Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

v1 Chapter 781: Frozen City is the best robbery prisoner

Ye Qianli also saw it.

Because the imprisoned Ye Wuji was not far away from them, he was wearing a prison uniform in the prison car, and he was escorted by heavily armed guards along with Ye Rui and the other three prisoners, passing from the east of the city to the west.

Such a scene made Ye Qianli's cloud of forbearance and forbearance all be forgotten, and she flashed towards the prison car almost immediately!



Before the officers reacted, they already felt a strong resistance and directly stopped them in place. Even the blizzard falling from the sky was obviously strangled! As if stagnated in the void.

Many keen passers-by, as well as the powerful people in the surrounding shops and restaurants, stopped everything in their hands, and looked at it.

Because of such an unusual situation, it is really rare in Frozen City! Many people are subconsciously excited, so they stare at it with wide-open eyes!

So all the people and beasts in this area saw a pair of young men and women standing in front of a certain prisoner in the row of prison carts on the street.

Such a scene...

"To rob prisoners?"

"How dare someone rob prisoners in Frozen City?"

"What did I see? In my lifetime, I actually saw someone daring to make trouble in Ice City?"


The people and beasts all around made unbelievable low opinions, and many people were even more excited, because Ice and Snow City has been really long! No one dared to make a mess for a long time.

This northernmost city in the heavens, even if it is located very far away, but because it belongs to the abyss of the Ye family, and the side branch of the Ye family’s lineage is guarded here, it has always been peaceful.

What kind of chaos in the border city has never appeared in the ice city! In fact, this is also the norm in the realm of the Abyssal Ye family, because there is no power or individual who dares to provoke the Abyssal Ye family!



They saw that someone was going to make trouble! ?


"I want to write it down and draw these two. This is definitely the most explosive news in the heavens. In the realm of the abyss of the Ye family, it is actually under the blue sky and white sun, on the street! There has been a scene of a prisoner robbery, my **** !......"

"Extra Explosion! Whether you succeed or not, these two are both characters!" Many Bai Xiaosheng, who is engaged in the information sales industry, also quickly wrote crazy books, preparing to use the most expressive words and pictures to describe this once-in-a-century encounter Scene.



The originally silent surroundings turned into a panic, and many nearby people and beasts rushed over as soon as they heard the movement.

The entire orderly city became a mess at the moment Ye Qianli and Rong Mo moved out! It felt like everyone was wounded and moved vigorously.

This caused the group of people in the Ice and Snow City who were still outside the city to rush back into the city with feelings, but at this moment, Ye Qianli did not immediately take them away.

Because at first sight of the old man, Ye Qianli noticed something was wrong, the moment she was looking up close! It's more certain that the old man doesn't have much time.

The sealing power in his body was strangely urged, and his chain was locked on the prison car, which was restricting these powers. If she forcibly chopped the chain and rescued the person, it would be equivalent to killing the person at the same time.

In such a situation, the magic box will barrage again and again, "Second fool, don't get excited, don't get excited."

Rong Mo also pressed Ye Qianli's shoulder at this meeting, and he naturally saw the clue, and he also knew that the old man was imprisoned by a certain formation master like this.

There is a way to solve it, but his spiritual consciousness has also been suppressed, and he cannot solve this taboo in the first place. If he tries forcibly,...

"Swish! Swish!..." Rong Mo could perceive that the powerhouse of the gods who had surrounded them had reached sixteen at this moment, including the six that had just been seen outside the city.

Rong Mo made an assessment and knew that he only had time to save one person. Ye Rui was 50% likely to die. Besides... the old man who had been mobilized to seal the power would not live long even if he was rescued.

Thinking of this, although Rong Mo's eyes had been lingering on the prison car, he did not force his move, but no one knew that he was already "invisible" breaking the taboo.

But at this time the god-stage woman had already taken a step forward, so all the god-stage realm powerhouses were also dispatched! All of them are accumulating power, and the battle is about to explode.

For a time...

"Let's go." Ye Wuji immediately yelled in a dumb voice. He never expected that he would see his little granddaughter so soon.

So when he was "stopped", he was so dumbfounded that he couldn't react at all! Even if the people around him talked loudly, his world was just a "buzzing" and he didn't hear anything.

But when the murderous intent exploded all around, Ye Wuji immediately became sober, and he immediately drove people away, and hurried away in a hurry, "Go! Leave me alone!"

But how could Ye Qianli go? Although she couldn't save people in the first time, she certainly didn't go. She didn't care about the powerhouses of the gods in all directions, so she reached into the prison car and touched the pale old face of the old man. Say, "Grandpa, I was born."

A single action and a word made Ye Wuji almost crying, but her title made the woman of the God Stage Realm who was going to make a gesture of pause.

Killing all around...

The gaze of the goddess stage woman was fixed on Ye Qianli. After all, the latter was called the "grandfather" of the sinner in the prison car, and under her closer perception, she also found that Ye Qianli seemed to have the blood of the abyss Ye family in her body?


"Miss, can you perceive it?" The old man before, also asked lowly from the side at this moment, only thinking that this matter was a bit weird.

"Yes, but she doesn't have the seal aura that sinners should have." The woman from the Shentai also said truthfully, she did feel it.

And she knew that this was what the other party urged the bleeding breath, and deliberately let her know! This little sinner woman really has one after another, but she wants to see what the other party wants to do.


Thinking of the plan in the clan, the woman on the platform stared at the little woman in front of the prison wagon with a deep gaze. She didn't plan to do it at all. After all, she was not worried that people would be taken away.

In this way, Ye Wuji, who found that the situation had "changed", immediately seized the time and said to Ye Qianli, "Li'er, listen to what grandpa said, don't worry too much! Grandpa tells you that although grandpa is imprisoned, he is not without life. ,understand?"

"I know." Ye Qianli knew. She could clearly see with her right eye that although her grandfather's seal was strangely activated, it seemed that the vitality was almost gone, but it was also a mechanism to protect him.

Such a "protection" mechanism made Ye Qianli understand that this so-called home family definitely has a way to completely solve these problems with her grandfather.

She knows, so...