Hero of the Penalty Area

v1 Chapter 78: Be famous as early as possible

Chapter 78: Become Famous

The tit-for-tat report by Zhong Dajun and Xie Liang, Shuxi Metropolis Daily and Jinguan Express has completely made Chen Yingxiong popular in Chengdu.

Everyone now knows that there is such a character in Chengdu. He played in Russia. He scored ten goals in the 11th round of the league. He was kicked out because he was beaten by opponents with black feet in the country. The team only went to Russia. His father once borrowed money to take him to travel around Europe, just to find a club that can accept him...

He has so many legendary stories that people couldn't believe it at first.

After someone scanned or hand-typed these reports on the Internet, the first impression many people read after reading them was: "Fuck! This reporter came from the starting point!"

The article may not be convincing enough, but the photos are very convincing.

I have to say that Zhong Dajun is thoughtful. A picture dug from the official website blocked the mouths of all those who wanted to question habitually.

Moreover, he specially took the clear and large pictures and put them in the newspaper, so that everyone can compare them and draw their own conclusions.

In the face of hard facts, Xie Liang’s joking and cursing essay now looks like he’s licked his own mouth...

After that day, Jinguan Express did indeed receive many calls of protest and condemnation and letters from readers. The reporters and editors who protested and criticized them were mentally disabled. They didn't even do the most basic fact-finding. They started talking on such an influential media position, saying what kind of liar they were, and the result? Facts have proved that they are real heroes! It is indeed the pride of this city! What's the difference between such arbitrary behavior and those housewives who lengthen their shorts in the streets and alleys? Is this the attitude of responsible media and responsible journalists? !

A letter from readers with sharp words flew into the newspaper of Jinguan Express, and an impassioned phone call entered the editorial department. In those days, there was a mess in the office building of Jinguan Express.

Inside the newspaper, there was also a fierce battle.

According to the editor-in-chief, Xie Liang should be asked to conduct an internal review, and write a public apology letter and publish it in a prominent position in the newspaper to minimize the negative impact of Xie Liang's self-confident article on the newspaper.

But Xie Liang prides himself on the character of a literati, and never bows to these ugly black forces! Resolutely do not admit your mistakes! I will never write any public apology letter for the dog day!

"Anyway, I don't apologize! If you have the ability, you should fire me!" At the internal meeting, he patted the table to show off his literati vibe.

Then, he was fired...

Later, it is said that this person went to a Beijing media and relied on his joking and cursing style of writing, and he got mixed up. Later, he appeared on the Internet as a public intellectual and gained fame when he wrote about Piaotian Literature. But he has a habit. No matter where he is, any negative news that is unfavorable to Chen Yingxiong can always see him charging forward. The criticism is impassioned, and Chen Yingxiong is described as a scum scum that integrates the dark side of Chinese football... …But that’s all for a while.

Jinguan Express quickly lost his car to protect him, and published an apology letter written by the editor himself in an eye-catching position, which was regarded as a high-standard treatment of Chen Yingxiong.

However, Chen Yingxiong knew that this was not because the people of Jinguan Express had their brains opened up, but because Dracula who called them spoke fluent London accent and strongly expressed his dissatisfaction.

As Chen Yingxiong said, in the face of those who speak bird language, their knees are always habitually softer...

Two days after the quarrel between the Shuxi Metropolis Daily and the Jinguan Express, a large number of articles of this report were posted on the Internet. After spreading at the same speed of light in the Internet world, the previous vigorous "searching for hero·chen" campaign finally became a reality. The hero was found and ended.

But this is the beginning, not the end. Because Chen Yingxiong became famous on the Internet!

After he became famous on the Internet, the advantage to Chen Yingxiong was that the traditional media from other places knew him as the number one person. He began to receive calls from Beijing, Changsha, Guangzhou and other places, hoping to interview him.

The local TV station in Chengdu also approached the door carrying the camera.

My mother didn’t go to the store to help Chen Tao at all, and she stayed at home to help greet the reporters who came to interview... But soon she went back, because Chen Yingxiong was famous, many media ran to interview him. Father Chen Tao, by the way, also helped Chen Tao’s shop with free advertisements. Chen Tao’s business became a lot of business all at once, and he couldn’t be too busy alone...

During this period, Zhong Dajun contacted them several times, mainly to match them with other media. When the media did not know the contact information of Chen Yingxiong's agent, they could only interview Chen Yingxiong through Zhong Dajun. For a moment, Zhong Dajun seemed to be Chen Yingxiong's spokesperson in China...

Jinguan Express also photographed several influential reporters to interview Chen Yingxiong, expressing their apologies for the harm Chen Yingxiong caused by their reckless behavior.

However, the content of the interview is just a re-hype of Zhong Dajun's previous content, just picking up people's teeth, and it is really pitiful that the leftovers have not been eaten until they are warm.

But who can blame this?

Blame the "Uncrowned King" who thinks that everyone should honor him...

In fact, Chen Yingxiong's own reputation has not yet reached the point of making a national sensation, but the previous "searching for hero·chen" post on the Internet was very popular and attracted the attention of the print media. The influence of the Internet on this society has already begun to appear.

Chen Yingxiong may become the first Chinese player to become famous on the Internet.

But the kind that Chen Yingxiong expects is famous, and there are n many enterprise manufacturers who come to him to talk about product endorsements and corporate image endorsements. There is still a big gap...

Everyone just knows that there is a person like him, and they lack further understanding of him.

At least no one has seen Chen Yingxiong’s goals in the Russian Super League. Did he really score ten in the eleven rounds? Or is the statistics wrong? How do you score those goals?

There are a lot of questions anyway.

But you can never doubt the enthusiasm of the Chinese for football, nor the efficiency of the online media...

Soon Chen Yingxiong saw a video of the Russian Super League in sports, which was his hat-trick against Soviet Wings.

The title is very gimmick: "China's air tyrants show off their power, and the Russian superpower team was slaughtered!"

Chen Yingxiong was very happy. He didn't go anywhere for the whole day, so he refreshed the netizens' comments under the video at home to see how these people commented on him.

Moreover, it's not enough to be addicted. He himself registered accounts on Youku, Tudou, Kuliu and other video sites, and reposted it all in his head...

Then he started to refresh several websites at the same time...

Of course, most of the messages praised Chen Yingxiong, and some advised him not to come back and stay abroad for development.

However, there are always some who like to antagonize others to show their distorted superiority.

Someone pointed out the problems of Chen Yingxiong in a long commentary, such as single characteristics, rough skills, poor shooting skills...

Chen Yingxiong just sneered at this.

Next season, let you see a more powerful hero Chen!

Face slaps, people are best at it and like it!

During the next holiday, Chen Yingxiong, apart from accepting media interviews from all over the country, worked hard in the copy.

Most of the holidays have passed, and he has to work hard.

Dracula gave him a training plan, which was filled with the items he will practice this holiday and the results to be achieved...

The above is all physical training, including training subjects such as strength, speed, balance, endurance and so on.

Dracula explained to Hero Chen the usefulness of this training plan like a trainer.

Holidays are the easiest time to accumulate fat, so it’s more important to exercise during the holidays than exercise. If you can keep your body during the holidays, then by the pre-season training, you will always be one step ahead and get into the state faster and smoother. When it comes to the game, your performance will be better than others, and it will be easier to enter the head coach's sight.

Moreover, Chen Yingxiong's physical confrontation ability needs to be further strengthened. From the end of the season, Chen Yingxiong has been involved in hand-to-hand combat many times. His physical advantage is obvious when in sports, but not so much when he is completely still. It's easy to get it.

Dracula's advice to Chen Yingxiong is to gain another two kilograms of weight while reducing fat content, making the body stronger and easier.

According to this goal, Chen Yingxiong trained his life in the copy space. Although this kind of physical training can also be done in the gym, but... With Chen Yingxiong's current popularity, if he doesn't want to be disturbed by others, it is best to keep a low profile. a little.

While he worked hard to improve himself, more videos of Chen Yingxiong's goals in the Russian Super League were also discovered. There are all games that are broadcast live across Russia.

Chen Yingxiong's full of power, and the goal that meets the requirements of violent aesthetics, made viewers excited.

There has even been a fan group of Heroes Chen on the Internet. These fan groups have begun to spontaneously collect information about the Russian league and introduce it to everyone. Including the composition of the Russian league, the basic information and status quo of Zenit St. Petersburg... etc.

It has to be said that the presence of Chinese players has greatly increased the popularity of Zenit St. Petersburg in China. These are things that Zenit Club didn't expect.

After seeing these scoring videos, the Chinese media have also made up their minds. At the beginning of the new season of the Russian League, they will send people to St. Petersburg to follow and report on this Chinese hero who turned out!