Hello, Heir

Chapter 1278: Jing Yu, sorry (4)

His words, in the dark, misty look is so uncertain, he finished saying, tense people look to the bed.

She still back to him, it seems that those words are just, are unmoved.

Shi Jin Yan's heart is like being severely pulling up, he took a deep breath, then held out his hand, took hold of her shoulders, "Jing Yu, tell me what you really think? Do you really like Yao Teng, must be with me ...... "

Divorce word has not yet finished, the temperature of the palm, and left him slightly surprised.

His words meal, and then suddenly sat up in bed, turned on the bedside lamp, and then they saw her tightly closed eyes, cheeks glowing!

This is the number of degrees ......? !!

He frowned, took a thermometer up the stairs, caught in her armpit, and then found her clothes, or even wet.

He quickly came down, from side to come up with pajamas for her clothes off, changed pajamas.

When dragging pants, touched his hands wet, looked down and found she really February thing coming.

He hastily put on her underwear and took, and then pad sanitary napkins for her.

He did these things, all her embarrassed every time he saw this, she behaved like a weak, like no bones, let him do whatever they want.

Her slender legs exposed on the outside, to see him suddenly thirsty, and hurried to take the quilt to cover her, then waited a few minutes, it will come up with thermometer, I found Yu Jing Division has burned 39 degrees Fives.

His first reaction is to hold her up, direct running downstairs.

He was so frustrating, and Si Jingyu woke up in amazement. She opened her eyes to see Shi Jinyan, but she did not see him.

Then she asked, "What happened? What?"

Shi Jinyan said: "Let's go to the hospital, Jing Yu, you have a fever, we go to the hospital."

Hearing the words in the hospital, Si Jingyu seemed to have received some violent stimulus and kicked him directly, "I won't go to the hospital, I won't go to the hospital!"

She shouted, tears fell, and then she struggled.

Shi Jinyan almost couldn't hold her, but when she was so resistant, his heartache appeared in his eyes. He pursed his lips and turned suddenly, "Okay, don't go to the hospital, don't go to the hospital, we go back, obediently ... "

Si Jingyu didn't know if he understood what he said, so he really didn't move.

She was like a kitten, and he was happily carried upstairs.

Then Shi Jinyan went downstairs and found the antipyretic medicine. He boiled a bowl of **** brown sugar and cut it off for Si Jingyu.

She was already confused, but the confused Si Jingyu was like changing someone, removing the thorns from her whole body, obedient and docile, dumbfounded.

He put the medicine in her mouth. "Open your mouth."

She opened up nicely, and he poured her water. "Drink."

She drank it.

He blew the **** syrup again and put it in her mouth. "Drink."

Division Jing Yu obediently drank it, then he laid her down, gave her covered with a quilt.

He put on her forehead cooling paste, then waited at his side, holding a towel to wipe the body to cool for her.

After a child, the Secretary Yu Jing seems to have signs of fever.

Shi Jin Yan sitting on her bed, watching over her, and then suddenly saw her in his sleep, then suddenly waving his arms, whispering in his mouth saying something.

He could not hear, leaned in the future, they heard her shouting: "! ...... baby ...... baby ......"

PS: End seeking a monthly update ~ ~ Ha! Tomorrow more than a hundred plus monthly oh no pass, but also to recommend a vote it ~ Also what, goddess PK tournament began, we still continue to take the trouble to cast a vote now - eight into four, it is now Fifth, this round of PK Jin does not qualify, to see all of you up! - Top Comments comments section, links point to go to vote, please vote to Yan son! Thank you!