Hero of the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 153: holidays are over

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three

Chen Yingxiong wearing sunglasses walked off the flight from Chicago to Shanghai. Among the large group of passengers, no one knew that this burly big man was the Chinese striker Chen Yingxiong who made his country in the Russian Super League.

When he returned to China, he had a feeling of "returning home". He wanted to see if he would be recognized at the airport if he took off his sunglasses...

So he took off his sunglasses decisively.

He waited for a while, no screaming, no excited shouts, and no flashing lights before his eyes.

Nothing at all.

The flow of people around him passed by. Although a few people looked at the big man standing in a daze in the passage out of curiosity, no one recognized him.

Chen Yingxiong pouted a little depressed.

Forget it, buy a newspaper and see if there is any news about me!

Chen Yingxiong said in his heart and went to buy a copy of "Sports Weekly."

Holding it in hand, the first one to open is the international football version.

An unobtrusive piece of news popped out and caught the eye.

"Liverpool announced the signing of the young Slovak central defender Martin Skrtel, who was a teammate with Chen Yingxiong."

Chen Yingxiong was stunned for a moment, then he reacted, took out his mobile phone, found Scotter's number, and sent him a text message.

"Run to Liverpool, you have to please!"

After a while, his cell phone rang.

"Don't worry, I'm waiting for your treat, hero."

Chen Yingxiong let out a hey, and did not continue to post it.

To be honest, he is a little envious of his own "predecessors" in this team, and the younger generations of the "food, drink and fun group". Because he is the first person on the team to go to the giants.

Liverpool is a giant with enough temperament even if the results are not very good.

In any case, it is more famous than St. Peter Pozenit, and the stage is bigger.

Since then, Skrtel has stepped onto a larger stage...


Chen Yingxiong thought of next year's UEFA Cup knockout stage, and his spirit came.

I also have my stage, and...not small!

The phone that Chen Yingxiong just put down rang again, this time it was from Dracula of the agent who arrived earlier.

"Have you come out, hero?"

"Ah... coming soon, coming soon..."

Chen Yingxiong was delayed for a while, and it was estimated that Dracula was waiting outside, waiting for no one to come out, and was anxious.

He lifted the box again, tucked the newspaper under his arm, and strode towards the exit.

His journey home will begin in Shanghai.

The Chinese company that is interested in Chen Yingxiong’s endorsement is a functional beverage under a beverage group—Pulse.

After a lot of bargaining, the two parties finally negotiated all the details. All Chen Yingxiong had to do was to come to Shanghai to participate in the pulsating signing ceremony, and then shoot an advertisement and a set of photos for the other party to advertise and use in product packaging. on.

As a football player, signing a sports functional drink is indeed a good match. The commercial endorsements that Dracula found for Chen Yingxiong are all closely related to his personal image and career, and there will be no seemingly ineffective advertising behaviors like Kaka and Ronaldo endorsing Golden Throat.

It can be seen that his agent is carefully operating the image of Chen Yingxiong.

With the overall weakness of Chinese football and its image falling into a trough, most Chinese football players have no income from image endorsements. You have almost never seen product advertisements with football player endorsements on TV or in newspapers, right?

Chen Yingxiong was able to sign with Pulse, not because Pulse actively sought out Chen Yingxiong, but for the pulse that Dracula went to find. In terms of Pulse, he did not realize that they could cooperate with players like Chen Yingxiong. When it comes to football players, everyone Habitual disgust.

However, Pulse was determined to cooperate after seeing the popularity of Chen Yingxiong. After all, you can see Chen Yingxiong's goal news in the sports news section of CCTV Sports Channel almost every weekend.

Of course, they don’t even know about the "negative news" Chen Yingxiong has in Russia...

This commercial endorsement contract can bring Chen Yingxiong a total of three million yuan worth of income for two years. In the domestic sports world, this price is not low.

So far, Dracula’s agent has helped Chen Yingxiong get a three-point commercial endorsement contract. The first one is a one-year endorsement of Qingyang men’s shampoo, and it is also the most expensive contract, worth 500,000 euros. The second is Spain’s top-selling casual wear brand Zara, which lasts for two years and has a total price of 600,000 euros, an average of 300,000 a year. The pulse is the third endorsement, three million yuan in two years, which is equivalent to 300,000 euros in euros.

Moreover, this signing of Dracula also allowed Pulse to invite many well-known domestic media to participate in the report, which greatly enhanced Chen Yingxiong’s popularity in China-although the continuous scoring allowed him to have a fixed number of domestic Fans, but these fans are limited to the football level. Dracula feels that this is far from enough. A sufficiently successful sports star should be able to surpass the sport he is engaged in. Just like David Beckham and Ronaldo, many people who are not fans must be able to hear their names and know their existence.

In the past, Chen Yingxiong's popularity value was concentrated in the football circle, and his name can only be known from the exposure of sports news.

Except for the news that Chen Yingxiong scored a goal, people lacked other ways to get to know him.

How can we expand the popularity in this way?

When Chen Yingxiong held a bottle of Pulse in his hand and asked the reporters on the scene to take pictures, he smiled brilliantly.

Just like any youth idol, his handsome appearance, lively personality, meet the standards expected by the public, plus he is still an athlete, strong physique, endorsement of this drink is really a match made in heaven.

Afterwards, the media also helped spread Chen Yingxiong's popularity when reporting on this signing. Because... a football player can get a commercial endorsement contract in China... This in itself is a matter of great concern!

"...In the past few years, the image of Chinese football has plummeted, which has also affected those players. How many Chinese professional players have commercial endorsements? At least I have not seen it as a reporter... But Chen Yingxiong is in such an unbearable state. A sudden emergence in the environment of China, I got the endorsement of a well-known domestic beverage brand. I think this may inspire many people..."

"Yesterday, the overseas player Chen Yingxiong who played in Russia returned to China to participate in the endorsement signing ceremony of a well-known domestic brand. The person in charge of the brand revealed to reporters that inviting Chen Yingxiong as an endorsement was a deliberate consideration and definitely not a momentary hype. They believe that Chen Yingxiong’s healthy sports image is in line with the product positioning... Chen Yingxiong has just won the league’s top scorer in the Russian League and broke the historical record. His popularity is increasing day by day. I believe that the company’s signing of him is a very cost-effective deal. Sign up..."

"... Yesterday a certain beverage brand in my country held a press conference to introduce their new product spokesperson to the society... Many people know the name Chen Yingxiong. This football player currently plays for the Russian Premier League’s Zenit Saint Petersburg The club is the team’s top scorer... In the just-concluded 2007 season, he scored 27 league goals alone..."

Not the sports media, but some comprehensive newspapers such as daily and evening newspapers, all introducing Chen Yingxiong to everyone.

It can be seen that the pulsating public relations department has spent a lot of effort in establishing a good relationship with the media, and the red envelopes must be given. Otherwise, it's just an ordinary signing, how can it attract so many multimedia introductions to them?

For Chen Yingxiong, this is a harmless thing. He received an endorsement fee, and the media also helped him publicize it for free...

His popularity has risen sharply in China.

After shooting TV commercials and print ads in Shanghai, Chen Yingxiong finally returned to his hometown and met his parents.

It was different from last time. When parents came to pick up Chen Yingxiong from the airport this time, they were surrounded by a group of reporters. Most of these reporters were from local media in Chengdu. They were here to report on Chen Yingxiong’s return home. Thing.

Look, just after returning home, reporters have come to cover and report. Chen Yingxiong's treatment is indeed very different now.

But this time, he didn't go out and play like the last time. Time is too short, he has to stay with his parents at home.

Reporter interview? Do not have time.

Program announcement? Have you found my agent yet?

At home, Chen Yingxiong once again expressed that he is now making a lot of money, and his parents don't have to work hard to open that clothing store every day.

But my father still laughed and didn't say anything, and didn't promise to retire.

Just tell Chen Yingxiong not to worry about the situation at home and just play football.

During this week, Chen Yingxiong had another task-to teach his parents to use the computer to surf the Internet and make video calls with him.

Because my mother really missed her son so much, she couldn't satisfy her just by calling. So just use the network video call, not only can hear the sound, but also see the picture.

For a week, Chen Yingxiong finally taught his parents the most basic operations like turning on the phone, turning on QQ, and opening the video call request.


That was too late to teach. Chen Yingxiong could only throw a Xinhua dictionary to his parents and let them practice Pinyin typing according to this when they were fine...

This time, Chen Yingxiong was still at home after New Year's Day, so he left and set off for Beijing to participate in an online live video broadcast by an online media organization.

After finishing the interview, it is time for him to leave China and return to St. Petersburg, Russia.

He came and went in a hurry in China, hurriedly without touching the ground.

As he boarded the plane back to St. Petersburg, he sighed to the agent Dracula next to him.

"Fucking tired!"

Dracula smiled.

"This is just the beginning, hero. You are not a world-class player yet. By then... the vacation you can enjoy will be even shorter."

Chen Yingxiong thought for a while. "Well, then I will count how much money I make every day, and my heart will be balanced!"