Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4084: meet

Locke is not alone in his trip to the Wanhua psychic world group.

In addition to the super Saiyan Kakarot, who has already emerged in the Wanhua psychic world group, the two **** demons, Phantom Riel and Blood Cursed Eye Montana, can also be regarded as the hidden strength in Locke's hand.

Riel was successfully promoted to the Domination Realm 300 years ago, and she and Locke were promoted almost at the same time.

And it may be because of the law that he took, after being promoted to Domination, the magical demon Rael did not have too depressive dominance-level power aura, but a strange and mysterious halo of laws entrenched around Rael for a long time.

Among them, the rich magical rules make Riel more like a regular life body, rather than a flesh and blood creature.

Lilith, the seventh-level magician, is still stationed in the brain-eater star field. When Locke arrived at the border of the brain-eater star field, he didn't even see him.

The fascination with magic and the spirit of exploring the truth is the main reason Lilith can be promoted to the realm of dominance.

Locke learned that this woman is currently at a critical stage of a certain magic experiment. A corpse training synthetic beast whose combat power can touch the threshold of the dominance level is an experiment that Lilith has been working hard for for thousands of years.

And now, this experiment has come to an end.

Locke is very curious about the corpse training synthetic beast made from the corpse fragments of the ancient crocodile king in Piacenza and many top materials, but it seems that Locke will have to wait at least a thousand years for the finished product to see

Mid-abdomen of Wanhua Psychic World Group.

As a large star field bred with abundant plant species, the Wanhua psychic world group gave Locke the feeling that it was very similar to the old tree star field.

It's just different from the ancient tree star field. There are no ancient trees that can reach 10,000 meters or more than 100,000 meters in size. The rich population of flower elves and plant creatures of various flower and fungus lineages are here. Mainstream.

Of course, in addition to plant species, this large-scale star field rich in species also has flesh-and-blood organisms and elemental organisms.

It's just that these two types of species are all under the rule of plant creatures, and in terms of the number of ethnic groups, they are far from being comparable to plant species.

"It seems that the spirit eating mushroom

The emperor is not a completely brainless guy, the situation in this star field is much better than I expected. "In the space fortress, Locke said to everyone beside him.

Due to the rise of the emperor and the expansion of the fungus lineage creatures, the Wanhua psychic world group has frequently broken out wars, large-scale massacres and deaths in the past few thousand years.

The death of countless creatures has allowed the fungus lineage organisms of the Wanhua Psychic World Group to make great progress and development.

With the nourishment obtained by absorbing those corpses, the number of organisms of the fungus lineage above level 4 has been qualitatively increased.

But when Locke personally went deep into the Ten Thousand Flower Psychic World Group and observed all aspects of this large star field during the war, he found that the situation here was not as corrupt as he thought.

At least the large-scale wars and slaughter incidents did not make the flower lineage creatures of the Wanhua psychic world ushered in extinction.

Until now, the flower lineage creatures still account for more than 70% of the species in the Wanhua psychic world group.

Excluding a small number of flesh and blood creatures and elemental creatures, the total number of the dominant fungus lineage creatures is only about 20% of the total number of species.

Humic organisms themselves rely on other organisms to reproduce and breed. The current species composition ratio of the Wanhua Psychic World Group can be regarded as those flower lineage organisms that are actually pigs and sheep raised in the fungus lineage biocaptive.

Only by maintaining a scientific proportion, can the fungus lineage organisms make great progress and development.

If the flower lineage organisms are all extinct, then the fungus lineage organisms will not be far from extinction.

From this perspective, Wanhua psychic world is really an interesting world.

And looking at the essence through this phenomenon, after the wizarding civilization solves the civil war in the Wanhua psychic world and pulls it into the wizarding alliance, with sufficient population base, the speed of the Wanhua psychic world's recovery will not be too slow. .

After seven million fungal species entered the Wanhua psychic world group at Rock Star Harbor and dozens of space fortresses, they immediately gathered around Star Harbor and those space fortresses.

These low-strength fungi species did not rush into the Star Harbor and the space fortress. Under the leadership of the first six-level fungi creatures, it

They just surround the Starport cluster and move towards the Wanhua psychic world along with Rock Starport.

In some respects, this is also the sorrow of the civilization of the weak and small world.

Facing the intrusion of a more powerful civilization, these low-powered natives of the Wanhua psychic world group did not dare to resist rashly.

Because once they take action, the next thing they may face is the full attack and crush of the wizarding civilization.

The Spirit Devourer didn't want to admit the word'crushing', but when the wizarding civilization showed a total of four dominator-level creatures, the Spirit Devourer had to face the huge gap between the two world civilizations.

In addition, the emperor of Spirit Devouring Mushroom also has its secret channels for collecting information. According to the intelligence feedback from some places, it seems that the wizarding civilization has more than four seven-level masters.

Now that Rock Star Harbor and dozens of space fortresses arrive at the Wanhua psychic world group, it is the most intuitive pressure given by the Wizarding World to the Wanhua psychic world.

When Locke and others arrived outside the Wanhua psychic world, the number of natives of the Wanhua psychic world group gathered outside Xinggang had exceeded 20 million.

The 20 million indigenous creatures should be the most elite legion of the Wanhua psychic world group. As a fungus species, their average life energy level exceeds one level.

Only the Wanhua psychic world group fungus lineage creatures in the late stage of civil war can come up with so many creatures above the first level. You must know that even a great wizarding world, it is difficult to make up such a large number in a short time. A knight and magician above the first level.

However, the low-level species are only low-level species after all, and Locke, who has experienced hundreds of millions of angel legions on the battlefield of hell, faced the dense cluster of first-level and above plant creatures, without any fluctuations in his heart.

Wanhua Psychic World is a beautiful and colorful world from the outside. It is a plane with a land area that occupies more than 60% of the total plane area, and in the vast ocean, there are also many beautiful and rare flowers born. Biology and fungus organisms.

A violent energy shock wave occurred in the central hinterland of the plane when Locke arrived outside the Ten Thousand Flower Psychic World.

It seems that someone has discovered Locke's arrival and welcomed Locke in his own way.