Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 478: We miss you dead

I don't know how long.

Is like sinking in the eternal abyss.

Keeps falling.

Can never go to the end.

Is like a black channel, the soul is walking alone.

Can't see the light at the end.

Lin Beichen had the illusion that he was caught in the heart by the nightmare and then pressed by the ghost.

In a trance, from time to time there will be a gentle little hand, stroking his forehead and body.

'S soft and cold touch makes him feel that trace of existence.

time flies.

Seems to have passed centuries.

Even seems to have passed several epochs.

When Lin Beichen thought that he was exiled forever, his consciousness finally began to become clear gradually.

He vaguely felt that the clothes on his body were peeled off layer by layer by the gentle little hands.

Then came the whole body warm and soft, with a moist feeling.

This feeling gradually became clear.

The soul is constantly being pulled and pulled, and there is a strange feeling of 'Holy God returning'.

He felt his fingers move gently.


Groaned unconsciously from his mouth.

Then he felt that, under that kind of warm and wet wiping touch, a vital part under his lower abdomen began to stand uncontrollably.

There was a low exclaimation in his ear.

That sound is so familiar.

Is like the voice that I have been expecting in the eternal sinking.

Then came the sound of footsteps moving around.

The sound of opening and closing the door.

Consciousness is getting clearer.

'S control of the body is also recovering quickly.

He moved his finger hard.

Has never been a moment. Like this, it made Lin Beichen feel that it was such a happy thing to be able to control his body to make a very simple movement on weekdays.

"Master, Master ..."

There is warm breathing in the ear.

Is as sweet as a orchid.

Is also a very familiar voice.

Lin Beichen diligently opened his eyes.

A line of light poured into sight.

Seemed to be the light of creation in the beginning of Hongmeng, tearing away all the darkness in Lin Beichen's field of vision.

After several blinks, his vision recovered.

He finally saw clearly, and the two young and beautiful faces that stood in front of him with concern were his two petite little maids, Qianqian and Qianqian.

"Master, woo, great, are you awake?"

"Hurry, go and tell Wang Guanjia, the young master is awake ... woooooooooooo good."

Saw Lin Beichen opened his eyes, the two little beauties wept with joy, and their eyes were moist.

The pearl-like crystal tears can no longer stop, flowing down along the blowable face, forming a small depression in the delicate and beautiful clavicle nest, and overflowing and flowing down into the collar , Flowing through the mountains ...

Lin Beichen's heart was moved with a sudden.

When you wake up from a long sleep, someone is so concerned and excited and cares, the recovery of life seems more meaningful.

He smiled contentedly.

Glanced across the snow-white skin along the teardrops ......

The angle is just right.

You can see the pale pink cherry on the top of the upturned jade bowl, and the deep dazzling gully in between.

咣 当!

The door of the room was slammed open.

Butler Wang Zhong rushed in barefoot.

Followed by Xiao Binggan ...

There are some familiar classmates ...

There are also Chu Hen, Pan Weimin, Liu Qihai and others.

Qianqian and Qianqian straightened up immediately.

Lin Beichen slowly retracted his gaze with infinite regret, stretched out his hands, propped up the upper body, and sat up slowly.

Then he saw ...

A pillar of Optimus.

Σ (° △ ° |||) ︴?

It turned out that the soft and moist feeling just now was that two maids were wiping their bodies with a hot towel?

So now I am ...

"Hurry, go out, go out soon ..."

He said madly: "Do you guys don't know how to knock on the door? It's impolite, let me put on my clothes anyway ..."

Everyone sweats.

\\ (\ "▔ □ ▔) / \\ (\" ▔ □ ▔) / \\ (\ "▔ □ ▔) /!

Quit one after another.



After a tea time.

Bamboo yard.

In the hall.

"I've been in a coma for three months?"

Lin Beichen was completely shocked.

Last time was crowned by the Lord of the Sword, and he was unconscious for ten days and ten nights.

And this time it turned into three months?

Based on his 99 scores in the college entrance examination, he can instantly calculate that the time of this coma is more than nine times the last time.

"Dear brother, we all think you are dead ..."

Xiao Binggan's tears were genuine.

Lin Beichen looked at him in shock.

Are you **** talking about human beings?

Xiao Binggan was dumbfounded and reacted violently. He quickly said: "No, I was so excited, saying that I was bald and pouting, but I want to die you ... These three months, we have been guarding you every day. Come every day, wipe your body for treatment, I am afraid that you will never wake up again, fortunately, the Lord of the Sword will bless you under the crown. "

"How do you feel now?"

Chuhen looked at Lin Beichen nervously.

Lin Beichen sensed his physical condition.

Does not have the legendary feeling of muscle weakness after a long sleep.

Probably owes to his beautiful face-if he is not so handsome, how can the Qin priest come to heal himself every day?

Is full of power.

But mysterious words ...

Is the same as last time without suspense.

The unstable silver spiritual fire in the body was indeed disappeared without a trace.

If you look inside mentally, you will find that there is another strange pale silver cyclone in Dantian, entrenched in the sea of ​​Dantian.

And his first appearance by the Lord of the Sword, the cyclone that appeared in Dantianhai, had similar shapes but different colors.

Is like two suns, suspended above the world of Dantian.

Xuanqi Realm fell to the level of ordinary people without accident.

Knock on Tamar.

Has to be rebuilt again.

Fortunately, with his first experience, Lin Beichen was not too nervous.

Every time after being taken up by the gods, the physical quality is greatly condensed and strengthened, and the meridians will become more tenacious and strong-just like a small river that was not very wide, it was suddenly washed by a torrent of water once. It will be greatly enhanced.

Practice again, it will become very easy.

In the short term, it is not difficult to return to the previous state.

And the upper limit of cultivation will be higher.

Is a good thing.

"I'm all right."

Lin Beichen smiled and said, "I'm sorry, this time, everyone is worried."

Everyone's eyes gathered on him, with a strong suspicion.

This guy suddenly talked so softly that it didn't fit his personality at all.

Could it be that the brain was broken when he was possessed by God?

Who knows Lin Beichen smiled next, and said shamelessly again: "However, this is also true, wow ha ha ha, who made me the savior to turn the tide, Waha ha ha ha ha ..."

Everyone felt relieved and nodded in agreement.

Is right.

Is not bad.

Such a shameless style is the real Lin Beichen.

"Yes, Yunmengcheng is all right after so long?"

Lin Beichen smiled and said in a grinning way: "With me this great murderer who doesn't blink or cut people's eyes, he sits in town, no one is doing anything about moths, ha ha ha ha, no, no, no ... "

Hearing this problem, everyone's expressions suddenly became silent.

The faces of some classmates showed angry and humiliating colors.

Lin Beichen gave a chuckle in his heart, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "No, Tang Tian? What about the ghosts? How come these two guys come to see me?"


The new volume is titled "Beihai's Marriage". The name of the volume you mentioned in the previous chapter is very good, but the knife decided to blame a little, and you can't think of it ... (≧? ≦) ?.

The new volume, three months later, has undergone tremendous changes in Yunmeng City. You can guess.

I would like to thank Shuyou 58273190, Miiira, Song Chaoyidao, Shuyou 58273190, and Daomeng Dao Xiaoxiao Xiaoguo for their continuous support, and thank the bandit brother Gemeng for the great reward.