Hero of the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 115: Before the giant bear roared

Chapter 115 Before the Giant Bear Roars

Before Zenit's home game against Rostov, the giant bear on the back of Chen Yingxiong was finally completed.

When the monster straightened up and put the tattoo gun aside, Denisov, standing next to him, couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


Chen Yingxiong stood up, stood in front of the mirror, turned his head and looked at the entire painting on his back in the mirror...

so cool!

What a visual impact!

He raised his arms with satisfaction and made a movement to show his muscles, and found that the bear on his back also raised his arms.

He had to admire this monster tattooist again, letting the tattoo move with his movements, it was really an ingenious design.

The monster watched Chen Yingxiong admiring the tattoo in front of the mirror. He was also observing his own work. It was a challenge for him, but he was very happy that he had completed this challenge.

What appeared on Chen Yingxiong's back was a vivid, visually impactful giant bear, as if it was really waving and roaring!

That kind of overbearing and arrogant aura can be felt very clearly just by seeing this tattoo.

Chen Yingxiong was very satisfied. In order to express his gratitude, in addition to paying the extra money, he even took the initiative to go up and hug the taciturn monster store manager.

"Igor introduced a very good tattoo artist. I will come to you if I want to get a tattoo in the future, thank you!"

Saying goodbye to the monster and **** tattoo shop, Chen Yingxiong returned to the apartment in Denisov's car.

Along the way, Denisov was envious of Chen Yingxiong's eye-catching and shocking tattoo - he even thought about it in his mind. After Chen Yingxiong scored a goal, he undressed and celebrated with the tattoo revealing his back.

"I want to give myself a literary... Hero, what do you think of my essay?"

"Are you interested in Chinese characters?" Chen Yingxiong sat cautiously in the passenger seat, trying not to put his back against the back of the seat.

"Chinese characters? Good idea!" Denisov snapped his fingers.

It is really fashionable for foreigners to write Chinese characters on their bodies. They seem to be particularly interested in those strangely shaped characters that they don’t understand at all. Chinese characters, Japanese and Hindi are their choices. Most of the words, in fact, they don't understand the meaning of those words at all, or even just combine a few words together, such as "Mianzu"...

But this kind of text that looks like a drawing appears on the body, it is really eye-catching, and it can also appear to be particularly fashionable.

"But what's the text? You know this, can you give me some advice."

"What do you think of the title'leader'?"

"I like it so much, you are a genius, a hero, you can think of this!"

"Then it must be very popular to write the Chinese of the'group leader'!"

"good idea!"

Chen Yingxiong feels like he has acquired a new piece of clothing. He cherishes his tattoo very much. He sleeps on his stomach...

What he looks forward to most now is to score a goal in the weekend game, and then take off his jersey to celebrate, even if he eats a yellow card, he will also undress to celebrate and show his tattoo to all of Russia!

This is the real northern bear!

But first of all, Chen Yingxiong now enjoys the exclamation and praise of his teammates in the locker room.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

"It's so spectacular..."

"Who is this tattooist, hero? I want to write too..."

"Hero, I guess Ed Wocart should have a headache again, haha!"

"What are you afraid of? He has only a yellow card now! I support you, hero, undress!"

"That's, how can you not show such a beautiful tattoo?"

A group of people came up to praise Chen Yingxiong's tattoo, which greatly satisfied his vanity.

Ah ha ha!

He smiled, already looking forward to what kind of shock this giant bear who took off his clothes and showed his back after scoring a goal at the time!

It is estimated that the front page of the newspaper will be on the next day, right?

At this moment, the shame that Winnie the Pooh brought to himself will finally be washed away!

——Dare to feel that he is making this idea...

But destiny likes to oppose people so much.

When Chen Yingxiong couldn't wait to score a goal and show off his new tattoo, the goal was delayed.

In the weekend game against Rostov, Chen Yingxiong was sweating, but he still failed to score his own goals.

Relying on Domingos’ goal in the 45th minute and Arshavin’s goal in the 90th minute, Zenit St. Petersburg defeated Rostov 2-0 at home and continued to hold the top spot in the league. .

But Chen Yingxiong looked very depressed.

Because he didn't score a goal, he had no chance to show his tattoo in the game.

In fact, he can naturally take off his jersey after the game, so that the tattoo behind him is naturally exposed, which can also cause a sensation the next day.

But he was unwilling to do this. He just wanted to show his tattoo after scoring a goal. Apart from scoring a goal, there was nothing else I could proudly show this giant bear tattoo to others!

Chen Yingxiong's stubborn temper came up, he is going to fight this **** luck to the end today!

Chen Yingxiong didn't score a goal, but it made the media shine-they can be comparable to a dog's nose, smelling a different smell in the hustle and bustle and even fanatical air of Petrovsky Stadium...

Didn't score two consecutive rounds? When was the last time this happened?

It happened to be when Chen Yingxiong fell into a trough last season and was trapped by a scoring shortage!

Could it be a goal drought this time?

The media who have been looking for opportunities to black Chen heroes are excited-is the opportunity here!

Chen Yingxiong did not score a goal, Denisov also looked very regretful, but he saw with his own eyes how the tattoo was born, he even looked forward to him taking off his jersey like Chen Yingxiong and showing this giant bear to all. The moment in front of people...

So at the end of the game, he looked at the frustrated Chen Yingxiong and slapped him on the back.

Chen Yingxiong was slapped and looked back.

Denisov was smiling at him: "Don't be discouraged, hero. There is still a chance! The league is only halfway through."

Chen Yingxiong forced a smile, and he was still disappointed.

In the end, he really wrapped his body tightly, without showing a trace of tattoos.

After the game, some media appeared to question and criticize Chen Yingxiong.

It is believed that his sluggish state is related to his frequent visits to nightclubs.

This is a cliché. Chen Yingxiong has already slapped him once before. However, the media seems to have a bad memory. As long as Chen Yingxiong is in a bad state, it means that it is related to going to a nightclub.

The hero is too lazy to quarrel with them—in fact, he doesn’t know how to quarrel with the media. When the media has the right to speak, they attack whoever they want to attack, and whoever is in a bad state is in a bad state. At the media level, Chen Yingxiong does not have a "partner". Even the media in St. Petersburg will only help Chen Yingxiong when they are struggling with the Moscow media. Other times, they are very clumsy-if you behave well, they will praise you, if you are bad, they will scold you. Not at all ambiguous.

The media can open fire at will in their one-third of an acre of land, but Chen Yingxiong lacks the weapon to fight back in time-he can only wait until the next time he is interviewed by reporters to respond. For example, if a newspaper scolds him, he will Hit back on b media. Or just wait until the weekend and slap others in the league with practical actions.

He can only do this.

The tattoo was done, he had time, and he almost used all of this time in dungeon training. He still has half to level up, which requires about 230,000 experience.

When Chen Yingxiong sweats like rain in the copy and is exhausted by training, European football is in the most exciting season-the transfer season.

In the summer of 2007, no sensational transfer was born. Henry's departure from Arsenal, where he played for many years, to Barcelona is a new adventure for a veteran to pursue a Champions League dream. However, in the rumor of Arsenal's "one-year signing", this is more like a ruthless purge. For a Champions League dream, he abandoned the glory of being the King of Highbury, and Wenger's decisive leader defending Highbury is also embarrassing. All Arsenal fans can only let him go, even if they feel uncomfortable. The season when Arsenal was closest to the Champions League championship last year, they lost to Barcelona. It is difficult to say whether Henry's idea of ​​going to Barcelona was from that final. Existed.

Robben's transfer from Chelsea to Real Madrid seemed a bit sudden, but it was not a sensation. Robben has been plagued by injuries for a long time, which has greatly affected his state and fame. Not many people would think that Real Madrid made a successful business in his transfer, because-if Robben changes in Real Madrid Become a glass man, Chelsea may snicker.

The transfers of other giants were smooth, with thunder and no rain, full of all kinds of soap operas.

The teams in the mainstream European football sector only focus on Western Europe. Few people have their eyes on Russia. For them, Eastern Europe is far enough. Russia, which straddles the two continents of Europe and Asia, is simply It's a barren land!

In Chen Yingxiong's opinion, Arshavin, who is very powerful, has won the Russian Player of the Year twice. Isn't that famous?

But in fact, some people in Europe only know of his existence in a small area, and they still have doubts about his strength.

For the European continent, Russia has been a closed world since ancient times, and Russian football is naturally the same. Being great there doesn't mean being great here, being famous there, but here is just a general.

The negligence or prejudice of these European teams made them lose an opportunity to get a strong center in advance.

And Chen Yingxiong continued to lie dormant in this "barren land", waiting for a blockbuster opportunity to shock the whole world.