Hero of the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 163: The miracle is done!

Chapter 163 The miracle is done!

When Chen Yingxiong shot the football out, the commentator of French TV said: "Pay attention to the second point..."

He thought that football would be knocked out by goalkeeper Mandanda again, so the second goal would become extremely important, and Zenit's players must not be allowed to get the second goal.

But this sentence was cut off by reality, because he saw the football flying over Mandanda's head, and Mandanda's actions really didn't look like a goalkeeper, which made him a little embarrassed-how can the opponent shoot from a long distance? , But the goalkeeper is blocking his face with his hands?

He froze for a moment, not knowing what to say.

When he was silent, Hilgeyevsky's voice rang.

"Gool!! Hero Chen! He scored! The score became 1:3! Zenit is still behind and there is no hope of winning...but it doesn't matter, we see the hope of a comeback in the next round! This It’s a valuable away goal. It's worth a lot! It's worth it!"

Hiergieevsky quickly understood the significance of Chen Yingxiong's ball.

0:3 and 1:3 look similar, but they may make the final result completely different.

The goal that Chen Yingxiong scored desperately was not to allow Zenit to complete the Jedi counterattack in this game, but to allow Zenit to retain a ray of life when he returned to his home court and have a chance to stage a major reversal. Good show.

So after the goal, Zenit's bench and coaches all rushed out, jumping on the sidelines and shouting.

Everyone knows the importance of this ball!

The French commentator reacted. He realized the possible consequences of this goal. He said in an annoyed tone: "Zenit St. Petersburg scored in the eighty-first minute! They scored an away goal! This is the only shortcoming of this game-we should have won easily without leaving the opponent the slightest chance!"

After the goal, Chen Yingxiong did not rush to the stands where the away team fans were-they were with the home team fans, the Marseille fans were below and closer to the stadium, while the away team fans were arranged to the top floor, far away from the stadium. , In a very remote corner.

Chen Yingxiong took off his shirt, rushed to the bottom of the stands and turned around, revealing the giant bear tattoo on his back.

In the eyes of Zenit fans, this lively giant bear can bring them endless confidence, but in the eyes of Marseille fans who are closer, it is an out-and-out beast! With its ferocious face, the saliva and meat residue hanging on Senbai's teeth can even be seen in its wide open mouth. The heat it exhales seems to be sprayed onto the faces of those close to it.

The French commentator was taken aback by the gigantic giant bear in the camera-he thought it was real... Later, he discovered that it was just a tattoo, but it was too lifelike and vivid. With Chen's muscles Trembling, the giant bear seemed to be waving his paws...

The French commentator was frightened by the giant bear, but Hilgeevsky laughed: "Aha! That's it! The giant bear is showing up again! I can feel Zenit's morale being restored. !"

He was right. Look at the teammates who flocked to celebrate the goal with Chen Yingxiong. All of them were filled with excitement and excitement, with good moves and vigorous steps.

Such expressions and states were not very visible before.

Chen Yingxiong's vigorous long-range shot not only shattered the French dream of winning three goals, but also awakened the haunted teammates.

Now everyone is full of confidence, because an away goal is scored, and we only need to win a 2-0 at home. 2:0 is much easier than 4:0!

"Good job, hero!"

"This ball is so precious!"

"An away goal! Haha! Did you see the reaction of the Marseille coaches?"

"Ooo! We are not at the end of the road yet!"

A group of teammates went up and slapped Chen Yingxiong's head, shoulders, and back, expressing their joy.

"Sure enough, it's a hero! You really deserve to be a hero!" In a bar in St. Petersburg, the fans sighed like this.

"He saved the team! Now that we have an away goal, there is hope in the second round, haha!"

"Awesome! Long live the hero!"

"Long live the hero!!"

Zenit's celebration was finally over, and the game started again. Zenit continues to pursue goals. One away goal is good, but what about two away goals? What about three away goals?

Of course, there are more goals in away games. Ten and eight are not too few, and one hundred and eighty are not too many. If you really can score so many away goals, this away goal is really not important, because The score is enough to kill suspense...

Marseille played very relaxed after taking a three-goal lead. When the relaxation is reflected in their emotions and psychology, they can play very well and almost control the game. But once the heart is tense and the body is relaxed, they are distorted...

So during this period of time they wanted to get nervous, but their bodies couldn't keep up with the rhythm. Instead, Zenit, who had scored the goal, kept pressing and playing, and almost lost the ball several times...

The Marseille fans who were still happily celebrating advancement in the stands before this time all bit their lips and fingers, staring at the stadium nervously, and their hearts almost stopped beating.

"Chen Yingxiong-here again! Header! Almost!"

"Hero's long shot!! It's too far..."

"Arshavin is also active, his breakthrough is very beautiful, the cross... Krzakov is a step slower, what a pity!"

"Zenit is on the offensive now. If they score another goal, it's the Maasai's turn to cry!"

Of course, Marseille held the score in the end. Zenit didn’t score any more and the game ended with a score of 3:1. The home team Marseille won a victory. Zenit lost an away goal. They laid the groundwork for the next round. I have a seed, and hope that it will germinate and bear fruit.

Marseille fans and players exhaled when the referee blew the final whistle.

In any case, winning is a good thing. And although Russia cares about this away goal, they don't think it's a big deal. Two goals can lead the opponent to turn over? How can there be a sorrowful face after winning the game 3:1 and saying that we are playing abnormally and we have little hope of qualifying?

So after the game, the players of Marseille waved their arms to celebrate and responded to the applause of the fans.

The Zenit players quickly left the court.

Although there was an away goal, but still lost two goals, the second round of the game will be very difficult.

Zenit has been driven to a dead end, and there is no other way but to win the opponent 2:0 at home. The only value of Chen Yingxiong's goal is to allow Zenit to have the qualifications to fight back on the road, otherwise they would not even have such qualifications, that would be the real tragedy.

After the match with Zenit, the local media in Marseille were very optimistic about the team's prospects. At home 3:1, then go to the away game to defend themselves, a draw is enough for them to advance, Marseille has too many options, and there is a lot of room for maneuver.

How hard is it like Zenit, you have to win at least two goals at home to have hope, otherwise you will die. But the probability of such a score is too low.

However, the St. Petersburg media still placed the most basic trust in their army.

"...We think that everything is possible back to Petrovsky Stadium..."

In fact, after calming down, the media in St. Petersburg were not particularly optimistic. They looked at the team returning to St. Petersburg with a little skepticism and hesitation.

In Moscow, it has long been shrouded in pessimism-it seems that Marseille is really going to complete something that Napoleon has not completed, and completely conquer Russia!

Although Chen Yingxiong scored in the game, the Moscow media felt that it had nothing to do with the overall situation. An away goal can only play a role in a tie. In the final analysis, it depends on the total score. Now the total score is two goals ahead of Marseille. How does Zenit play? Back at home can you guarantee that Zenit will have a two-goal difference? No one can guarantee it.

I don't know what the mood of the Moscow media is. Is it really sad for Zenit's prospects, or is it purely gloating and mocking Moscow's mortal enemy?

They said: "If Zenit St. Petersburg wants to advance, I think I have to pray for a miracle."

Then there is still a week before the next round. Will the miracle come as promised?

"The miracle is definitely not if you sit here, and then it will come!" This is after the match against Marseille, before returning to St. Petersburg on the first day of training, Ed Wocart stood in the crowd and spoke to the surrounding players. Said.

He didn't deny that he could only rely on miracles to advance, because that would make him feel guilty. It's no shame to admit generously that the situation is difficult. If you take advantage of the situation and do a good job, it will also arouse everyone's fighting spirit.

"So we need to practice hard, bury our heads and work hard! The miracle is created by our own hands and kicked out with our feet. It is definitely not waiting!"

In Chen Yingxiong's words-"The miracle was done by the damn!"

In order to do a miracle, Chen Yingxiong also worked hard this week.

The entertainment gossip media in St. Petersburg suddenly discovered that the reporters who had been waiting on the spot in the past few days no longer collected news about Chen Yingxiong’s entry and exit to the nightclubs. All the well-known nightclubs and bars in St. Petersburg were gone. Every day was over He returned home after training, and would not go out all night.

Is the "little prince of nightclubs" known to all the nightclubs in St. Petersburg actually honest?

It seems that the UEFA Cup is really important to him... The league didn't score a goal and didn't win, so he went to the nightclub. There was a crisis in the UEFA Cup, and he immediately became honest.

The fans of Zenit St. Petersburg had a little confidence when they saw this news-the giant bears are finally taking it seriously. With that said, the second round at home really has something to look forward to!