Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 882: Helpless

For the long-planned ultimate siege plan of the Aybarut Empire, the King of Saiya finally chose to resist by division, which is a helpless move.

To the southwest of the three space fortresses was the Saiyan army led by Prince Burta. He also knew that he was facing four strong players of the fourth level this time. Four-level Saiyan fighters help out.

The western front meteorite belt front volunteer is the fifth-grade Saiyan warrior Pope.

In order not to put too much pressure on the King of Saiyan, Popnet just took a fourth-level fighter with him.

Popnet deeply remembered the command given to him by the king of Saiyan, that is, to take off the heads of the king of the crocodile and the high priest of Nemesis. The king of Saiyan, the head of the horse, was always looking forward to Popper, and this time he also plans to complete it successfully. The task of the King of Saiyan.

A total of 150,000 troops and four Saiyan warriors of level 4 and above left, shrinking the Saiyan front of the second biological planet.

In the fierce battle between Biological Planet 2 and the Abarut Empire for more than a year, the 600,000 troops originally assembled by the Saiyans only had the appearance of 400,000. There was also a warrior above level 4 The flames fell.

This frustrating decision to divide the soldiers reduced the number of Saiyan warriors on Biological Planet 2 to 250,000, and the strongmen above level 4, including the king of Saiyan and Tedanir, are only left. Five.

The shrinking of the Saiyan forces marks a great step forward in the sphere of influence of Biological Planet 2 on the side of the Abarut Empire.

Now in the second biological planet, the number of bottom knights, magicians, and slave creatures is left aside. Only the high-level combat power, on the side of the Abarut Empire, there are only six strong men above level four.

In the fierce battle between Biological Planet 2 and the Saiyan, it is impossible to kill a fourth-level Saiyan warrior without paying heavy losses.

The fourth-level magician Leicester, a powerful element division known as the flame of the dead soul battles the battlefield.

The fourth-level knight, known as the lance of the lance, was seriously injured by the Saiyan prince and had to return to the wizarding world to cultivate.

The fourth-level magician Penes, who is known as the staff of darkness, was beaten and his soul nearly collapsed. If it was not the fifth-level astrologer Robb who rescued him, he might have gone with Leicester.

In the second biological planet, there are still combat capabilities, only left: Silver Dragon General Nelson, Steel General Crow, Ice Heart Volbog, Dark Knight Abadang, and the ancestors. Sixth-level powerhouse May Veriz and fifth-level astrologer Robb.

These six also represent the Abarut Empire. The final potential of the battlefield on this eccentric plane is that there are no more than four strong players in the Abarut Empire that can be adjusted.

"It's really a loss. I didn't expect to be a strong player in the Erie Cavaliers Alliance. I am the only one left. You Abarut Empire will have to give me enough compensation this time." Aiba, who is a black magic flame giant When holding the black flame long sword, he grumbled at the steel cast general Klauer beside him.

The Erie Cavaliers League sent a total of four knights of level 4 and above, including Abadan, and now all three knights of the fourth level have been seriously injured and returned to the wizarding world to cultivate, leaving only the fifth-level dark knight Abadang to insist here.

Abadang’s loss is more about the loss of the Cavaliers of the Ely Cavaliers Alliance. Even if there are a large number of slave biological creatures in the Abarut Empire as cannon fodder, the loss of the Cavaliers of his men is enough to make Abadang fight. After recuperating for a few hundred years.

"Compensation for all forces involved in the eccentric warfare in cooperation with the Abarut Empire has always been negotiated between Lord Walpoch and His Majesty the Emperor. I can’t take care of your request. "General Steelcaster Klauer replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"You guys." Dark Knight Abadan yelled.

However, being able to stand side by side with Crower also shows that Abadang is very much aware of this fourth-level junior. There are many fourth-level knights in the wizarding world, but fifth-level knights are rare, and sixth-level knights are none. .

Can be appreciated by the powerful fifth-level knight Ai Batang, Crower really has his extraordinary.

On the battlefield, the two top knights have no extra time to communicate, because they are fighting against the two powerful four-level Saiyan warriors.

Being a fifth-level strong man but being held back by the fourth-level Saiyan, it is not that the dark knight Aiba has a reputation, but that this first four-level Saiyan is a bit too strong. After opening a super transformation, even Ai Batang has Handle carefully.

Initial combat strength: 56733, once transformed into combat strength: 88721.

Initial combat power: 23482, once transformed into combat power: 48776.

These two fourth-level Saiyan fighters are what Abata and Crawl are dealing with.

On the other side of the battlefield, a fourth-level Saiyan who once turned into a horror with a combat strength of 90021, was being jointly dealt by Silver Dragon General Nelson and Frostheart Walport.

This powerful fourth-level Saiyan warrior is the strongest biological creature that Saiyan Star claims to be the fifth most likely fifth-level Saiyan warrior. It will allow Nelson and Walpoch to work together, but also from the side. Shows the thorny of this Saiyan warrior.

However, in the battle, Walbochi was somewhat uneasy. With him and Nelson joining, this fourth-level Saiyan can’t get over the water, and Crower and Abadang also have certain advantages over there. The outcome of this war was clearly in a good direction, but Walpoch felt uneasy.

The source of restlessness comes from the king of Saiya and Tedanir who disappeared in the battlefield.

"I want to have Master Mei and Master Robb personally shot, there should be no problems." Walboqi can only comfort himself.

But don’t forget that a few years ago, Tedaniel and Prince Burta merged, but under the eyes of many powerful players in the Aybarut Empire, Robo was successfully hit and escaped. At that time, the sixth-level strong Mei was also present. .

To suppress the uneasiness in my heart, what Walbochi can do is to solve his current battle as soon as possible

"Combat power 991?" Looking at the combat power value of his human form under the combat power detector, Locke had some regrets in his words.

Once again swallowing a mantis relic, Locke then enters the cultivation state.

This is the forward-looking space fortress. All knights and magicians have received intelligence. The enemy they are about to face is the army led by the Saiyan Prince Burta.

The war is about to start, Locke is increasing his strength as much as possible.

Relic was provided by Ashaer to Locke. After Locke was seriously injured in a coma in the underground space, Ashaer collected most of the loot at that time.

The relic was found on the body of Tess, the second-class female mantis. Tess was the elder of a large mantis tribe, and there was a lot of stock on his body—

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