Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4703: the last straw

War Zone Eleven.

The Eye of Blood Curse, Montana, who had just arrived here, echoed what Locke had said to her not long ago.

To completely reconcile with the powerful Bright Protoss, the only way is to prove his ability on the dimensional battlefield, and lead the legion as much as possible to push back to the 15th theater.

For Locke's request, the Eye of Blood Cursed Montana did not resist.

This is not a seventh-level ruler who likes the wandering star realm.

For Montana, the happiest time in her life should be the leisure time when he went to the Ten Thousand Flowers Psychic World Group after the destruction of hell, and later stayed in Locke's Paradise Lost.

The influence that this period of time brought to Montana, the Eye of the Blood Curse, was even more peaceful than the atmosphere of survival that Montana felt in her childhood when Satan, the Lord of Hell, had not yet fallen.

After all, the Hell Civilization of the year was not a world suitable for the normal life of astral creatures.

The twisted **** will make the **** demons often change to the chaotic and evil camp in the process of evolution.

The fall of Satan, the lord of hell, can be seen as his own fault, which has led to the purification of the Light Protoss who are regarded as 'justice'.

But in fact, it can also be seen that what really caused Satan to fall is the distorted will of hell.

If it were other astral planes and normal will, Satan, the lord of **** with good cultivation and leadership skills, would it be so easy to fall.

You must know that the strength of the Hell Civilization peak was not much inferior to that of the Gallente Federation.

Then why did the **** civilization collapse early, while the Gallente Federation has continued to this day?

Montana does not want to argue about the past history, anyway, more than 99% of the **** demons have died in that war of destruction.

Of the remaining demons, more than half of them are hanging out with the Wizarding League.

And who would have thought that the devils and demons who never urinate in a pot would end up in a similar situation.

The Qatar Star Thief Group is an excellent place for demons and **** demons to use their residual heat after the destruction of the mother civilization.

Except for the abyss dragon clan that has joined the wizarding plane, other devils and demons have to hold on to the thigh of the wizarding alliance if they want to live better.

Not only for herself, but also for those **** demons who have a certain relationship with herself, what Montana, Eye of Blood Cursed, must do.

The title of "Daughter of Hell" is not just a title, but sometimes it also represents a certain responsibility.

At this time, Montana, the eye of the blood curse, could clearly perceive the strange gazes from the few Angels of the Bright Protoss around her.

The eighth-level Lord of Glory should have known the existence of Montana by now. As for how the Lord of Glory will treat herself in the end, she is reluctant to think too much now.

Fortunately, in addition to the blood-cursed eye of Montana, there is also the seventh-level **** demon of the phantom Rael on the battlefield of the Despair World at this time.

Although the Angels of the Bright God Race expressed a certain strangeness to the existence of Montana, they have not acted too outrageous.

The tens of thousands of years of dimensional hegemony have not only brought great impact on the Bright Protoss in terms of material, heritage, wealth, personnel, etc., but also brought great changes to the system and atmosphere of the Bright Protoss.

In the past, have you ever seen a scene where the Angels of the Light God Race fought side by side with a group of destructive creatures or undead creatures?

Even the eighth-level death masters such as Destruction Lord Locke and the dead descendant Femton can accept it, and two seventh-level **** demons are nothing.

The Lord of Light and the Lord of Light, such as the Supreme God, do not know whether this ideological change is a good thing for the Light Protoss.

But for the current Bright Protoss, they have no other way!

Rather than considering future development variables, what the Bright Protoss should really grasp now is to win the dimensional war.

Therefore, after getting the news of Montana, the eye of the blood curse, the Lord of Glory has not appeared.

She has actually acquiesced to the existence of Montana, the Eye of Blood Cursed!

At this time, in addition to holding a world-class secret treasure long whip, Montana, the eye of the blood curse, also held several golden crystals that turned into jelly in the palm of her hand.

This is the life-saving prop that the seventh-level master Jinyumuhua gave to Montana when she left the Paradise Lost space.

I don't know since when, Montana and Jinyu Muhua have become close friends who can talk about everything.

Through the eye of the blood curse, Montana, the golden jade mother flower knows the splendor and prosperity of the astral world.

And through the golden jade mother flower, Montana has greatly restored and supplemented her master soul, and even went a step further on the original basis.

This is a pair of dominant girlfriends who have developed to the present and are almost inseparable.

Montana would rather endure the threat and pressure brought by the Lord of Glory than leave Locke's Paradise Lost to venture into the astral world alone. At least 60% of the factors are derived from the golden jade mother flower.

For Montana, in the extremely long life course in the future, it is also very good to be able to stay with the golden jade mother in Locke's lost paradise.

Perhaps even Locke and Jinyu Muhua themselves didn't think that Montana, Eye of Blood Cursed, a seventh-level female demon who seemed cunning and unreliable in the past, has undergone so many changes in these years.


Since the fall of the Lord of Yonghui, the full-line offensive strategy jointly launched by the Bright Protoss and Locke has achieved better results than expected.

This is the last straw that overwhelmed the source energy civilization on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony. In the more than 1,500 years since then, the source energy civilization has rarely launched an active attack, and more often it is passive defense.

War Zone 15.

As a war zone highlighted by the Bright Protoss and the Lord of Destruction, Locke, the huge Dominion crater in the center of the battlefield indicates the tragic picture of the fall of the Lord of Yonghui many years ago.

And to the resentment of many main gods of the Bright Protoss, they did not retrieve the body of the Lord of Yonghui in War Zone 15.

Obviously, like the endings of the fallen Lord Gods before, the dominant body of the Lord of Yonghui should be reclaimed by the energy civilization.

This practice of blaspheming the remains of the Lord God is especially unbearable for the Lord Gods of Light.

Under the double urging of the Lord of Radiance and Locke, the decisive battle in the No. 15 theater came faster than expected.

At this time, he was in the center of the No. 15 theater, and there were seven master-level combat powers on both sides.

The Bright Protoss side is: Super Saiyan Kakarot, Super Saiyan Vegeta, and Montana, the Eye of the Blood Curse.

The source energy civilization side is an eighth-level source energy master, a seventh-level source energy master, and two master-level source energy fleets.

The four dominant-level combat powers of the source energy civilization are the main culprits that caused the fall of the Lord of Yonghui.

However, at this time, it was clearly Kakarot and others who were at a slight disadvantage, but it was the four origin energy masters on the battlefield in front of them who were really bearing the greatest pressure.

Especially the only eighth-level energy master in the No. 15 theater, who was not Kakarot's opponent in the first place, suddenly smelled a cold sense of death.