Hero of the Penalty Area

v2 Chapter 38: Let us declare war with you! (Look for a

Chapter 38 Let us declare war with you! (Look for a monthly pass!)

The Naples fans thought that when Chen Yingxiong scored the first goal, they were already entangled enough.

How can I think that that is just the beginning!

Starting from the second goal, the time that really made them tangled has arrived.

He drew the faces of those extreme fans.

If in Naples, extreme fans are only a minority. So when he drew the face of the "Napoli", the Naples fans in the stands were almost tangled up.

Because they are beginning to find out—the person in front of them is very, very...very vengeful!

All the fans who have booed Chen Yingxiong before, raised their middle finger, and greeted the 18th generation of his family's ancestors and all the direct female relatives. In this "slap feast", no one wants to run.

Since before, these people regarded attacking Chen Yingxiong as a "national carnival", now it is natural that it is Chen Yingxiong's turn to enjoy this carnival.


What Naples fans are entangled with is that Chen Yingxiong’s hat-trick equalized the team, which is better than losing. After they finally wanted to cheer Chen Yingxiong from the heart, they found that Chen Yingxiong did not accept such cheers. , He suffocated their energy and slapped them.

So should they cheer for the goal, or continue to boo this uncomfortable hateful guy?


"This..." Not only the fans, but even the Italian commentators were surprised. When Chen Yingxiong raised his arm and drew the faces of the fans in the east stand, they even lost their voice collectively-because they had no idea what to say in the face of such a situation...

Later, after a while, they reacted.

"It seems that Hero Chen does not intend to accept the kindness of these fans..."

"He is intensifying contradictions! Does he still think he has not enough troubles and enemies?"

"This person is really hard to guess, what on earth does he want to do?!"

"I bet that the two consecutive slaps in the face of Chen Yingxiong must re-anger the Naples fans!"

Yes, when Chen Yingxiong slapped a second slap, the boos from the stands regained the upper hand, overwhelming the cheers that were evenly divided before.

This is also very normal, no one wants to put his hot face on others' cold ass.

But Chen Yingxiong didn't care. He didn't care at all whether the Naples fans liked him more or hated him more.

After slapping these people, he turned and ran back to the court.

This time everyone is no longer surprised by his behavior, or the degree of surprise is not as serious as before...because everyone has discovered that Chen Yingxiong is just such a person!

They just went up to express the joy after the equalizer, instead of supporting Chen Yingxiong and the fans in confrontation...


When Chen Yingxiong waved his arm and slapped the Naples fans, many of the local media reporters in Naples couldn't help but conditioned their heads back and looked up, as if avoiding the slap in the face.

Because they all know-in the process of anti-Chen heroes, they spare no effort like those fans.

Many people even wondered if Chen Yingxiong scored another goal in this game, would he come to slap them?

The more I think about it, the more I think this is possible.

But the Chinese reporters next to him were very happy. They liked the silence of the group of Italian reporters. It was so relieved! Didn't you instigate the fans to oppose Chen Yingxiong before? Didn't you twist his words to attack him? Didn't you give him a nickname to ridicule him? Don’t you claim that he is "the largest parallel importer in the history of Naples"?

Are all *** now?


We don't sympathize with you at all!

Talk nonsense, you have to pay such a price!


After Chen Yingxiong scored a goal, he slapped his fans to celebrate. This scene made Roma fans and players look stupid, and even forgot that their current situation is actually very unfavorable...

They had patronized the diorama before.

When the game restarted, they suddenly woke up-bastard! We were evened!

Three points became one point, and the two-goal lead became a 3:3 draw. This game...too ups and downs!

Well, Napoli is so tenacious...or that number nine player is so tenacious...but that's it, right? The hat trick is already his limit, right?

Although not able to take away a victory, considering that this is an away game, it is not bad to be able to take away a point. Originally the three-pointer was not in the plan.

When the Roma fans comforted themselves so much in their hearts, they didn't realize that their rhetorical questions were so unreliable, so unconfident...

Because they have been unknowingly frightened by Chen Yingxiong's crazy outbreak!

Today's hero Chen is completely different from the hero Chen they learned from the media before!

He is not the biggest parallel importer in Naples history, nor is he the worst signing in Serie A this season. He is like a red-eyed demon, launching a continuous charge towards the goal of Rome, one after another. The wave is higher than a wave.

Every time they charge, they can feel the earth trembling, and the stands are trembling, which is heart palpitating.


There were still a lot of booing against Chen Yingxiong in the stands. But at this moment, in China, in the east thousands of miles away from Naples, those fans are standing in front of the TV with excitement, clenching their fists and applauding every attack of Chen Yingxiong. Many of them roared. Voice, but this can't stop them from continuing to be so crazy.

Because, like Chen Yingxiong, they suppressed their inner emotions for too long. Since Chen Yingxiong joined Naples, they have been expecting Chen Yingxiong to bring them joy in Serie A.

They didn't think that what they were waiting for was Chen Yingxiong's low tide. He was particularly able to score goals in Russia. He arrived in Serie A as if he had forgotten his shooting boots in Russia.

Finally scored in the game against Juventus, let everyone think that this is finally good, right? How can I think of the endless ups and downs of the state that surrounds him not the news of goals, but the conflicts between him and the fans, the war with the media, the discord with his teammates, and the disagreement with the coach... All these make the Chinese fans who care about and like him feel very depressed and sad.

But what can they do? They are thousands of miles away in China. It is impossible for them to go on the court to pass the ball to Chen Yingxiong and help Chen Yingxiong score a goal, right? They couldn’t replace the main training that made them curse and don’t know how many generations. They couldn’t fight for Chen Yingxiong and the fans in Naples, and they didn’t have the energy to write articles to Italy and start a controversy with the Italian media that mocked Chen Yingxiong. …So, they can’t do anything except vent their sorrow and dissatisfaction on the Internet and yell at Naples.

Life is full of all kinds of hard things. Work is not going well, study is not going well, conflicts with girlfriends, small shoes are worn by the villain, go to the sauna and hit hard, and even eat the worms after eating rice noodles. , Helping an old grandmother to cross the road to do good deeds has been ruined... There are so many unsatisfactory things in life. Chen Yingxiong's performance and goals in the game are the best spiritual sustenance of these fans. From playing football in Russia, they read the newspapers, read the news the next day, and saw the news of Chen Yingxiong's goal. They were very happy and excited. All the previous troubles seemed to have been wiped out. The only regret is that they can only read the newspaper and watch sports news at a time and cannot see the game.

Well now, Chen Yingxiong went to Serie A. This is a veteran league that has been broadcast in China for 20 years. You can see Chen Yingxiong's performance on CCTV during prime time every weekend. It is said that CCTV, considering Chen Yingxiong's huge influence in the Chinese fan community, specially bought out all 38 rounds of the league in Naples, which means that everyone can see Chen on the Sports Channel or Fengyun Football Channel every weekend. The hero's performance!

They are looking forward to it with such excitement.

But what they are waiting for is indeed the ups and downs of Chen Yingxiong's state. He seems to put more energy on competing with the fans, the media, the head coach, and teammates, and forgot to score goals.

For half the season, they didn't see the arrogant Chen Yingxiong who "God blocked and killed God, Buddha blocked the Buddha" before.

Faced with the boos from the fans and the ridicule from the media, he did not make any powerful counterattacks.

But today!

Yes, just today!

When many people didn't expect much, and just let them sit in front of the TV to watch the match between Naples and Rome, they saw a scene that made them secrete adrenaline sharply.

Hero Chen has a hat trick!

Some fans simply burst into tears, and kept running down from their eyes.

When has Chinese football been so proud? Facing a strong team like Roma in the Italian Football League, which is known for its defense, a single man scored three yuan and completed a hat-trick!

Before Chen Yingxiong, no one had been able to do it!

Let alone do it, they can't even think about it!

The weakness and darkness of Chinese football make them dare not even have the power to dream. Whoever fantasizes about such a Chinese player showing great power in Serie A will be laughed at-"You still have illusions about Chinese football? Hahahahaha!"

However, Chen Yingxiong made them feel like they are living in a beautiful dream today, dancing with excitement, as if the clouds are flying in the mist.

"Well done! Heroes! Goal goals! Pump their faces! Pump Xie Yalong's face! Pump Nan Yong's face! Smoke the face of the Chinese Football Association!!"

They screamed, even if they were treated as neurotic by the people around them, they didn't care.

In life, they are hard-pressed mortals.

And when they saw Chen Yingxiong being so arrogant on the court, they felt like they were like Chen Yingxiong, and they could forget all the pain they have suffered this week.

Be an indomitable hero in this green field that makes men enthusiastic and makes women lose their feminine demeanor!

Let us give you our dying dream of being tortured by life, hero.

Let us give you the blood and passion that we are forced to hide deeply in my heart, hero.

Let us give you the edges and corners that have been smoothed by society, hero.

Let us give you all those things that only dare to think but dare not do, hero.

Let us spit on the enemy, demonstrate to the enemy, provoke them, and anger them. Even if we are facing hundreds of millions of people and the whole world, we are with you, raising our arms high and declaring war! !


***, thank you for being with me. With you, I am no longer alone in fighting, so no matter what difficulties and situations we face, we can all fight together!

Let us declare war to the chrysanthemums of the great gods...! !

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