Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4175: Occupy the whole line

The two dominator-level creatures in front of him can really make Lilith treat them carefully, only the green-skin dominator with four wings on his back and a bronze spear in his hand.

This is a Dominant-level individual who calls himself ‘Tian Xingzun’, from the world of Wanhua Tianzun, where only the master-level strong can enjoy the title of ‘Venerable One’.

Where is the world of Wanhua Tianzun? The Green Skin Lord did not say that it was only because it owed a favor to Yan's ancestor when he traveled the astral world, so it now appears here as an enemy of the wizarding civilization.

It only represents himself, and does not involve the civilization behind him. This is what Tianxingzun had already stated before the confrontation with Lilith.

This explanation of Tianxingzun will generally explain two situations: one is that the world of Wanhua Tianzun is too far away from here, and this world civilization does not have the conditions to participate in this civilized war; the other is that the world of Wanhua Tianzun is also powerful. Not strong, facing a wizarding civilization with digital masters and two eighth-level creatures, this unclear world has no confidence to fight.

Putting the world of Wanhua Tianzun aside for the time being, just judging from the individual combat power of the two Dominant-level creatures in front of him, this Tianxingzun is definitely not a weak one.

Although it was close to Lilith in terms of realm, the bronze spear he held in his hand had a simple and ancient aura that made it difficult to underestimate.

And compared with the errands that the ashes dominate next to him, Tian Xing Zun is really here to fulfill his promise.

The bronze spear in his hand once again condensed a gray beam of light, not too polite with Lilith, the Skywalker attacked again.

With one enemy and two, it was still relatively reluctant for Lilith.

Fortunately, she has a corpse training synthetic beast with dominating combat power. Although this corpse training synthetic beast cannot be used as a master-level creature, it can still hold the absent-minded ashes dominator.

Because of this, there is only one opponent that Lilith really needs to face, and that is Tianxingzun in front of her.

Accompanied by the chanting of spells and the sound of page turning of the death code, a series of mysterious magic inscriptions appeared around Lilith.

Hundreds of black magic shields protected Lilith without a trace, and gray death blades began to appear in the starry sky.

This is a game between a seven-level magician in the wizarding world and a master-level creature in the astral world. The magic

The collision between the law and the power of different civilizations has gradually turned this starry sky into a forbidden zone for middle and low-level life.

On the other side of the battlefield.

Different from the elemental tides and energy turbulence caused by the fierce collision between Lilith and the Skywalker, the battle between the two dominant-level powerhouses on this battlefield seems much more ‘calm’.

This is the battle between the seventh-level ruler Yanzu and the magic demon Riel.

Yanzu is good at mysterious powers, while Riel is good at magic powers.

In addition, the two masters are good at predicting the number of divination, making the battle between the two of them seem strange to outsiders.

A white energy barrier appeared around Yanzu and Riel. Due to the concealment of the energy barrier, people outside could not even see what was going on inside.

From time to time, subtle energy fluctuations spread out from the white energy barrier, and all the wizard world spellcasters with the profession of astrologers on the nearby fronts have faint discomfort due to the appearance of these energy fluctuations.

Not only the Wizarding World Legion, but also the scarecrow legions of civilization with the same vain remarks also have different magnitudes of influence.

However, one thing that wizard civilization is stronger than them is that the casters with the functions of astrologers are ultimately a minority for the entire caster community.

In addition to magicians, there are as many as tens of millions of knights and countless army of slave creatures on this front.

Under the premise that the master-class combat power cannot intervene in the low-end battlefield, the overall war pattern has been directed toward the side of the wizarding civilization from the beginning.

Three hundred years later, the wizarding civilization has advanced the front to the rear hinterland of the purple brake flame soul world group.

Except for the more than 700 planes promised to the world of the Iron Tower, which have not yet burned and warned, half of the remaining more than 1,800 planes of the Purple Brake Flame Soul World Group are already in the hands of wizard civilization.

Even the remaining half, there are more than two-thirds of the plane, in the state before the fall.

Today, the remaining elite legions of the Purple Brake Flame Soul World Group can only live in more than 200 planes in the Purple Brake Flame Soul World and its surroundings.

This is the last hope of the purple brake flame soul world group. As for the reinforcements of the alien civilization that they originally hoped, under the premise that the civilization of the purple brake flame soul world group is blocked by false words, the people from the iron tower world aid

Help them not even see ghost shadows.

The Tower World is undoubtedly a cunning world. In the face of the more than 700 elemental planes that the wizarding civilization has secretly allocated to them, the Tower World Legion did not directly intervene.

The creatures of these tower worlds are sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight. Perhaps even though the wizarding civilization has been secretly communicating with them, the tower world has not fully trusted the wizarding world.

Sitting and watching the world civilizations of the two sides fight each other and wear down the background of both sides, this is what the Tower World really wants to see.

And when the purple brake flame soul world group was annihilated, those elemental creatures did indeed show amazing combat power, and before their own destruction, they took a bite of the wizarding civilization.

Although the damage to the master-level combat power has not yet appeared, in the wizarding civilization and wizarding alliance, more than double-digit sixth-level creatures have fallen.

As for the total number of fourth and fifth level creatures that fell in the war, it is already close to 300.

Civilized war is not a trifle. Even if the wizarding civilization has an absolute advantage in the overall situation, the deaths, injuries and war damages that should be expected will still occur.

The damage to the wizarding civilization did hurt Locke, but it was the elemental creatures of the purple brake flame soul world group that suffered more deaths and injuries than the wizarding civilization.

According to the battle damage ratio obtained by the Wizard League survey, at the level of creatures above level 4, the fall ratio of the wizard civilization and the purple brake flame soul world group is roughly maintained at 1:3.

Just the fall of more than three hundred creatures above level 4 is nothing to a wizarding civilization with a big family.

But as far as the purple brake flame soul world group is concerned, the fall of nearly a thousand elemental creatures above level 4 almost cut their backbones by half.

Fierce wars often occur in the early and mid-term and final battles.

When even the remaining fourth and fifth level elemental creatures in the purple brake flame soul world group also find that the enemy is invincible, shrinking the defense line and retaining the power seed becomes what these elemental creatures can do as much as possible.

Also under this premise, after another five hundred years, the wizarding civilization occupied 1681 regular and complete planes of the purple brake flame soul world group.

It is worth mentioning that in the last five hundred years, the total number of creatures above level 4 of the wizarding civilization has not fallen more than 30.