Hello, Heir

Chapter 686: Slap! Nana fights back! (4)

Then, with the help of Si Zhengting, Zhuang Nina walked out slowly and got into the car with Si Zhengting.

The car went all the way to Emperor Mercedes-Benz. The front and rear bodyguard cars opened the way. Si Zhengting wore a black suit. The sharp light flashed in Feng Yan's eyes, and he returned to the usual cool and noble Mr. Si.

He didn't drive by himself today, but instead sat in the back seat with Zhuang Nana, and halfway out, he also took out Zona Nana's food for her to eat.

So calm and calm, Zhuang Nina finally felt not as close to the enemy, and his tense breathing became unstable.

She took a deep breath, and after eating the meal with chewing wax, she looked out.

On the seventh day, most of the employees have not yet returned to Beijing, so the roads in the urban area are better to go than before. They are very cool and go to the entrance of Emperor.

At the entrance of the Emperor Building, a group of blackbirds were seen before approaching.

Reporters and photographers, one by one, leaked the crowded water around the entrance of Emperor Royal.

The car drove over. After confirming that this was Si Zhengting's car, the reporters went crazy like a crowd of people.

Even if the windows are not open, someone has already asked, running after the car:

"Excuse me, Mr. Si, what do Emperor think of suppressing workers?"

"Mr. Si, Mr. Si, why did you choose to fire Minor? Is it really because your wife is not pleasing to her?"

"Mrs. Si, how do you convince Mr. Si to fire Director Mi?"

"Mr. Si, Mrs. Si, you ..."

The car kept going all the way and went straight forward, but Ji Ji, who was walking in the back, got out of the car and greeted everyone: "Okay, all journalists friends, we said that if we hold a press conference today, we won't Foreword, everyone, please come to a fixed position and enter with our invitation, thank you for your cooperation! "


The car slowly drove into the underground parking lot, then Si Zhengting and Zhuang Nina, under the guard of the bodyguards, went to the top floor first, and waited until Ji Zheng called Si Zhengting and said that everything was arranged properly, Si Zhengting Then stood up and helped Zhuang Nana to go out.

Zhuang Nina raised her head high, took a few tense deep breaths, and followed him to the activity room.

All journalists are there, and today will be her own battle.

"Squeak!" The meeting room door opened.



The flashes of the flashlight flickered, and the reporters turned their heads and looked directly at them.

After seeing Zhuang Nina and Si Zhengting, the originally lively meeting room was suddenly silent for a moment, and then suddenly burst into a louder sound than just now!

"Mr. Si, Mrs. Si, you are finally here!"

"Mr. Si, Mrs. Si, as senior management, what standards do you ask employees for?"

"I heard that Mr. Si once used hands with employees and fired each other. Is there such a thing?"

"Mrs. Secretary, Mrs. Secretary ..."

In such an interrogation, Zhuang Nina was supported by Si Zhengting and stepped onto the stage step by step.

She stood on the high platform, watching a crowd of people underneath, suddenly aimed at a camera and asked, "Is this a live broadcast?"

Immediately, the photographer nodded to Zhuang Nana.

Zhuang Nina pulled the corner of her lips nervously and stiffly, and then she took a deep breath and suddenly said to the camera: "Minnow, since you said that I was plagiarizing, then do you dare, come here now and come with me on the spot Confront ?! "