Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4285: Horrible tide of death

The political situation in the Gallente Federation is turbulent, and Locke, an eighth-level knight, is obviously not too clear.

It doesn't matter, Locke doesn't know, but some people know it for him.

The wizarding civilization has dealt with the Gallente Federation for so many years, so naturally it will not let go of understanding and infiltration of this powerful technological civilization.

The changes that took place in the Confederation were known to the wizarding civilization as early as the initial period.

Including the time when it negotiated the bargaining chip with the Gallente Federation, the wizarding civilization also borrowed from the chaos that occurred within the Federation's political system.

All in all, the three-star Admiral Lina and the five-star Admiral Catalina Alcatel behind her are in the same faction with the Federal Speaker Mobat.

The other five-star general, Trichy Pan Baeza, is of the same faction as the president.

This is the fact that there is no large-scale world civilization that dominates the world, and factional battles and civilization involution are common.

This is also a major characteristic of scientific and technological civilization in the long history of development.

After all, it is possible for a president to be elected from among the civilian population, thus representing the entire civilization.

This is an incredible thing for large-scale world civilizations such as the Wizarding World and the Rose Dynasty.

This also represents the magnificence and colorfulness of the star realm.

Locke had no intention of interfering in the internal affairs of the Gallente Federation, and he also knew that no matter what the chaos inside the Federation, at least they were consistent with the outside world.

What Locke needs is only a person who is qualified to have an equal dialogue with him, in order to complete this war cooperation between the Gallente Federation and the wizarding civilization.

From the current point of view, it is Speaker Mobart and the five-star general Catalina Alcatel who have been active in the struggle of the Gallente Federation factions, or that means showing a certain advantage.


It is not a boring day to arrive at the front line of the war from the Gallente federal border.

In addition to Samsung Admiral Lina staying by Locke at all times to explain the frontline warfare, Locke also took this to take a good look at the federal territory.

During the first half of the journey, Locke was not too surprised.

Although the threat of death cloud and biochemical crisis also exists in many regions, compared with the strength and strength of the Federation, this threat is not a big deal.

This also shows from the side that with the outbreak of a long war with Jiluogulian civilization, the Federation has gradually figured out the routines of this large-scale death civilization.

At least in the face of a crisis, the response measures of the federal people and the life planets are much stronger than those of the member civilizations of the Anti-Light Protoss Alliance.

In the core place of the development of federal civilization-the source star system, Locke met the five-star general Catalina Alcatel and Speaker Mobat.

There is no need to repeat the process of those meetings. In addition to obtaining more resources from the Gallente Federation, Locke's knowledge of another piece of news has attracted Locke's attention.

"Sure enough, the Federation already has two Conqueror-class Titans comparable to Tier 8 creatures."

"But why in the war to this day, they have not been able to destroy the Ji Luogulian civilization, and even those legions pushed into the Ji Luogulian star domain are frequently blocked?" Locke sighed and couldn't help but wonder.

But soon, Locke knew roughly what was going on.

This is the second half of Locke's journey to the front of the Gallente Federation.

If it is said that the first half of the star field, under the governance and defense of the Gallente Federation, it can be considered to have made some achievements in resisting the cloud of death.

Then as Locke truly penetrates into the ‘severely-disastered area’ within the Gallente Federation, the death cloud and the depressive elemental tide rushing in front of him make it feel tight for an eighth-level creature like Locke.

This is not to say that Locke has encountered an opponent that can rival him.

It is the infinite death power that gathers the entire star field, even if it is an eighth-level late-stage creature like Locke, it is quite reluctant to resist with one person's power.

The strength of the Gallente Federation, on the one hand, is their endless warships and airships, which are enough to bring despair to any middle and low-level world civilization.

On the other hand, their terrifying population and advanced life planet transformation technology can allow federal citizens to walk across any starry sky they touch.

The demographic advantage of the Federation is an important support for them to level the nearby starry sky.

But in the face of the Jiluogulian civilization, an astonishing number of federal citizens have become the war nourishment of the Jiluogujian civilization and a heavy hindrance that the Federation can't give up.

Hundreds of trillions of trillions of federal citizens fell in exchange for the death element concentration in this star field that even Locke felt tight.

This is only within the Gallente Federal Star Territory.

No one knows how exaggerated the concentration of death and rules over there in the home star domain of Ji Luogu Lian civilization!

"It's really a powerful and incredible civilization. Their infectious characteristics are even more exaggerated than the brain-eaters back then." Standing on the back of the dead Femton, feeling the astonishing tide of death in this star field. , Locke couldn't help sighing.

Back then, the brain-eater civilization swept across a star field, and at any rate it was only parasites of flesh and blood creatures with higher levels of life.

But the Jiluogulian civilization is not shy about meat and vegetables. Whether it is a high or low life level, it will pollute and assimilate you at the same time.

And compared to the smaller number of high-level creatures, the bottom-level ants with an astonishing base are reduced to a steady stream of nourishment for the corps of the dead of the dead civilization.

As far as Locke could see, he actually saw a huge flesh and blood creature that was 20,000 meters away and resembling a tornado, living on a certain planet and roaring constantly.

Countless warships and airships surrounded the planet, constantly encircling this huge dead creature.

In addition to the fact that this big guy himself has reached the sixth life level, Locke also noticed that there are the same number of low-level dead creatures, using this behemoth as a barrier fortress, constantly rushing out of its veins, and the Gallente federation Of small mechas engaged with fighters.

From the moment Locke led his army into the Gallente Federation Star Territory, the support contract signed by the Wizarding Civilization and the Federation has taken effect.

So facing this terrifying death creature with a life level of six, Locke couldn't help asking the fellow Samsung Admiral Lina, "Do you mind letting us help you?"

"Of course, don't mind, if you can send a legion to help us destroy the S-level monster on planet TK187, we will be grateful." Lina said happily in the communication light screen.

The S-level monster is the federation's collective name for this sixth-level mutant monster, corresponding to the sixth-level creature.

On top of this, there are two kinds of S+ and S++.

These mutant monsters are not the necromantic kings of the lonely civilization, they don't have much wisdom to speak of.

And not so much that they are weapons of war of loneliness and civilization, it is better to say that they... themselves come from the Federation.