Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday to Expose My Other Identities!

Chapter 31: Are you itchy all over if you don't act

  Chapter 31 Are you itchy all over if you don’t act like a monster?

   Shi Ran glanced at her, but ignored her directly.

   Just as he was about to pass by Zhou Yufan, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Shiran's wrist.

   Shi Ran turned sideways to avoid it, and looked at Zhou Yufan sarcastically, "If you don't want to spend time with your lover, why would you be so nervous when you come here?"

   "So you're jealous?" Zhou Yufan asked back.

  If it wasn't for the image, I would always have a black face with a question mark.

  However, Zhou Yufan has already confirmed the answer, and said to himself, "It's because you're jealous that so many troubles happened, isn't it?"

  "Zhou Yufan." Shi Ran faced Zhou Yufan, his delicate face was serious, and his red lips parted slightly, "Are you okay?"

  Zhou Yufan frowned.

  Jian Shiran went on to say, "I've said it before, I'm just looking at you scumbags. I'm too tired of having an underground affair, so I'll just help you make it public."

  Zhou Yufan narrowed his eyes, "It is absolutely impossible for Shiran to say such a thing."

  The Shiran he knew was stupid and impulsive, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be as smooth as he is now.

   He knew that Feifei let the staff lie to Shiran this time, and he also felt that there was nothing wrong with the manager's idea.

   Unexpectedly, Shiran took precautions and made preparations in advance, not only letting their plan fail, but also folding himself in.

  This is not what Shi Ran could have thought of before.

   "Then what do you think I should say?" Shi Ran raised his eyes and smiled at Zhou Yufan.

  Her eyes were shining, and it seemed that there was indescribable affection in her eyes.

  Zhou Yufan's gaze gradually became obsessed.

  The next second, those eyes suddenly turned cold.

  It is early summer, but it makes people feel cool for no reason.

   "I don't bother to fight with you. To me, I'm nothing more than a scumbag, but you all want to get close to me."

   "Remember to tie up your dog when you go back, and then bark in front of me. It's not as simple as it is now."

  Leaving these words behind, Shi Ran turned around and left gracefully.

  The wind blew in through the window, blowing up her black hair, and the hair brushed against the clothes on Zhou Yufan's chest, leaving behind a faint fragrance.

  Zhou Yufan looked at Shiran's back and pursed his lips.

   Half an hour later, the program resumed recording again.

  Everyone sat on the sofa talking and laughing, as if nothing happened just now.

   "Today is the first day we met, let's introduce ourselves first!" Liang Bu said.

   Seeing that everyone had no objections, he spoke first, "My name is Liang Bu, and I'm a model."

   "My name is Zuo Yifei, I am a singer and dancer."

   "Hi everyone, I'm Bai Jingtian, an actor."

   "Zhou Yufan, the manager of the enterprise."

  After the boys have introduced in turn, it is the girl's turn to introduce.

   "Gu Jia, the founder of the brand."

   "Hi everyone, I'm Yu Ziqian, an e-sports entertainment anchor, nice to meet you all."

   "Hi everyone, I'm Shi Wenfei, this is my first time attending such a gathering, please give me your advice."

  Everyone's eyes shifted to Shi Ran.

  Siran sat on the beanbag sofa on the ground, and the whole person nestled into it.

  Sunlight poured down from the floor-to-ceiling windows, she squinted her eyes comfortably, like a noble and lazy Persian cat.

   "Shiran, actor." She pronounced the words softly, but her tone was low, with a kind of extremely sweet and sexy.

  After the introduction, everyone's atmosphere was a little condensed.

   After all, almost all the people present knew each other on the first day.

  Of course, except for the four protagonists just now, the relationship between these four protagonists is obviously not very good.

   In the end, it was what Liang Buxian said, "I just checked the refrigerator, and there are only a few ingredients in it. If we want to make dinner by ourselves, we may need to go to the supermarket in the afternoon."

   "Then divide into two groups, one group stays and uses leftover ingredients for lunch, and the other group goes out to buy ingredients." Zhou Yufan made the final decision.

   "I think it's okay, but how do we group them?" Zuo Yifei looked left and right, then stretched out his hand, "I don't know how to cook, so I'll go shopping."

  The other people were all selected immediately, and when it was Shiran's turn, Shi Wenfei smiled and said, "I remember my sister is very good at cooking, so you can stay and make lunch."

   After finishing speaking, she still didn't forget to blink and ask Shiran, "Is it okay? Sister."

   Shi Ran glanced at her and asked, "Are you itchy all over if you don't act like a demon?"

  The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

   "What do you mean?" Yu Ziqian said at the right time.

   "I haven't cooked since I was born. Where did you say that I know how to cook? Huh?" The final sound was a bit dangerous.

   "I...I also heard from the servant at home." Shi Wenfei lowered her head aggrieved, "I'm sorry, sister."

   "Shiran..." Zhou Yufan felt distressed seeing it, and wanted to speak for Shi Wenfei.

   "You can shut up." Shi Ran interrupted with a cold snort.

  When her eyes turned to other people, she turned her back and returned to her lazy look, "I don't know how to cook, can I apply for shopping?"

  The difference in attitudes before and after is so great that even actor Bai Jingtian couldn't help but look sideways.

  Liang Bu coughed lightly, "Then Shiran, Brother Tian, ​​Yifei and Mr. Gu are going out together, and the four of us stay here for lunch."

   "Yes." Gu Jia nodded, "Then let's go back to the room to clean up first, and we will meet at the door in half an hour.

   Half an hour later, Shi Ran and his party of four set off in a mighty way.

  This time the program group did not follow the cameraman, but chose to shoot with a drone.

  Several drones are circling overhead, will you get close to them for a close-up.

   At this time, the closed live broadcast room opened again.

  【Am I here again? Where did this play out? How did you go out? 】

  【Shiran! Please tell me who room 5602 is! Is it Director Wang? 】

  【In the front, people just refuted the rumors, Director Wang didn’t stay in this hotel last night】

  【Handsome men and women blow up the streets! so eye-catching]

  【Feifei, so handsome, so handsome! 】

   A group of four entered the supermarket.

   "Sedum and I are in charge of meat, Yifei, you and Shiran are in charge of vegetables." Gu Jia took the lead in dividing into groups.

  The four people are divided into two groups to act.

  【Isn't the female president ulterior motives in the bar? 】

  【Our brother Tian is still very charming, even the female CEO can't escape】

  【Why is Feifei following Shiran! ! Give me back my Feifei! 】

  【Feifei is so pitiful, Shiran studio won't take the opportunity to fire up CP, right? 】

  Shiran and Zuo Yifei walked to the vegetable area, one by one was silent, almost no one spoke.

   When passing by the snack area, Zuo Yifei stopped in his tracks, and his eyes stayed on a certain chocolate for a few seconds.

  His hand had already picked up the chocolate, but when he saw the drone hovering around him, he immediately put it back.

  Brother Qing said that he gained five catties this month and has banned his sweets.

  Shiran finished shopping quickly, she walked to the cashier to check out, Zuo Yifei followed her with his head drooping, his mind was full of the chocolate just now.

  He mechanically helped Shiran put things in front of the machine, and when he saw a certain chocolate, his eyes lit up.

   "Do you like chocolate too?" Zuo Yifei said the first words since entering the supermarket.

  (end of this chapter)