Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4171: White-hot

"Your wizarding civilization is really willing to give up this part of the star field?" A sixth-level iron tower king in the iron tower world asked, pointing to a certain area on the star map.

This area is located in the direction of the purple brake flame soul world group near the iron tower star field, there are about 700 regular complete planes and more than 1,500 resource semi-planes.

It has to be said that 700 regular planes, even for a large-scale world civilization such as the Tower World, are a lot of wealth and temptation.

No wonder that facing the star map presented by the Wizarding Civilization Envoy, the Tower World will change its previously indifferent attitude and choose to send several six-tier iron tower kings to negotiate with the Wizarding Civilization Envoy.

Sure enough, there is no love for no reason, nor hate for no reason.

Why does the Tower World stand up to its resources and damage itself, and cross-stellar warfare with wizarding civilization?

If there is a better choice before them, does it mean that the opposition between the two large world civilizations will improve a lot?

Is it cost-effective to give up one-third of the purple brake flame soul world group in exchange for the promise of not sending troops in the iron tower world? From the perspective of the wizarding civilization, this transaction can be done.

After all, the world of the Iron Tower has a powerful plane with an eighth-level creature and several seventh-level creatures. At least before the wizarding civilization has stronger civilization strength and background, the knights and magicians don't want to fight each other alone so early.

What's more, interstellar wars with the Tower World will not benefit the wizarding civilization in any way.

And promised one-third of the purple brake flame soul world group plane to the iron tower world, and it would also help the wizarding civilization to disintegrate the world alliance of this star field.

From the observations of Klopp and other envoys on the route, it can be concluded that this extremely vast star field has been calm and stable for hundreds of thousands of years.

Although there are contradictions and oppositions between different world civilizations, the smoke of war has not been located here for a long time.

The wizarding civilization came with a sickle in hand. In order to avoid the joint rebound of many small and medium-sized world civilizations in this star field in the subsequent wars, to build a good relationship with the tower world in advance is equivalent to burying a nail for the future. .

The negotiations between Klopp and other members of the envoy of wizarding civilization and the world of the tower are no less intense than a war.

Although in the end the wizarding civilization paid 762 planes and other things

The conditions were met in exchange for Tower World’s promise not to send troops, but in the final analysis, this mission was a success.

And without the assistance of the Iron Tower World, this also marked that the Purple Brake Flame Soul World Group would be completely reduced to the cutting board fish of the wizarding civilization.

When the rule contract representing the wizarding civilization and the world of the iron tower was signed again in the world of the iron tower, a sigh was sent out at the top of the towering iron tower in the center of the iron tower world.

At this moment on the top of the iron tower, in addition to the eighth-level iron tower king, there is also a silver-white scarecrow. The other party is the ancestor who came here not long ago.

"You know, I am not alone in the Tower World."

"Including the battle between the purple brake flame soul world group and the wizarding civilization before, there are also many voices of opposition in the iron tower world." The king of the eighth-level iron tower said to Yan Zu.

For the explanation of the king of the eight-level iron tower, Yan Zu did not say too much.

With deep milky white whirlpool eyes looking towards the end of the sky, Yanzu just said, "I hope you won't regret it in the future."

As soon as the contract was signed between the two parties on the Iron Tower World, all the senior wizard civilizations who were on the battlefield of the Purple Flame Flame Soul World Group knew about it.

A more violent offensive than before was immediately launched on various lines.

As the wizarding civilization has occupied many important links of the purple brake flame soul world group, it is difficult for the only vain word civilization that can support the purple brake flame soul world to send the legion to the purple brake immediately. The battlefield of the Flame Soul World Group.

The war lasted until the 671th year, when the Second War of Domination broke out.

This time, the two parties involved in the battle for dominance are the deadborn Fehmdun, Kakarot, and the seventh-level late storm master.

Originally, Kakarot invited the fight alone, but considering that this guy was crazy and warlike as soon as he entered the battlefield, Locke worried that he did not kill the opponent, but he was dragged down first, so he forced the dead Femton to go with him. .

The location of the battle for dominance is in the thunderstorm world of a thunder-attribute medium-sized plane of the purple brake flame soul world group.

Speaking of it, since the wizard civilization invaded the Purple Cha Flame Soul World Group, it has attacked three medium-sized planes, but the three medium-sized planes are all fire elemental planes without exception.

Like the thunderstorm world, the elemental plane of thunder attribute, although the wizard civilization can’t lay down

Few, but all are low-level and micro-planes.

The unique elemental power of the thunderstorm plane and the blessing of local rules allow the lord of the late stage 7 thunderstorm to exert a powerful strength that exceeds 30% of the body.

Fighting deep into the plane is extremely detrimental to Kakarot, but it's a pity that Locke's top horse does not know what the danger is.

Under the full attack of nearly two million knights, magician army and more than five million elite slave creatures, Kakarot finally descended into the world of thunderstorms.

The crackling thunder and lightning elements smashed on the surface of Kakarot's body, bringing pain and scars to the seventh-level Saiyan, and at the same time sharpening his will.

Unlike Locke, who can improve his strength by absorbing the power of destruction, Kakarot has only one way to become stronger, and that is to fight, keep fighting!

The dense scars on the surface of the body are the advanced medal of Kakarot's continuous advancement to a stronger realm.

Facing the violent masters who were clearly several levels higher than himself, Kakarot did not show the slightest hesitation and cowardice, but was full of fighting spirit.

The eighth-level creature Fehmton kept roaring and neighing outside of the thunderstorm world.

With the plane framework of the thunderstorm world, it is still relatively reluctant to accommodate an eighth-level creature like it to enter it.

In addition, the thunder and lightning elements unique to the thunderstorm world also made Fehmdun, the origin of death, quite uncomfortable, so that Kakarot had already rushed in, but Fehmdun always lingered outside and was not allowed to enter.

The Zerg Legion, which numbered more than three million, gushed from the body of the deadborn Fehmdun.

These elite Zerg legions are directly selected by Locke’s daughter Lisa. In addition to having a generally higher life level, the resistance of these Zerg legions to fire and thunder elements is also significantly improved compared to other creatures.

This is a sign of the adaptive evolution of Zerg creatures. Even without the support of wizarding civilization, the Zerg race itself has strong development prospects and civilization potential.

The battle for the **** of the thunderstorm world marked that the war between the two world civilizations has officially entered a white-hot stage.

And even now, even if the three element masters are still in the dark, they can probably guess that the aid from the world of the tower and the civilization of vain words will not arrive in the short term—

Public number: D I love Xiaodou