Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

v1 Chapter 1906: Yi helps Daddy pinch peach blossoms! 5 m

"Didn't it mean it's a baby?" Ye Qianli wanted to hug him.

The little guy hugged his mother's leg tightly and said, "You still can't listen to the dream!"

"Listen, listen!" Ye Qianli asked him amusedly, "What did Yi'er dream about?"

"A lot of sand is going to swallow me." Xiao Yi'er said dullly, "but I was kicked by me!"

The smile on Ye Qianli's face froze. Yun Zhixi didn't know the meaning of the little guy's dream, and smiled and exclaimed, "We Yi'er is the best."

"Yes!" Xiao Yi'er responded loudly but shyly, but he soon discovered that his mother was upset, and couldn't help but look up at her mother and said, "Mother?"

"What's wrong with Qian Li?" Yun Zhixi also asked. Seeing her daughter-in-law's face turned pale, her voice sank, "Is not feeling well?"

"No, let's talk on the road." Ye Qianli strongly picked up her son, said goodbye to Ye Wuji and the others, and quickly took the skyship with Yun Zhixi to the kingdom of God.

After entering the skyship, Yun Zhixi condensedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Yi'er's dream is foretelling." Ye Qianli didn't hide it, touching her son's head and asked carefully, "Yi'er dreamed of you who swallowed those sand?"

Xiao Yi'er saw her mother's prudence, and said seriously, "Like the Sky Demon Realm, it is everywhere, and the place is Wanyu." Just such a short sentence has conveyed all the messages in his dream. Up.

The little guy even knew what his mother was worried about. With a pair of small hands, he grasped his mother's hands and said, "Mother is not afraid! There is a leisure!"

Ye Qianli immediately hugged the little guy in his arms, but looked at her mother-in-law very solemnly, "You cannot stay."

"I understand what you mean." Yun Zhixi nodded cautiously. In fact, she had already made arrangements for the purpose of capturing or killing the demon alive.

If it weren't for the more investigation, the more he felt that Yao Ming was thoughtful and thoughtful, and she would be a little bit at the end when she was dressed as a daughter-in-law. On the contrary, she would not let go.


Xiao Yi'er's words made Yun Zhixi worry that her decision-making was negligent.

Therefore, Yun Zhixi subconsciously cautioned, and the little girl in front of him said, "If he really has this kind of power, you must be more careful. Yi'er will follow you. You must always think that you are the child's mother and cannot be easily involved. Risk, you know?"

"I understand." Ye Qianli nodded solemnly.

Xiao Yi'er looked at his mother, then at his grandmother Xi, and then chose to lean on his mother in silence, a pair of purple eyes faintly flickering.


Kingdom of God.

As the first stop of Ye Qianli's official entry into the Ten Thousand Realms, she was quite familiar, but she didn't expect that when she just arrived, she saw Jiang Yu, the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

"Guo Jiang?" When Ye Qianli walked out of the skyship, she looked at Jiang Yu's eyes, after all, she came to the kingdom of God without notifying her deceased, but Jiang Yu clearly knew she was coming.

Jiang Yu was also keenly aware that there was something wrong with Ye Qianli's eyes. Although he felt bitter in his heart, he explained calmly on his face, "Goddess Ye doesn't know something. An hour ago, someone told me that you want to Come."

Jiang Yu originally thought that the news was from Ye Qianli, and couldn't help but stir for a while, but he quickly calmed down and knew that even if the news was from Ye Qianli, it was just as if he was. That's a kind of old friend.

But Jiang Yu's explanation did not let Ye Qianli relax and say, "Guozhu Jiang's cultivation base is very diligent, and he is already a half-step Beginner God?"

As early as a few years ago, Jiang Yu was just a domain master, even if he gained insights at the Hongmeng Asura, it would not be enough for him to advance into a half-step Beginner God in just a few years.

With Leng's affairs ahead, Ye Qianli had to suspect that Jiang Yu might have been demonized, otherwise how could he have the current cultivation level.

Jiang Yu didn't know what Ye Qianli was thinking. He just smiled and asked, "I don't know what about Young Master Rong?"

Ye Qianli hadn't answered this, but Xiao Yi'er, who was led by her, suddenly responded loudly, "My father is better than you!"

"Puff!" Yun Zhixi couldn't help but laughed, only thinking that she, a good-looking grandson, is so cute and a thief who can protect his father, unexpectedly knowing to pinch peach blossoms to his father.

If Rong Mo knows this, he must be relieved to sigh: Little Leopard has finally grown up, it is not in vain that he has worked so hard to raise.

"That's natural." Jiang Yu naturally did not compete with Xiao Yi'er, but continued to say with Ye Qianli, "Although I don't know why Goddess Ye came here, but since you are here, let Yu do her best as a landlord. ,how is it?"

"That's a lot of work." Ye Qianli didn't refuse.

The three of them then entered the Palace of the Kingdom of God under the guidance of Jiang Yu, where a welcoming banquet had already been placed, but there were no other people waiting.

After sitting down, Jiang Yu asked politely, "You have a good relationship with Shen Aiqing's daughter, do you want to send her?"

"No need." Ye Qianli didn't want to involve Shen Guiru. It's not a good time to see her right now.

But because Jiang Yu mentioned Shen Guiru, Ye Qianli's heart still mentioned, she was afraid that Yao Ming would start Shen Guiru, and the really mixed Yao Ming, after all, has no taboos.

"Yo! Little Qianli, you came quite early." A rather unruly chuckle, passed into the magnificent hall at the moment when Ye Qianli was worried.

Jiang Yu's complexion suddenly sank! He obviously didn't expect that someone could break into the palace so easily, but the person who spoke, emerged from the black mist at the moment when the words fell.

At this moment, Yao Ming, who appeared in front of the three of them, had black clothes and purple hair, dark pupils and dark lips, and a jade face that was evil, and he was a beautiful man with a romantic and evil nature.

A frown and a smile are evil.

Every act and every move is full of romance.

Seeing Yun Zhixi squinted his eyes slightly, showing a slight appreciation, only to feel that this is indeed a rare beautiful man in the world, and he is about to catch up with her family.

Ye Qianli didn't have much sense of surprise. After all, Yao Ming, as Moses, sometimes became even more embarrassed in order to attract her empress mother.

Moreover, based on what Yao Ming did, he could still appear unrestrainedly and unrestrainedly, causing Ye Qianli to "he" slightly and say, "Since you call me Xiao Qianli, please tell me sincerely. What are you going to do?"

It seemed that Ye Qianli would not expect that Ye Qianli would go straight to the subject Yaoming. He slowly closed the smile on his face and looked at the little girl in front of him blankly, his eyes getting colder.

Ye Qianli didn't say a word. She was not born like a female emperor's mother, but rather like Yan Wang's father. In Yao Ming's eyes, she would naturally not be pleasing.

However, Ye Qianli saw a touch of complex envy in Yao Ming's cold eyes, which made her feel a little surprised, but heard Yao Ming said, "What am I going to do, hasn't it been done clearly?"

Ye Qianli's eyes also followed this, gradually cooling down...

------Off-topic ------

ps: I wanted to go early, but now it's time to touch it again. The babies should count the votes more! I have a meal and continue to fight for the night’s update, oops~