

Sisi's destructive power penetrated the surface of Locke's body and penetrated into Montana's body.

These destructive powers belong to Locke's original power, and are not as violent as those without a master, so Montana, who has a certain ability to absorb the destructive power, can easily digest them.

"Then Father, you have to cover me in the future." Montana said with her slender fingers circled on Locke's chest. She had signed a master-servant contract with Locke, but this female demon didn't look like a slave. .

The act of directly absorbing the power of destruction from the surface of Locke's body to heal himself was more casual and natural than Locke's master.

Montana's performance caused Locke to roll his eyes, but it was a happy event for Locke to pick up such a seventh-level slave in vain, and he also ignored Montana's act of absorbing his own destructive power.

"My father, how are you going to take me out of this ruined world?"

"Is it another way? If you still take that spatial passage, the bright protoss outside of **** will probably not let me go easily." Montana asked Molock.

It can also be seen from this that the reason why Montana signed a master-servant contract with Locke was also because she had no way out.

Without Locke's help and protection, even if she can temporarily survive in this ruined world, she has no hope of leaving here.

In response to Montana's question, Locke snapped his fingers, and then a crimson vortex appeared in front of Montana, which was the gateway to Paradise Lost.

And when the passage connecting Paradise Lost appeared in front of her, Montana couldn't help but open her mouth as big as a fist.