Hero of the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 141: Dizzy

Chapter 141 Dizziness

When Chen Yingxiong and Sharapova had a quarrel in the bedroom, he never thought that one day he would have a relationship with this extremely vicious woman in his eyes, which is beyond ordinary men and women.

But now he not only happened, but also took a big step forward...

There was a newspaper saying that he was Sharapova’s gossip boyfriend, but now the word “scandal” can be removed.

When Sharapova sat on her body and twisted her waist to ask if he was ready to be her boyfriend, Chen Yingxiong showed no signs of inner struggle. He bravely met Sharapova’s red lips. At the same time, he said in his heart: "Fuck! What's not to dare to do? It's not going up to the sword and down to the fire!"

Chen Yingxiong does not consider whether his fame is worthy of Sharapova, what kind of controversy he and Sharapova will cause when he is with Sharapova, and what will hinder the relationship between him and her... He hadn't thought about it at all, he just thought about one thing-can the flowers in hand still let her fly to other cow dung!

For other Russian Premier League teams, after their league is over, this season is over. Many teams are disbanded directly, and players have chosen to escape from this icy world and go to those warm places for vacation.

But those teams participating in European competitions do not have such treatment. They have to make more money than others, so it is much harder.

There was only one night and one morning to stay with Sharapova. At noon, Chen Yingxiong went to train first, and Sharapova dressed herself in disguise before going out alone.

Although the two of them have established a relationship, no one is willing to take the initiative to break the news to the reporters-those gossip reporters are still waiting downstairs in Chen Yingxiong's, for a whole season, persevering.

When Chen Yingxiong came out, he certainly did not forget to greet the reporters with his middle finger-he often did this, and everyone was used to it. If Chen Yingxiong didn't put his **** one day, everyone would think that this kid's brain burned?

This is the style of Chen Yingxiong. Since the incident of Sharapova's "Gossip Boyfriend", he has never concealed his aversion to these gossip reporters. But the gossip reporters themselves know very well that they don't need to be liked by Chen Yingxiong. They just want to dig out Chen Yingxiong's privacy, to dig out a sound or a series of sounds when he fart.

Of course, they think they don't look enough compared to the gossip reporters in England. People can disguise themselves as garbage collectors and run to pick up the celebrity’s garbage. Looking through them one by one, they can keenly perceive the quality of the star’s nightlife last night from the number and styles of condoms.

About an hour after Chen Yingxiong left, Sharapova walked out after a careful disguise. The reporters did not notice this person who wrapped herself tightly and looked like a blessed middle-aged aunt. It was Sharapova.

They missed a big news that might make a sensation throughout Russia.

Sharapova walked out of Chen Yingxiong's apartment building once, and she could still argue that she made her walk wrong, but twice?

Isn't this a mistake?

"Hi, captain!"

"Hi, deputy head!"

"Good afternoon, Shava!"

"How did you play last night, Martin!"

"Aha! Come and hug one, Alexandre!"

Everyone was surprised to see Chen Yingxiong, who was so excited in the locker room, jumping up and down like a monkey.

"What kind of medicine did he take?"

"It's too cold, have you got a fever?"

Although Chen Yingxiong usually takes the initiative to greet everyone when he comes to the locker room. But not once has it been as positive as today...Being positive is like showing off...

Martin Scott grabbed Chen Yingxiong and he was comparable to Chen Yingxiong in terms of height. Therefore, apart from him, it is really difficult for others to "catch" Chen Yingxiong.

"Hey, hero. What are you doing so happy?"

"Am I happy?"

"of course!"

Everyone nodded and said in unison.

"Ah, hehe."

"Hey your sister!" a group of people roared at Chen Yingxiong.

"Frankly explain, what's the good thing?" Arshavin put on the appearance of a big brother, with a majestic look, which made people feel as if he was talking to Chen Yingxiong about a serious topic about the team.

"Uh..." Chen Yingxiong thought that I still shouldn't talk about it, otherwise the whole Russia will know about these big mouths...He doesn't want to have to face a large group of reporters everywhere in the future. Although he has a news spokesperson... But when he thinks of Vera's cold face, Chen Yingxiong feels that it is better not to "trouble" her.

"Good thing? Of course something good... I won the season golden boot and broke the original record. Shouldn't this be happy?" He explained to Arshavin.

The teammates looked at each other one after another, which is a reason, but...is this alone, is it worthy of Chen Yingxiong's happiness to be like this?

"Really just like this?" Arshavin asked.

Hero Chen nodded: "That's it!"

"Don't lie to us!"

"You are puppies!"

"Hey!" A group of people waved their hands and dispersed. What should they do? Those who were combing their hair before continue to comb their hair, those who were wearing clothes continue to wear clothes, and those who were in a daze continue to be in a daze.

Chen Yingxiong looked at the teammates who were away from him, and was stunned.


The domestic league is over, the European season is in full swing, and the UEFA Cup group stage is almost halfway through.

On November 29th, Zenit St. Petersburg will play at home against Nuremberg from Germany.

After playing this game, Zenit was left with the away game to challenge Everton.

Considering the strength of Everton, so this game will be the key to determine whether Zenit can qualify.

Although the UEFA Cup group stage rule is that the top three of each group can advance, but the top ranking will definitely take advantage of the subsequent knockout group draw. After all, after entering the knockout stage, there will be eliminated from the UEFA Champions League group stage. Every team that comes down is third, and their strength is generally not weak.

Therefore, in order to be able to go further in the UEFA Cup, Zenit still has to rush forward as much as possible.

Since there is still almost a month before the next UEFA Cup group stage, in order to maintain everyone's state, Ed Wocart arranged a few warm-up matches to allow the players to maintain their state through the game.

Training in the ice and snow is very hard, and even playing games is even harder. But Russian players have become accustomed to this climate.

Chen Yingxiong, a man from Sichuan, is obviously about to be able to adapt...

So he had a very unfortunate cold...

And also have a fever.

After sharing the bed with Sharapova, it seemed that he was more lucky. After a training session, he did not return to the locker room in time to take a shower and change clothes. Instead, he was interviewed by reporters on the sidelines and satisfactorily signed the fans. The request for a group photo caused him to catch a cold.

When he sneezed for the first time, he always took it seriously. Sneezing was so common, he didn't take it to heart. As a result, when he woke up the next day, he found something wrong with his throat, which was painful when he swallowed.

But he still said that he always caught a cold whenever he took it seriously. What kind of body is Lao Tzu, how could such a small illness knock me down?

Then he was knocked down without any suspense...

One day later, his physical condition took a turn for the worse, and symptoms of nasal congestion, cough and dizziness began to appear.

But he still insisted on training, and he was still training hard in the copy at night.

Another day later, when he got up from the bed, he felt that his whole body was sore and weak, and his body was shivering for no reason...

He still insisted on training.

He doesn't want to be late.

He knows that the media are staring at him. If he is late for one time, they have something to say and can accuse him of going to a nightclub or something wrong-because it affects normal training!

He wanted these people to shut up, and he wanted to defend his right to play freely, so he dragged a sickly remnant body to the training base.

"Morning, hero!" Denisov yawned and looked sleepy, proving that he had gone to a rich night life yesterday. The Zenit St. Petersburg eating, drinking and playing group, although often organizes activities, but the group members will often go out hunting alone.

"Morning, head..." Unexpectedly, Chen Yingxiong was also listless.

Denisov was taken aback—the first time he saw such a spiritless Chen Yingxiong.

"What's wrong with you, hero?"

"I... uh, I seem to have a fever, captain..." Chen Yingxiong felt that his throat was dry and wanted to drink water, but he had already drunk a lot of water, and now he can feel his stomach shaking when he runs.

"Why is it so serious?" Krzakov, who was next to him, also leaned in. Chen Yingxiong's current situation knew something was wrong just by looking at it. There is no need to listen to his voice at all.

"You better go see the doctor, hero." Anyukov also persuaded.

Yesterday, Chen Yingxiong actually had cold symptoms, but he kept saying that he was okay, and everyone felt that such a strong bear could be knocked down by a small cold virus?

How can I think that this kid is now knocked down by a cold...

Ed Wocart looked at the listless Chen Yingxiong before his eyes, frowning.

"Don't train today, hero. Go home and rest."

"I think I can hold on..."

"Make it clear, hero, this is not a game. Your physical condition is not good, I won't let you participate in training..." He thought about it, and finally said. "Don't play the home game against Nuremberg."

"Huh?" Chen Yingxiong was stunned.

Not letting him play in the game is definitely more uncomfortable than killing Chen Yingxiong. He likes playing games and scoring goals. What's the point of not playing as a professional player?

"Stop it. It's the head coach's decision, hero."

"Everything in my body is normal!"

"It's not normal that the doctor has the final say."

"But we need to qualify..."

"Hero, Zenit St. Petersburg is not your own team."

Ed Wo Carter, who has always indulged Chen Yingxiong, rarely blacked him.

"Don't think that without you, the team can't win the ball!"

The first time he saw such a stern coach, Chen Yingxiong was stunned.

Then he reacted, "Well, I will listen to you, sir. I'll go back and rest."

"That's right." A smile appeared on Ed Wocart's stern face. "Go, Everton game, you still have a chance. Don't worry about the hero, I know what you promised is to stage a hat trick in the knockout stage."

Chen Yingxiong almost rolled his eyes.