Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4631: Eternal Doom

What fell and scattered in the sky was the endless holy white rain of light.

The terrifying Dominion-level power shock occurred in the center of the battlefield. In addition to directly causing the death of tens of millions of energy civilization warships, the greater impact was that on the vast battlefield of the entire No. 4 theater, the concentration of the power of light was higher than that of the battlefield. More than a few chips have been raised before!

Countless angels were streaming tears at this moment, and they kept talking about the name of the God of Light in their mouths. With the fall of the Eternal Lord in the center of the battlefield, the remaining angels in the entire No. 4 theater exploded with power that was several times greater than before.

Underdogs must win, this is the characteristic of war that the Guangming Protoss has always presented.

If it is said that the general world civilization, after the beheading of its high-level powerhouse, it will inevitably lead to obvious chaos and imposing blow to the enemy army.

But for the Bright Protoss, this situation will definitely not happen.

The fall of the Lord God, for the hundreds of millions of angels on the battlefield, is tantamount to the collapse of faith.

Those angelic legions on the battlefield today must not think of fleeing and retreating, but to die here with the Eternal Lord.

Being able to live and die together with the Lord God, whom they regard as everything, is the highest pursuit and final destination of these angels of light.

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At first, there was only one angel, but soon tens of millions of angels on the battlefield burned with bright and dazzling white flames.

This is the power to burn the soul. Up to now, there are still nearly 30 million angels in the entire No. 4 theater. In just a blink of an eye, these 30 million angels are all ready to die!

They will continue to follow the Eternal Lord until the end of their lives!

The emergence of the holy white flames of the densely packed angel army group made the No. 4 war zone enter anxiety and chaos again after experiencing the fall of an eighth-level master.

This is a melee between the middle and bottom creatures, but when there are even a dozen ten-winged archangels burning bright holy flames on their bodies, trying to perish with the main force of the Origin Energy Civilization Army The high-level Origin Energy Civilization who won local battlefield victories couldn't help but turn pale.

At this time, War Zone No. 4, around the giant crater where the Eternal Lord fell.

In the siege, in addition to the three Origin Energy Civilization Dominator-level fleets that have lost more than half of their preparations, there are two other eight-level Dominators who appeared here.

More than ten thousand years ago, the galaxy star Safina, who was hit hard by Locke, was one of them.

After a long period of rest and recovery, it seems that the Origin Master has recovered almost as well.

However, the state of Galaxy Star Safina at this time is no better than when she escaped from Locke ten thousand years ago.

Although the last blow to the Eternal Lord was completed by Safina, before dying, the Eternal Lord also gave this source energy master a price!

A round of huge flesh and blood wounds appeared in the lower abdomen of the galaxy star Safina. Originally, the Jedi counterattack of the Eternal Lord was to hit the source energy core of Safina's chest, but the power of Safina's own space Under the extreme use of the stun, it deflected a little distance.

The adjustment of this distance is actually the difference between life and death for Safina.

Because the Eternal Lord is obviously unwilling to let his body fall into the hands of the source energy civilization, when Safina smashed the Eternal Lord's godhead and soul with her own space blade, the light Lord God detonated with the last strength. Own.

This white rain of light in the sky is the last nostalgia of the Eternal Lord for this world and the Light Protoss.

Perhaps in the last consciousness of the Eternal Lord, he hopes that the Angel Legion of the Bright Protoss blessed under this sky and rain can finally break out of the blockade of the source energy civilization, and preserve its strength and life as much as possible.

But the result of the fact is that the light and rain in the sky has become the last lamentation of the 30 million Angel Legion on this battlefield.

Oh, yes, not just those thirty million angelic legions.

As one of the main battlefields that the Bright Protoss takes care of, there are as many as 50 million believers in the fourth theater, and there are 20 million Bright Protoss legions.

The fall of the Eternal Lord, and the burning of holy flames on the bodies of tens of millions of angels on the battlefield, they want to show their last ray of light, making all the Light Protoss legions completely crazy.

All kinds of believers of the God of Light have tried their best to rush towards the army of the Origin Energy Civilization.

Due to the differences in races, size and appearance, although the composition of these believer legions does not seem to be as elite as the Angel Legion, there is no doubt that they are all elites who put life and death aside.

Similarly, those legions of the Bright Protoss themselves are also

Infected by the fall of the Eternal.

Judging from the current situation on the battlefield, even if the Eternal Lord has fallen, it is not easy to destroy the army of the Bright Protoss with nearly 100 million units in front of you!

Even the cost of destroying these angelic legions is more than the sum of the costs paid in the past ten thousand years!

In the dominating crater in the center of the battlefield, in the raging white holy flame, the law and breath of the eternal lord are extremely obvious.

Although there are great surprises in the rule environment and the material astral world in the world of despair, with the strength of the Eternal Lord and the traces he can leave in this world, the white holy flame that dominates the crater is probably burning in the world of despair. It will not go out for tens of thousands of years.

The Galaxy Star Safina, who had just killed the Eternal Lord, did not have much joy on her face, because there was no absolute winner in the war itself.

In addition to the three Origin Energy Civilization Dominator-class ships that were damaged by more than half, as well as myself and the eighth-level Origin Energy Dominator Starbreaker who were both seriously injured, there are also two Origin Energy Sub-Cities on this battlefield. The sky crashed and was completely reduced to rubble.

The eighth-level creature is really not so easy to kill. As the first eighth-level creature to fall on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony, the price that the source energy civilization paid to kill him has exceeded the limit of the imagination of ordinary large-scale world civilization.

"I'll be in charge of this battlefield. Master Safina, you should return to the city of Origin Energy as soon as possible to repair it." The eighth-level initial Origin Energy dominates the Starbreaker, and said to Safina.

In the process of besieging the Eternal Lord, none of the people who were under the greatest pressure were the Galaxy Star Fleet, the Star Destruction Super Fleet, and Safina herself.

On the contrary, another seventh-level fleet and the eighth-level early-stage star crusher dominated. Because of their poor strength, they were only used as coercion and auxiliary attack, so the damage was also within the controllable range.

Facing the suggestion of the Starbreaker, Safina, who had an obvious penetrating wound in her lower abdomen, couldn't help nodding her head.

The cruelty and fierceness of the dimensional hegemony, the female ruler of the energy civilization has a particularly profound understanding.

In a mere 20,000 years, she was only one line away from death twice in a row!

Safina doesn't know if her luck will always be so good, but it is foreseeable that with the fall of the Eternal Lord, the situation of the energy civilization in the dimensional battlefield will be better than before.

Maybe this is a pivotal battle of the source energy civilization?