Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4329: Baili Linghua

The Wild World Group is not the last victim.

Facts have proved that even if Locke is an eighth-level master, it is not easy to kill two seventh-level masters desperately fleeing.

When the Lord of Endless fought hell, he could not kill those **** demon lords with his hands.

The strength of Lockerbie’s Endless Lord back then is that the two iron tower world lords in front of him do not have the blessing power provided by the rules of the local plane.

In other words, the process for Locke to kill them will be a little easier.

This battle for dominance started from the Moscana star field and went all the way to the depths of this vast expanse of star field.

Countless races and civilizations have suffered greatly, and the medium, small, and micro planes affected are even more numerous.

Hundreds of small and weak creatures can't help but look up at these terrifying masters.

Locke and others are at a height that they cannot understand.

And in the face of this terrifying crisis that has swept across multiple star regions, there are also choices made by some world civilizations that are different from the vast majority of world civilizations.

Baili dazzling star field, this is an inconspicuous star field located in the gap between the Moscana star field and the wild world group.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the Baili Liaoning Star Field is indeed the most inconspicuous existence in this pan-stellar region. The nature of the low-level world civilization has made them vanquished among the many small and medium-sized world civilizations in this pan-stellar region. .

Whether it is the mighty Mosca star field, or the wild world group that acts rough, they can step on their faces.

But all of this, as 20,000 years ago, Baili Liaoxing Domain finally gave birth to a sixth-level powerhouse, and a little change was made for it.

Sixth-level creature Baili Liaohua, a strong humanoid female with long red hair.

Holding a green bamboo front, she changed the low-level plane of Baili Liao World for hundreds of thousands of years.

But unfortunately, after being promoted to a medium-sized plane, the world of Baili Liao still didn't make much noise in the nearby star domain.

Because there are more powerful Moscana Star Fields and Wild World Groups around them.

"Have those masters left the neighborhood?" At the Tianzhu Peak in the center of Baili Liao World, the sixth-level strong Baili Liaohua asked the fifth-level bamboo holder in front of him.

The special world background and the road of civilization exploration have made the humanoid creatures of the Baili Liao world have a high affinity for creatures such as flowers, plants and trees.

With the birth of Baili Liaohua, the sixth-level powerhouse, the special plant'bamboo' has become a symbol of the Baili Liao world, and it is also the most common weapon in the Baili Liao star field.

"I have left the wild world group and flew to the Senna Scorpion Star Territory." The fifth-level bamboo holder replied respectfully.

Locke and the others, as lofty master-class creatures, did not know what they did and how heavy disaster they had brought to the races and civilizations in the nearby star field.

Take the Baili dazzling star region as an example. This small area has only fifty weak star regions with less than 50 planes. In the previous storm of terror and destruction and the aftermath of the battle, there were six low-level planes and two. The microplanes are severely affected.

Fortunately, Locke and the others are not in the Baili Dazzling Star Territory at their home battlefield, otherwise, with the small body of the Baili Dazzling Star Territory, they simply cannot withstand such a serious disaster.

Even if the Baili Liao Star Territory was destroyed by this, it was extremely possible.

The destruction of the small star field is actually happening now.

The Senna Scorpion Star Territory to which Locke and the others just transferred the battlefield is a low-level world civilization that is weaker than the Baili Liaoning Star Territory.

God knows what kind of disaster the battle of the four dominator-level creatures will bring to the Senna Scorpion civilization.

The sixth-level creature, Baili Liaohua, was very suspicious, and the leader of the fifth-level peak scorpion with a gloomy personality and difficult to deal with, it was very likely to fall directly.

The power of the world of Baili Liao and the development of the star field of Baili Liaohua completely depend on one person who has broken through the sixth level of strength.

Even after she broke through and was promoted, the entire world and the star region where the civilization was located changed her name.

Precisely because he knew that he had the hope of the development of race and civilization, when Baili Liaohua felt the battle fluctuations of multiple dominator-level creatures, not only did not go to the dominating battlefield to join in the fun, but instead stayed in the mother plane and suppressed The gradually turbulent plane rules.

As the fourth-level stage has had the experience of traveling more than twenty star civilizations nearby, the sixth-level creature Baili Liaohua is more foresighted and wise than the average sixth-level powerhouse.

She even went to the star field where the Iron Tower World was the furthest, and was there in the end, feeling the opportunity of her transformation to level 6.

Although his place of enlightenment is the iron tower star field, this does not mean that Baili Liaohua has any sense of belonging to the iron tower world.

Intelligent creatures are often extremely realistic, and only her mother plane and mother civilization can give Baili Liaohua a sense of belonging.

The experience in the Star Territory of the Iron Tower made Baili Liaohua feel from a distance that there is a master of the tower world among those collision masters.

And the keen perception of energy fluctuations of the sixth-level creatures also made Baili Liaohua know that compared to the iron curtain ruled by the iron tower world, it is obviously that the power of destruction and the way of pure power on the starry sky battlefield are more powerful.

Baili Liaohua doesn't know much about the wizarding civilization.

This stems from the blockade of the Baili Star Territory in the past from the Moscana Star Territory. On the contrary, it is the wild world group with violent and stubborn character. The Beastmasters are sometimes better than the elders of the Moscana Star Territory. Deal with.

How can the weak and small world civilization become stronger in the star realm?

It's one thing to keep developing and improving yourself.

Besides, is there any other way?

Of course, it is enough to annex world civilizations that are weaker than oneself, so as to strengthen oneself!

But what if there is no world civilization weaker than yourself?

The sixth-level creature Baili Liaohua has been thinking about this issue more than once during the years when Baili Liaohua was in charge of the world.

In the end, Baili Liaohua did think of an answer.

That is the strongest person who is attached to this universe of stars, thus completing the road of civilization becoming stronger.

It's not that if you depend on the strongest, you can swallow and conquer other world civilizations.

But with such a powerful civilization as a backing, at least their own world civilization can avoid being swallowed by the surrounding powers.

In the past, Baili Liaohua chose to rely on the Tower World, and she even had the idea of ​​marrying the Tower World.

Although the creatures in the world of the Iron Tower like to include themselves under the heavy iron skin for a long time, the Baili Liaohua who has traveled through the star field of the Iron Tower knows that from the appearance and aesthetic point of view, the humans in the Iron Tower world and the humans in the Baili Liao world , In fact, it’s not too far off.

Even on the iron tower world, there is indeed a five-tier iron tower powerhouse who is a pursuer of Baili Liaohua.