Hero of the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 224: I won't come back if I don't mix well! (

Chapter 224 I won't come back if I don't mix well! (Second guarantee)

May 17th was Chen Yingxiong's last training class in Zenit St. Petersburg. This training session attracted the attention of many reporters and fans.

They all came to see Chen Yingxiong's last training.

Many fans supporting Chen Yingxiong raised banners outside the training ground, thanking him for his contribution to the team, and wishing him good luck in Naples. Of course, some fans said: "If they don't want you, come back!"

The reporters recorded in detail Chen Yingxiong's every move in this training class. Today, all the cameras and camera lenses are aimed at only one person, and that person is Chen Yingxiong.

Seeing that Chen Yingxiong scored four goals in the training match, reporters all said: "Chen Yingxiong is in such a good state today!

"It looks like there is something going on in tomorrow's game!"

"Yeah, yeah! There is only one suspense left!"

"Poor Nalchik Sparta..."

Inside the team, today is also full of feelings of parting.

It has existed since before the training, but it was not too strong at that time, and as the training progressed, as more and more fans gathered outside the training field, as the slogans in the hands of those fans increased , This emotion is getting stronger and stronger.

After the training, Chen Yingxiong was surrounded by reporters outside the training ground. In fact, everyone had nothing to ask. All the questions were asked before. It was just-"Can you continue to score goals in the game tomorrow?" "Is it really possible to lock the top scorer in the eleventh round of the league?" This kind of question.

Chinese reporters are not sad about Chen Yingxiong's departure, but rather excited-the Russian league is too small, there is really no room for development here, and the reputation is seriously insufficient. You can't even watch the live broadcast of the Russian League in China! Serie A is better, the national TV station will broadcast live on prime time every weekend night!

Only the reporters in St. Petersburg felt melancholy at the departure of Chen Yingxiong.

Never again will I see this guy who is good at acting and can stir up everyone's emotions.

Some people even recalled the first time they saw him.

At first, the St. Petersburg media and Chen Yingxiong were enemies. Because of the nightclub incident, he slapped the reporters in St. Petersburg three times in public. At that time, who knew that this was the beginning of this guy's madness, and who knew that the media in St. Petersburg would defend their city hero to the death in the future confrontation with the Moscow media?

Because I didn’t know what to ask, when someone first shouted: "Thank you, hero!", more people joined in, and they shouted in unison: "Thank you, hero! Thank you!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

This scene surprised Chinese colleagues very much. They are not unimaginable, nor have they never seen this scene, but they usually only appear on the fans. How can I think that reporters who have always been mean will be like ordinary fans in front of Chen Yingxiong...

Chen Yingxiong was surrounded by people, and everyone around him was vying to express his gratitude and gratitude.

"Thank you hero! Thank you for bringing us the UEFA Cup champion!"

"Thank you, we will always support you!"

"It's no big deal to be the top scorer in the league in eleven rounds! Do it, hero! Let the gossips go to death!"


Chen Yingxiong was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the reporters to gather around and say this...

He thought they were going to interview himself.

The gratitude of the reporters quickly spread to the peripheral fans in public, so the voice of gratitude became louder and louder, and it has attracted the attention of the entire training base.

"Look!" Krzakov pointed to Chen Yingxiong who was surrounded by the crowd. "They are all thanking the hero!"

"To be honest, we have to thank him too." Captain Tymoshchuk stood up and said.

"This guy is so popular!" Anyukov said slightly jealously.

"Enviable bastard..." Chen Yingxiong's good roommate, Denisov, who had been a roommate with him as long as Chen Yingxiong was selected for the first team, murmured.

"I have only stayed in the team for less than two seasons, and they are even more popular than us old guys. It is really jealous!" Radimov shook his head and exclaimed.

"It's a bit reluctant... To be honest, if he leaves, I really don't know if he will be missing in the locker room when I return to the team again, whether I can still adapt..." Arshavin couldn't help but sigh.

"me too!"

"I don't think I will get used to it..."

"I have to take some time to get used to..."

His emotion was echoed and supported by many teammates.


Chen Yingxiong waved to everyone, and didn't say a word, even though he seemed to want to say something... But his lips moved, and he didn't say anything in the end.

In this way he squeezed out the crowd and walked to the locker room.

The reporters turned to surround the head coach Ed Wo Carter.

"Mr. Edvard Carter, do you really think Pogrebnyak can replace Chen Yingxiong?"

"Is it too cruel to introduce Pogrebnyak as a replacement for the hero of Chen?"

"They are two completely different types of players, there is no point in comparison... Besides, I never said that the introduction of Pogrebnyak was to be a hero..." Ed Wocart replied weakly. Tao.

He has answered too many questions like this in the past few days.

In fact, he was also worried about Pogrebnyak in his heart. Even if I said that the two people are completely different, they are not comparable, but fans and the media obviously don’t think so. The few seasons of Chen Yingxiong in Zenit St. Petersburg are too brilliant and crazy, and any latecomer will be everyone Involuntarily compare them.

Can he withstand such pressure and show his normal level?

No one knows.


In the locker room, Chen Yingxiong was tidying up his cabinet, taking away his belongings, and emptied the cabinet, so that the administrator in the locker room could re-allocate the cabinet to others.

Everyone has their own fixed cabinet, so if there is no accident, this cabinet will be reserved for Pogrebnyak who joined the team after he left.

The teammates watched him clean up his things, mirrors, combs, photos...Chen Yingxiong put these gadgets from the cabinet into the sports bag that he carried with him.

The feeling of parting is strongest at this moment.

Usually at this time, the locker room must be very lively, the music is playing, everyone chats and jokes, as long as Chen Yingxiong is there, the atmosphere will never be cold.

Now it is very silent.

After Chen Yingxiong packed up his things, Denisov, who had been watching by the side, walked up and hugged Chen Yingxiong.

"Is the Zenit St. Petersburg food and drink group going to break up like this?" he asked.

Chen Yingxiong shook his head: "Of course not, commander. It's just a change of name!"

"Changed a name?"

"Well, change to the St. Petersburg sub-rudder of the food and drink group! I will go to Naples to build a Naples sub-rudder. In the future, the people of the food and drink group can still meet. Now that the transportation and communication are so developed, is it difficult to meet each other?" Chen Yingxiong shot Pat Denisov on the shoulder.

Hearing what Chen Yingxiong said, Denisov smiled.

Other teammates also came up to hug Chen Yingxiong and said parting words.

After the game is over tomorrow, Chen Yingxiong will never return to this locker room. So we will meet again tomorrow, but it will be the last time we meet in this training base.

Krzakov gave Chen Yingxiong a punch: "You finally got out! Now it's my turn to score!"

When Anyukov learned that Yingxiong Chen was going to Naples to establish a sub-rudder, he encouraged him: "Go hard and start the name of our food and drink group in Italy! Let the whole world know that there is such an organization!"

Captain Timoschuk said to Chen Yingxiong: "I wish you good luck in Naples, hero."

When it was Arshavin's turn, he hugged Chen Yingxiong and gently patted him on the back. Chen Yingxiong bowed to his son, and said in his ear: "I'll go over and find the way for you, Shava!"

Arshavin nodded.

"I will remember all the fun and delicious places!"

Arshavin nodded again.

"See you in Naples next year!"


Chen Yingxiong bid farewell to his teammates in the first team, and did not leave directly, he went straight to the training ground of the youth team.

There he met Popovich, who is still the director of youth training.

"I think I should come back and see you before I leave, coach."

"Ha, you still remember me."

"Look at what you said. Although I didn't stay in the youth team for too long, I was promoted to the first team from the Zenit St. Petersburg youth team after all. I think... the youth team is my mother team, right?"

Popovich was very satisfied and very proud of Chen Yingxiong being able to come back and see himself before leaving. I am not too failed for such an outstanding player, remembering me.

"I guess you have received a lot of blessings from your teammates, do you want to hear something different?" Popovich asked.

Hero Chen nodded: "You said, coach."

"The Italian League is known for its defense. Their defense is completely different from ours. In Russia, you can hit the defenders with your body and make a **** way. But in Italy, this set may not work. Passed. Their defenders are experienced, good at blocking positions and predicting in advance. You can’t beat them just by fighting your body. So you have to practice your skills at your feet. Heading will not work. Learn to find Opportunities, create opportunities, instead of standing in the front and waiting for everyone to pass the ball. Change the environment and change a group of teammates and coaches, do they like you, are they willing to pass the ball to you, whether it will be like in Zeni That way you are allowed to attack wholeheartedly without returning to defense...These are unknowns. My suggestion is that you should think of the worst of the situation and prepare for it. It is always right."

Hero Chen nodded: "I see, coach. I know how to do it."

Popovich smiled, and then waved his hand: "Go, I wish you all the best over there, so that I can often hear the news of your goals. Otherwise, it means you have failed! Well, If you want, I think the door of the Udney Park Training Base will always be open for you."


Saying goodbye to Popovich, Chen Yingxiong called Panchenko again. He thought that this old man discovered himself first. If it weren't for him, none of these stories would happen, he is the beginning of everything. It was he who gave himself the opportunity to come to Zenit for training, and it was he who gave himself a ray of light, who was struggling in darkness and despair.

Therefore, I am now developed, and I should thank him in any way.

But it's a pity that none of his past calls were answered.

He didn't know what was wrong.

He hasn't made this call for a long time, and he doesn't know if Panchenko has changed his number.

In the end he had to send a text message.

SMS is particularly simple.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself."

After sending the text message, Chen Yingxiong threw the phone to the co-pilot, started the car, and slowly drove out of the Yodney Park training base.

He spent the days when he first came to the team here, and all the plants here are so familiar to him that he can replicate them in a virtual copy without any effort. Starting today, he will not come to this real Yodney Park training base again.

Although everyone said "Come back if you don't mix well", he would never accept such an ending in his heart. What does it mean to go back to Zenit St. Petersburg? It means that he can only fight in a second-tier league like Russia for his whole life, and never want to be a "green hero".

I won't come back if I don't mix well! !

No, it should be...I won't be back if it's mixed well! !

Goodbye, Russia.

Goodbye, those nightclub girls in St. Petersburg...


***, I forgot the time, sorry, this one is a bit late...