Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

v1 Chapter 1722: Xiao Yier upgraded again! [Request ticke

The rest of the gods and ministers also gave a "swish", and they all stood up, indicating that the babies are very strong! No need to comfort the young master and mother.

"Young Master, look at the hole, let the old minister lead the Ministry of Engineering to come up and down to repair, is it possible?" Cai Siheng also hurriedly asked Dai Sin to make meritorious service.

Yan Chengli of the Ministry of War immediately quit. "Our Ministry of War has so many legendary instruments, and of course our Ministry of War does this job!"

"No, no, it's our demon department. Our demon department knows the pure-blood demon best, let's come! Let's come." The demon Singh felt that it was finally time to perform meritorious service.

When Shen Tianyun, Xuanyuancheng, Qi Fengyue and others heard it, they stopped doing it! They all expressed shyly that they are more suitable for repairing this plane hole.

They couldn’t help but yelled, "Where did you put my Dikou? The local Sikou was just almost turned into a rebellion, but it’s not a real rebellion. This kind of important matter concerning the survival of Mount Xume is of course our land. The responsibility of the Secretary!"

"Isn't the pure-blooded monster coming here, it's about the trouble of your prefecture?" Yan Chengli choked back immediately, he was the most annoying Si Kou Tiantian came to the War Department clamoring to equip the sergeant with new weapons, so he hated the Sikou! When he was a slave.

"I..." Di Si Kou was choked out of speech this time, but he still stubbornly said, "What if? I don't care! I will take the soldiers to guard."

"Who cares about you!" Yan Chengli gave him a blank look, and said to Rong Mo, "Young Master, look, is it better to leave it to our Ministry of War?"

"We..." The rest of the ministries are going to be noisy again.

Rong Mo raised his hand, and before telling them to stop quarreling, all the ministers would notice, and all of them were silent. They were particularly obedient, and looked at Rong Mo indifferently.

Rong Mo smiled in his heart, but said, "I don't plan to close this hole."


The ministers of the gods all uttered aloud in surprise, and never expected that their young master was actually different from what they thought! ? But it's also right, the young master is the young master, how can they think the same way!

"Young Master Wise!"

Regardless of the reason, the gods and ministers who went directly from questioning fans to cult brain-dead fans felt from their hearts that their young masters were wise in what they did! correct.

It was funny to see Ye Qianli, and when these old officials were dissatisfied, although they were not cute, they were also really cute when they were willing to be disciplined.

Rong Mo didn't expect that these veteran officials returned so quickly, but he said comfortably, "The Di Sikou led the five main banner officers and guarded this hole."

"The old minister obeyed!" Di Si Kou was so excited that he squatted his head, and hurriedly got up to line up troops, but got hurt and fell directly in front of Rong Mo to eat shit.

Rong Mo: "..."|

Why is it not enough to have a stupid brother, but also such a stupid minister?


"Young Master, what shall I wait?" But the ministers who were not assigned were a little nervous.

However, Rong Mo had already named, "Minister Cai and Minister Yan will stay, and the rest of the ministries will be arranged by Emperor Long."

"Yes, young master!" the ministers obediently said.

The Dragon Emperor asked Shen Tianyun and Xuanyuancheng to sort out Tiansi first, and wait for Xingba to come, threatening to interrogate the pure-blooded king demon, as well as the affairs of Liangfu and Tiansi.

The Eighteen Banners, except for the Three Banners that are working, and the Five Banners that have been assigned tasks, the remaining ten banners will patrol Wanyu City in turn, and if there is a stranger, they will be taken directly.

The Demon Department assisted Shiqi to search the entire mountain for rebellious comrades who might have escaped.

The staff organizes the archives, appoints candidates from the top and bottom of the appropriate Tiansi, and dispatches them together.

The Ministry of Magic and the Ministry of Medicine are responsible for guarding the Sumi Temple.

Once allocated in this way, there is work to be done, and everyone happily goes to work!

Only Yaoyuan, Mo Qichang, Cai Siheng, Yan Chengli, Xuan Sikou, Xuan Chaozi, and Longdi were left at the scene. Then Cai Siheng and Yan Chengli knelt and asked with some excitement, "I wonder what the young master has ordered?"

"Do you have anything to seal the domain wall?" Rong Mo asked directly. He was worried that the Demon Domain would change, and wanted to send someone to stare at it first.

"Yes!" the two ministers responded in unison.

Rong Mo asked them to get up and talk, and was about to ask carefully, but Rong Ze on the side suddenly realized, "Big Brother! Where's Yi'er?" He searched for a long time, but couldn't find Xiao Yi'er!

If it hadn't been for the big demon had been caught, Rong Ze would have panicked early! But where is Xiao Yi'er? Why did he look for it for a long time without finding it?

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er got out of Ye Qianli's sleeve! Rong Ze jumped, but he immediately turned to feel surprised, "Yi'er, you are getting smaller again! No wonder I didn't find you."

"You are stupid." Xiao Yi'er actually came out of his mother's ancient battlefield. He can now freely enter and exit the ancient battlefield, which makes Ye Qianli feel a little bit magical.

The Dragon Emperor was a little surprised! The one who came out of the dragon's whiskers stroked the little Yi'er, "Fortunately, the little master hides fast and clever." It knew that the little little master was hiding in the body of the young lady.

"Hee~" The praised Xiao Yi'er smiled embarrassedly, and then changed back to normal size. It was also amazed by Cai Siheng and others.

"Si Kou!" The Xuan Chaozi brought a surprise call, and it rang like a scene at the moment, and everyone noticed that Xuan Si Kou woke up.

I wiped a sweat on the original medicine Xuan Si Kou diagnosed and treated, and he said with a sigh of relief, "Although Xuan Si Kou’s injury is basically stabilized, your demons are too powerful, and you still have to try to eradicate them, otherwise the consequences Unthinkable."

Had it not been for this diagnosis and treatment, Yaoyuan had never expected that Xuan Si Kou would be so demonized! There is the possibility of death at any time.

"Thank you, Minister of Medicine." Xuan Si Kou thanked him, his breathing was still a little weak, his breath was weak, but his injuries were basically stabilized, and there was no life worry for the time being.

"Xuan Si Kou is polite." Yao Yuan swallowed a pill himself before he was about to stand up, but the Xuan Si Kou in front of him suddenly reached out to him! Straight pinch to his neck.

Yaoyuan's expression changed greatly! But he didn't have time to dodge, and he was about to be caught upright, but Rong Mo seemed to be prepared for a long time! Go to Xuan Si Kou Town to a layer of Xumi Yuan breath.


The injury that Xuan Si Kou had just stabilized broke out immediately! He vomited another mouthful of blood, but her eyes, which were as gentle as water, flashed with plum red.


"Not good!" Ye Qianli's eyelids twitched, and immediately turned to Xuan Si Kou's heart! Niwan Palace each shot a silver needle, and the silver needle moved according to her heart and plunged into two key points.


More continuous breath of magic flower! The "Silver Needle" that had been transformed by the Shenhua was injected into Xuan Sikou's body, trapping the violent her with the Shenhua vine.


Xuan Si Kou slurped aloud! But there is a wisp of red mist that has passed through the silver needles and vines, and then "brushed" it back towards Ye Qianli, at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Qianli squinted her eyes--


------Off-topic ------

ps: Prepare to gather with other authors and babies for the annual meeting, save some manuscripts and post them!

Seeing the ancient battlefield where a little cute asks Da Lier, don’t worry, it’s glowing and hot, not here, in the next plot Lyon~