Hermione, Be the Minister of Magic with Me!

Chapter 9

With the sound of a young female voice, Lockhart put down the newspaper erected in front of him.

"It turned out to be Miss Granger, what happened?" Lockhart said kindly.


Chapter 15 to leave something

Lockhart's sudden appearance startled Hermione.

"Professor Lolo Lockhart!" she nearly screamed, "Why are you here?"

"There are some things to discuss with the head of students and the prefects, so I got in the car." Lockhart pretended to know nothing. "Are you looking for someone?"

"Yes, it's my two friends, I can't find them in the car." Hermione said quickly and quickly, "One is Harry Potter and the other is Ron Weasley, see you Passed him, in the Florin-Fosco cold store, when he ordered..."

"I remember him, and I know who Harry is." Lockhart interrupted Hermione's rhetoric quickly - he didn't remember her being such a rude person, "So, did they get in the car? No?"

His words stopped Hermione: "oo maybe not."

"'Probably' not?" Lockhart emphasized the previous word.

"Actually...we don't remember." Hermione felt a little blush. "Mrs Weasley and I were busy arranging for Ginny, Fred and George to disappear in a blink of an eye and have no idea where they went," Percy said. Going to the prefects box for a meeting, we thought they were in the car with the twins... but Fred just said they had never seen them and they were busy talking to Jordan about their summer vacation."

"What an enviable family." Lockhart understood.

Obviously, no matter what went wrong, Harry Potter still came to the Burrow, and along with Ron Weasley, failed to make it to platform 9 3/4.

In other words, even if Harry and Ron didn't get in because of "the accident", they just had to wait a few more minutes, and when Arthur and Molly came out, they could still explain the situation.

It can only be said that the urgency of missing the train made their two brains become too dull, just like hearing the sound of boiling water while on the phone, people will instinctively scramble, even if it actually overflows, it doesn't matter much.

"Don't worry, Dumbledore won't let Ren Yuke be absent by himself, Miss Granger." Lockhart reassured her, "At most, he will miss the Sorting Ceremony."

"That's serious," Hermione muttered softly.

Miss Granger is worried, I can help you find it, and when the train stops, I'll Apparate back to London to see what's going on - it's easy to Apparate in a fast-moving car . ' Lockhart suggested.

"Will this bother you too much, Professor?" Hermione was a little embarrassed.

"No trouble at all," Lockhart said. "I'm the only faculty member on the train, and it's my fault if something like this happens. I'm going to write to Dumbledore to tell him the situation and get off the train. Go to them later...Grey!"

Lockhart suddenly opened the window and shouted outside.

- It's just that the Wu Linhu, twice the size of an ordinary owl, flew in from the window, and immediately saw Lockhart's dessert on the table, and went forward and grabbed one.

Lockhart scribbled a few lines on a piece of paper and tied it to his lap

"Take it, remember to give it to Dumbledore himself." Lockhart urged.

The owl purred to show that he heard it.

Lockhart asked the owl to bring a letter to Dumbledore just to show his "due diligence", in fact, he knew very well how the two would come to school.

"I bought too many cakes just now. I didn't expect it to be so sweet. After only three, I'm almost full... Take some and share with your friends."

After being a good person, Lockhart turned his attention to the newspaper again.

But Hermione didn't mean to leave immediately: "Professor Lockhart?"

"Any thing else?"

"Last year, we didn't learn anything in Defence Against the Dark Arts, so...can I know what we're going to learn this year? I mean...I want to prep so I don't miss your class. "

Hermione seemed to be enduring some kind of torture, overcoming a great sense of shame.

said this.

Lockhart shook his head: "Don't worry, Miss Granger, I won't be able to keep up. Because I plan to change the teaching method, as long as you memorize the spells on the textbook, you won't be able to keep up.

In addition, I have to say that the book "Dark Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense" is actually quite good. At least for first grade, the spark spells, knockback spells, lighting spells and smoke spells in the book are very useful - although I don't Too aware of the usefulness of the snot mantra, and I plan to continue using this book in my first-year classes this year. "

"But are you going to use that "Practical Black Magic Restraint" from the second grade?" Hermione asked eagerly.

"From the simple to the deep, take your time." Lockhart was noncommittal, "That textbook is actually for the fifth and seventh grades, but I don't think it's a bad thing to learn something in advance, Jen 4th grade and 6th grade. I'm going to teach something practical.

"Practical?" Hermione's pupils seemed to dilate a little, Mu Dagger? "

"Teach a little of this, teach a little of that!" Lockhart continued to maintain his mystery, "If you are too fond of getting to the bottom of things, you may lose your sense of expectation ahead of time."

5 I, I didn't mean to inquire, I hope you didn't…" Hermione quickly pulled back the words.

"It's okay, I believe it's not difficult to remember the spell to use, the hard part is the application." Lockhart glanced out the window: "If I were you, change your school robe quickly, and brush your hair again. Dressed up and ready for the Sorting Ceremony...you see

, Dressed like this and riding the Thestral carriage may be a little rude. "

He was referring to the Muggle clothes that Hermione was still wearing—a woolen coat, jeans, and a tumbler-shaped carry-on bag.

But Hermione touched her hair subconsciously--and found it tossed.

She gasped, realizing that her current image might not be suitable for Lockhart.

"You're right." She covered her hair with both hands, raised her arms, and slid backwards to the door, "I think it's time for me to go back and change my clothes."

Lockhart wanted to remind her that walking backwards was easy to trip over, but the little girl moved quickly and disappeared at the door in a blink of an eye, and he didn't have time to remind her.

After Hermione went out, Lockhart looked at his watch and realized that it was still early.

The Scottish Highlands, where Hogwarts is located, is more than 800 kilometers away from London. It has only been two or three hours, not so fast. Hogwarts trains leave at 0:00 am and can usually reach their destination by nightfall, which means that the Hogwarts Express runs at around 100 kilometers per hour.

As a train from the steam age, this speed is not too bad

And before it appeared, Hogwarts students had to bring their own means of transport to go to school, and the scene of a large number of wizards going to school every year would be noticed by Muggles, which could not be hidden for long.

So in the end, Otlin Gamble, then Minister of Magic, came up with a bold idea - to send students to school by train.

She had always been known for appreciating Muggle technology, and with good reason, of course, she was looking for opportunities to implement her ideas, and this train was the product.

Although the pure-blood family at that time dismissed it, under her strong threat of "either take the train or don't come to school", the pure-blood family had to obey obediently.

Lockhart liked the tough-minded Minister of Magic very much—especially when she could force the purebloods to back down.

If I can govern in the future, what can I leave behind... but a bunch of bastards? Lockhart thought expectantly.

Chapter 16 The Dutiful Teacher

In the evening, the express train finally arrived at Hogwarts.

Lockhart originally wanted to talk to the people in the castle before leaving, so that when he came out, he could meet Ron and the others by chance and save the trouble of Apparating, but he saw a person on the station platform. Save him this step.

"Ron Weasley and Harry Potter are sitting in a flying car, and the trajectory should be heading towards Hogwarts. I'll watch it here, you take the old man to the carriage. By the way, the freshman is handed over to Hagrid—the tall gamekeeper," Snape said to Lockhart with a stern face.

"Have they been seen?" Lockhart asked redundantly.

Snape took a newspaper from his pocket and threw it to Lockhart in lieu of his own answer.

I have to say that the media of the Great Empire is so developed that people have nothing to say. Just someone took a photo of the flying car, and within three hours, the news paper that smelled of ink had already walked out of the printing press and appeared in the self-service newspaper box in the city streets.

The newspaper Snape threw over was obviously a Muggle newspaper, because neither the scenery nor the people in the photo above moved, but due to the reporter's superb shooting skills, it still revealed the shape of the scrapped car.

"You came here on purpose to meet them. It seems that you care about them very much." Lockhart added.

Then he was defeated by Snape's vicious gaze, and hurriedly greeted the old man to go to Yestral's carriage.

Unexpectedly, Lockhart discovered that he could see Thestrals too.

Logically speaking, you can only see this peculiar thing after you have seen someone die in front of you.

Magical creatures, but Lockhart really doesn't remember where he's seen someone die.

Could it be... even if he died once?

After arranging the students into the carriage, Lockhart did not follow the students to the auditorium, but returned to the station.

Faced with Snape's expression that was completely unnecessary for him, Lockhart seemed to be unconscious and leaned forward cheekily.

"What are you doing here?" Snape asked, "I can just stare here by myself.

"Don't say that, I just think it's more appropriate for me to do some work."

Lockhart wasn't annoyed at all by Snape's bad attitude. He was a genius. Some tempers were normal. As long as his existence could earn him Galleon and prestige, he would scold him even if he saw him. It doesn't matter.

Besides, Snape's attitude wasn't towards him as Lockhart, he just had a bad attitude towards all the "Defense Against the Dark Arts professors" because he couldn't be himself.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Snape's attitude was even worse.

Although the professors were still skeptical about Lockhart's teaching level at this time, Dumbledore specifically explained to several deans that Lockhart's level might be "not as good as what he said in his book", so that They were ready to wipe their butts, so Snape had guessed a little bit about the true level of the original owner—it was just that the current Lockhart wasn't the original one.

"Oh? So what is the job that only the famous Lockhart can handle, and a little potions professor can't do?" he asked sarcastically.

"For example, put on a kind smile, comfort the students who are still in shock, and let them hurry back to the auditorium for dinner." Lockhart turned against the army.

Snape: "…"

He really couldn't do this, and it was as difficult as making Voldemort pole dance to want Snape, who had a cold personality, to show a "kind smile".

But he quickly thought of something again: "I don't think two students who violated a hundred school rules still need comfort. After receiving them, they should be brought to the principal's office immediately to discuss how to expel them."

"Really? Although there will be punishment, I think there should be some distance between leaving." Lockhart raised a different opinion.

"That's just your opinion." Snape didn't give in.

Lockhart smiled and did not continue discussing the subject.

He knew that Snape was just talking, no matter how much he hated Harry Potter and his father, but for Lily Evans' sake, he would take good care of them. child.

Don't you see that he is just out of concern, and went out of school to pick up people alone?

Thinking that in the original book, Snape had been sneaking behind after confirming the safety of Harry and Ron, until he appeared in the auditorium and threatened to fire them, Lockhart felt for this poor man. deeply worthless.

Thinking of this, he took out the cake he bought in the car and two bottles of Rosmerta's mead from the pocket he casted the expansion spell.

"It looks like those two little guys will be arriving very late. Although it's still summer, it's still cold here at night... Professor Snape, how about a glass of mead? I happen to want to ask you for something."

Snape was obviously not very good at accepting the kindness of others. Seeing Lockhart handing over the wine, he originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing that he had something to ask him, he took the wine bottle along the way.

Because this is a bonus to the transaction, not for nothing. And after the chilly evening wind in the Scottish Highlands, he really wanted a drink.

Of course, the former is more important, just think about it, because Harry Potter's

Grandpa made magic shampoo, so Snape didn't want to use Muggle shampoo out of disgust for James O. Potter, so he would rather not wash his hair and make it greasy, really a gentleman Do not drink the water of the thief spring.

"We don't talk much, and there's only so much you can get me to do...let me guess—guess, maybe those Muggles are trying to smear that mixture of lizard blood and dappled secretions all over their faces? "

Snape stared at the bottle for a while, convinced that there should be no poison in it before taking a gulp.

"This is only part of it, and it is said that the wizards who are from Muggle families will buy it, and the market is only so big. Although I do have plans to ship to Muggles on a large scale, it will have to wait until I become a After the Minister of Magic," Lockhart said bluntly.

Snape glared at him sideways. "Minister of Magic? You?"

"Yeah, after this year, I'm going to work at the Ministry of Magic... I remember when I was in school I said that I wanted to be the youngest Minister of Magic in history."

"Yeah, you also said you would make a Philosopher's Stone before you graduate and captain England to the Quidditch World Cup. Even though you were just graduating when I came to Hogwarts, I also heard that It happened." Snape followed sarcastically.

"Cough cough..." Lockhart is a little embarrassed, eight must do the best, or don't do it', this is my motto. I think I may indeed have no talent for Quidditch and alchemy, but I didn't give up on the Minister of Magic. "

"What does that have to do with me." Snape took another sip of wine.

"Because I'm half Muggle, the purebloods definitely don't want to support me. I need your help to get these old die-hards to make money from Muggles so I'm less hindered in reforming."

"I'm not interested in money," Snape said, "if it wasn't for buying magic

Medicine materials, I don't even want to get out of the castle. "

"But you wouldn't refuse honor, would you? If it could be a 'business card' for the wizarding world to speak to Muggles, I don't think a second order of the Order of Merlin would ever run, if possible, a first class Nor is it negotiable. "

"Let's talk when you're first." Snape wouldn't believe him so easily.

"Well, Professor Snape is exactly as rumored... In this case, I would like to ask you to help configure something first, I will give you money, you will not refuse this, right?

After drinking Lockhart's wine, Snape felt that he shouldn't be so impersonal: "Let's talk about it, if you can deal with those profiteers less, who won't earn money?"

"I want a potion that can change color at will, and has certain magic resistance and adhesion." Lockhart asked.

"It's not difficult, but what do you want to use it for?"

"Make color-changing contact lenses, which Muggles call 'color lenses'. I want to try them out at Hogwarts first, when the prizes are given out to the students. ' Lockhart said

Boredom - that was Snape's first reaction

He was about to refuse, but suddenly remembered something.

"You mean, contact lenses? Something in front of your eyes?"

"Yeah, in addition to being able to change color freely, it's better to be able to resist the strong wind of the Quidditch pitch, as well as those little curses during duels, such as eye curses, etc. I don't want students to hurt their eyes during class. Although even if With only one brain alive, Madam Pomfrey could put that person back together, but I might end my teaching job early for the accident," Lockhart said.