Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

v1 Chapter 1250: Tianqisheng defeated! 2 more

Liao Zongming cursed even more unbearably, "Fucking! This person is really the most disgusting person I have ever seen. How can he not be sickened by himself?"

He has never seen such a person who can pretend to be so unpredictable! But he was pretending to be infatuated, and he was shocked to say that his little sister seemed to be at odds with him.

Once so! Two times, not to mention that Liao Zongming couldn't bear it, Hua Qianfang and the others were even more somber-looking, and they were so angry that they were so angry.

But Ye Qianli came out with a calm face, to deal with the arrogance of Tian Qisheng! There is only one kind of Jacksu who is hypocritical! That was until his mother didn't recognize him.

and so……

"Boom!" Ye Qianli stepped out of the room in a volley, knocking the Yanyue Long Knife in his hand into the void, revealing the evil spirits! Straight to the heavenly sage.

Tian Qisheng glanced at her deeply, but he also sacrificed the human clone, but he still said, "Qianli, just learn from each other. You don't have to work hard. If you lose, don't worry about other things."

"Oh, I hope you can still say this after the war." Ye Qianli smiled weirdly, at the same time that she had never held Yanyue Knife's left hand! The avatar of Qisheng Chaotian struck a **** pattern.

And this **** pattern, at the moment it takes shape in the void, everyone can perceive it! There seemed to be a shackle in the darkness, and suddenly fell from the sky and locked it towards them.



Between the heavens and the earth, the appearance of the talisman suddenly burst out the sound of earth-shattering killing, making the face of the clan Tianjiao in the audience changed greatly, and they were shocked to see it! All this movement originated from the **** pattern in the sky.

That way...

"Fifth Tier! God Judgment!"

Tian Qiwan's face was colorful, and he shook his head in disbelief, "No! It's not the fifth-order God of Judgment, it's the fusion and creation of the God Mark of Character Creation and God of Judgment. This is a God of Killing Mark that is more powerful than God of Judgment. , She is innovative again."

"What!?" There was another explosion at the scene!

Everyone knows that the strongest slaying **** pattern in the world is definitely the **** of death, even if the **** of death pattern has long been lost, it is only the **** pattern rune paper that survives. This is why the Ye Qianli Dong clan wants to be crazy. The reason why Qianli won Yeah's fascinating learning.

Whether it is Cangwang's unique learning! It is still the mastery of the gods, which represents the pinnacle of the gods. One of them is a pioneer who opens the world and the other is a pinnacle of keeping the past and opening up the future.


"Om!" Ye Qianli, who has won the knowledge of the two, she uses her fifth-order one! The stronger Divine Mark of the God of Punishment, let the world witness, the two masterpieces are powerful in one body.

At that time, the storm was surging!

At that time, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!

At that time...

"Zhu!" When Ye Qianli screamed, he swept the world of discoloration! When the torture to Tian Qisheng, everyone's hearts were raised.

"Disperse!" The avatar of Tianqi Saint gleamed, but when this murderous intent came, it released a faint white light, and there was a misty ride in the wind, the wind of independence from the world.

But it was this kind of power that seemed to be hidden in the world, but the whole sky that Ye Qianli had rolled up to kill, faded away lightly, shocking the whole audience.

"The inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Realms! It really is true, the Heavenly Sage is already powerful, and now that it is blessed by the power of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, I am afraid it cannot be shaken.

"After this battle, Tian Qisheng will definitely become the top of the Hongmeng list." Many people thought this way, but saw that Ye Qianli had swept the knife and attacked, and recruited fiercely.

This is not...

"Look at the light on her!" Many people discovered at this moment that Ye Qianli seemed to be very different! Her skin actually revealed a purple meaning that seemed to be nothing.

The key is! These purple lingering lingering not only annihilated the misty air of the Tianqi Saint clone counterattack, but also allowed Ye Qianli to gather the scattered fifth-order God of Death again, and directly attack the Tianqi Saint clone.

As soon as the fight started, it was almost recognized as a battle that Ye Qianli was about to lose! Immediately ushered in a turnaround, and then...

"The battle was on a par! High-ranking saint Ye Qianli, in front of the half-step domain master clone of Tian Qisheng, she actually fought easily and never lost!?"

The onlookers Tianjiao and the elders from all quarters were stunned, especially Ye Qianli who swept out of the room! It turns out that the more sweeping is getting stronger, not only is there no weakness, but there is actually a stronger tendency to become more and more familiar?


"Could it be that she really came to find Tianqi Sage clone to practice hand skills?" Some clan Tianjiao couldn't help but think of the words Rong Mo said before.

He said, "I'm just a puppet of my wife's hands."

At that time, no one took these words to heart, just as the nonsense that Rong Mo said after being so angry, now it seems! It doesn't seem to be?


Without waiting for the onlookers Tianjiao's heart to regain consciousness, Tianqi Sage deity has already laughed and said, "Okay! Qianli, you are really strong, you were still hiding before, so I'm not welcome."

And he said this! Everyone saw that the avatar of Qisheng had a full body that day, and there were nine different auras of power, rushing out and lingering in the hollow.

"this is……"

"Golden, wood, water, fire and earth! Wind, thunder, light and dark air, is it possible that Heavenly Sage is in control of the Nine Element Origin Power?" The clan Tianjiao were all shocked.

"It turns out that he actually awakened the Nine Element Innate Power and also controlled the Nine Element Origin Power. It's no wonder that his old **** is very present." The Magic Box all expressed amazement.

And Tianyuan Divine Body! It is the superb divine body of the Tian family, but Tian Qisheng can make his clone possess such a physique, which shows that he is really powerful.

"Qianli! You are not bad, but in front of me, you still have to lose, but it doesn't matter. I believe that with your talents, you and I will be able to stand side by side in the future." Heavenly Qi Sage deity also said proudly, as if the winner was in hand.

At the same moment!

The avatar of Tianqi Sage also shouted, "Heavenly yuan unites, nine and nine are united into one."


The power between heaven and earth! At this moment, all the avatars of Heavenly Qi Sage gathered together, as if he was the master of the power between heaven and earth, and all forces listened to him.

Coupled with that ethereal relic of the world, let the heavenly sage have a seed! He was a born king, like the master of the world, and came to Ye Qianli at his fingertips.

As a result, people think that since all the forces are under the control of Heavenly Sage! Ye Qianli had no power to turn around, and she really wanted to be caught.

"Wake up!" Ye Qianli said coldly at the avatar of Tianqi Sage, who was under her palm, and followed her voice! It was not the power she was suppressed, but a knife! Or it's a lump sum.

With a knife as a pen, Ye Qianli writes with a knife! Not only did you gather the momentum of Cangwang to create the world and the earth, but also condensed the power of Emperor Tianfu to reverse the rules of heaven and earth, and also brought out the arrogance and explosion of Chaos Origin Thunder.

In an instant——

"Om!" The heaven and earth aura, which was controlled by the divine body power and misty divine power of the avatar of Tian Qi, immediately uttered a moving buzzing sound.


"You have two misty caves! Inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, I just want to crush the master of a complete warehouse king! The emperor of Heavenly Talisman, and the me who inherited the throne? Are you too beautiful?"

When Ye Qianli was vocal, the knife that was swept away by her! Immediately, with the momentum of lifting the top, the suppression of the clone of Tianqi Sage was destroyed like a whirlwind.

This is not...